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DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Are Pro Shooters Even Human?

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After the course of fire above, pro shooter Max Michel says a bunch of words, indicating that he’s a human being capable of human speech. But I wonder . . . the things Max and his cohorts can do with a gun aren’t what I’d call normal. Check this out . . .

“Max Michel is the only shooter to hold seven WSSC titles, having won the last four consecutive years,” sponsor Action Target proclaims. “At this year’s competition, Max set a new world record with an overall score of 74.84, which included a new world record on the final stage (Outer Limits) of the match to secure the win. Max now owns the overall course world record and seven (of eight) stage world records.”

I’ve met a full mag of these guys at the NSSF Fantasy Camp — and so can you. If and when you do you’ll know that they are, to a man and woman, some of the nicest, friendliest, most modest and unassuming people on planet Earth. But fire-up your phone, put a gun their hands and you’ll know that slo-mo is the only way to go.

Have you ever seen a pro shooter doing his or her thing? What was your reaction? Did it inspire you, humble you, or both?

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