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Meet Jason Rzepka, Everytown for Gun Safety’s “Director of Cultural Engagement”

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I’ve said it a millions times: don’t exaggerate. Wait. That’s not it. Culture eats strategy for lunch. The Constitution is Americans’ shield against the degradation and destruction of their gun (and other) rights. Pro-gunners must fight to protect their right to arm-up in the courts and the voting booth. But the culture is the real battleground. On one hand: the anti-gun rights mainstream media and the politicians they enable. On the other: tradition, patriotism, Hollywood, video games, the Internet, hands-on gun fun and the politicians all that enables. Unfortunately, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety “gets it.” Hence . . .

the addition of a Stalinist sounding “Director of Cultural Engagement.”

Jason Rzepka is a former MTV Vice President of Public Affairs and head of communications at PopTech and IMAX. He now earns his crust “using culture to fight gun violence.” According to, Rxepka’s overseeing Everytown’s “storytelling efforts, celebrity engagement and the development of other cultural assets that mobilize Americans to take common sense steps that will help save lives.”

We clocked Everytown’s creation of  their star-studded, Hollywood-based Creative Council last week, but who knew the MTV PR flack was behind it? Jason’s public debut in the world of culturally-minded anti-gun agitprop exploits Everytown’s Scientology-like outreach to Hollywood hypocrites arrived via an email blast:

One of the reasons we go to the movies is to escape. The world can be stressful, and sometimes the only way to deal with it is to grab some popcorn and have a good laugh.

But this summer, once again, a movie theater became a crime scene. This past July, 11 people were shot in a Louisiana theater while watching Trainwreck.

Since that horrible day, Judd Apatow, the director of Trainwreck and other iconic comedies like The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up has redoubled his commitment to the gun violence prevention movement.

And he’s partnering with Everytown for his sold out comedy show in New York City.

Make a donation today and you could win a trip to New York and tickets to Judd’s comedy show at Carnegie Hall on November 14. All proceeds will support Everytown and the fight to end gun violence in America. Support the cause and have a few laughs.

Trainwreck? I guess Jason doesn’t “do” irony. But I bet he does lunch. Lots. And so should we. So should we.

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