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Fake Senate Gun Rights Election Ad = Phallic Fail: Just Thought I’d Leave This Here

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This spoof ad starts pretty well — comedically speaking — until Freddy Scott deploys the “gun owners have small dicks” shtickAd nauseam. 

The idea of an object as phallic compensation is often attributed to the makers of the Chevrolet Corvette. Sorry, Sigmund Freud. Because guns are phallic and the cocaine-sniffing father of psychoanalysis was deep into psycho-sexual pontification, complete with archetypal associations.

Gun rights advocates counter that supposedly Freudian notion with a quote misattributed to the Austrian analyst: “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.” As well the equally non-Freud derived remark “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

Freud said neither. In fact, he wrote this about guns, well, weapons and male phalluses (phalli?) in 1958’s tome Dreams in Folklore:

The representation of the penis as a weapon, cutting knife, dagger etc., is familiar to us from the anxiety dreams of abstinent women in particular and also lies at the root of numerous phobias in neurotic people.

Which tells us not a whole lot, really. Especially as Freudianism is a crock and the cocaine-sniffing doctor never cured anyone of anything ever.

Anyway, the basic idea — that gun owners as a class of people are sexually under-endowed compared to, say, gun control advocates — is scientifically undocumented. Factually challenged, if you will. And just plain stupid.

Which is entirely besides the point for advocates of civilian disarmament. They want to promote the idea of gun owners as mentally challenged deviants. So they’re dicks about it. Denied any factual basis for any of their arguments, they resort to ad hominem attacks on those fighting for firearms freedom.

Suffice it to say, there’s another meaning to the expression “well hung.” Let’s hope it never comes to that.

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