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Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: FPSRussia (Sixth Time)

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According to our stats, FPSRussia is the gift that keeps on giving. As much as I enjoy the traffic—which is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the faux Russian’s YouTube viewership—I’d love to see ole’ FPS shoot responsibly. At that point, FPSRussia would never darken our IGOTD doors again. Alas, his latest cinematic sortee has all the familiar failure features: a) shooting without eyes or ears b) breaking the 180 rule with his camera man c) shooting at close objects without regard for collateral damage. I, however, have a new angle on his steadfast refusal to be a proper inspiration to his legions of young fans. Shooting without proper protection is irresponsible because our medical system is expensive enough without adding the cost of avoidable emergency care. Know what I mean?

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