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Gun Fact: There Are Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

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I’m not very good at math. My SAT math score was 220 points lower than my English score. So when I encounter studies that seem to prove that gun control is a good thing, I defer to former DHS number cruncher Nick Leghorn and former Navy submariner Bruce Krafft. They inevitably show that the studies are skewed, flawed, biased, massaged and otherwise manipulated to reach the desired conclusion. That said, I’m pretty good at spotting lack of context. For example . . .

Gun control advocates admit that a large percentage of firearms-related deaths are suicide-related, but cling to the belief that curtailing access to guns (i.e. gun control) is the answer there, too. What doesn’t get mentioned: it’s nearly impossible to kill yourself with automotive carbon monoxide anymore. There isn’t enough of the gas in a modern car’s emissions. So…gun. Who’d a thunk it?

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