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GQ: No Self Defense for You!

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Writing for GQ, writer Drew Magary [above] says “F*CK Ben Carson.” Magary deployed the epithet because presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson dared to advocate defending oneself and others. “The Good Doctor made it clear this week that he iss not only willing to replicate Trump’s signature brand of hot-garbage-spewing, but he’ll say even DUMBER shit. Here is Carson from earlier in the week on the Oregon shooter . . .

‘Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, ‘Hey, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.’

Magary goes further, describing Carson’s comments as “stupid.”

You are now bearing witness to an arms race of stupid, because stupid is in such high demand from the GOP base at the present moment.

Having read a couple of Magary’s rants, I’m convinced that he actually believes that self-defense is irrational. Which is rational. To justify civilian disarmament, a disarmist must portray armed self-defense as illegitimate. If a right to self-defense is inherent and legitimate, a natural right to arms is clear.

But convincing people that self-defense as illegitimate is difficult. It goes against human nature, thousands of years of history, and the moral codes of most of the world’s major religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism, Hinduism and most proponents of Buddism.

Many people eschew it, though, because they’re unwilling to take responsibility for their own defense. Others do so because they don’t trust themselves to act responsibly. Still others base their calculations on the assumption that governments are benevolent and will protect them.

These arguments work best in cultures that have been so successful in promoting the rule of law that they are extremely peaceful. That’s what happened in England and Wales, and in other parts of the Anglosphere such as Canada and Australia.

Ironically, the more that people believe that violence is common, the harder it is to convince them that self-defense is illegitimate. As crime ramps-up in England and Wales, a resurgence in support of the right of self defense has developed.

Civilian disarmers are self-defeating when they attempt to use the argument that society is violent, therefore people should be disarmed. They are, in a word…well, you know.

©2015 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

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