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President Obama: “Ideologies Are Not Defeated With Guns. They’re Defeated By Better Ideas”

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Ah yes, the old “hearts and minds” strategy for defeating ISIS. Because Vietnam. No matter what you think of America’s pursuit of that war, the idea that America is going to somehow Tweet ISIS to death is beyond laughable. It’s disgusting. It’s demeaning to the tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children who’ve been – and will be – tortured, mutilated, raped, enslaved, beheaded, shot, burned alive, hung and drowned by ISIS. As this CNN documentary reveals, the aspiring Caliphate controls its citizens by combining the ever-present threat of savagery with brainwashing, browbeating and bullying. You ain’t gonna convince them that multi-culturalism rocks. The best you can do is . . .

kill the bastards. You know; the ones controlling the willing hordes. All of them. And yes, maybe some of their hordes too.

Air strikes are all very well and good. But there’s nothing like staring into the eyes of a human being armed with a gun – someone ready, willing and able to shoot you dead – to get you to see the error of your ways. To convince you to stop all that evil stuff (listed above) and consider an alternative lifestyle. And if you don’t, well, see the beginning of the previous paragraph for a potentially appropriate response.

I’m not saying we should put our troops in harm’s way – again, still – to cleanse the earth of this filth. Maybe containment is the best policy, at least for now. Maybe we should do what we’ve been trying to do without success for decades: train our so-called allies to do the “boots on the ground” thing. Maybe we should nuke ISIS from outer space, just to be sure (it would be a lot better way for the innocents to die). I don’t know.

But I can’t believe that the leader of the so-called Free World would step up to the microphone and caution against using guns to counter this anti-Christian, anti-semetic, anti-American, anti-human scum. Hello? Did we defeat the British colonial ideology with guns? Did we defeat the Nazi’s fascist ideology with guns? Did we defend democracy against Russia’s communist ideology with guns? Or did we talk them out of it?

The sooner this PC idiot is removed from office the safer we – make that the entire world – will be. Assuming, of course, we replace President Obama with someone who has a brain, a belief in freedom (ours first) and balls. Not excluding women, of course.

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