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Incendiary Image of the Day: Gun Owners Eat Babies Edition

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“Given that some sort of horrific, headline-grabbing school shooting now occurs in the United States at a rate of once a week, it’s hard to argue against the idea that gun violence is as much a national pastime as baseball,” cartoonist David Horsey writes in an rant accompanying the image above. “And, unlike baseball, the season never ends . . . The United States is the only advanced, industrialized country with this problem. In less-developed regions there are countries where gun violence is rampant – places like Somalia and the Central African Republic, but those are anarchic places where no effective governmental authority exists. In America, we have a government that some people believe is too big and overbearing, yet when it comes to guns, we might as well have no government at all.” Wait. Isn’t that exactly what the Second Amendment says? So I guess we agree. [h/t Jon Y.]

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