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Coalition To Stop Gun Violence Doubles Down on SWATting Open Carriers

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The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s Director Of Communications is meshuggener. I used to believe Ladd Everitt was crazy like a fox – creating incendiary rhetoric to stir-up rabid anti-gunners out of expediency, rather than personal belief. Not anymore. First, there was Everitt’s bizarre claim that enacting gun control would restore the “true meaning” of the Second Amendment. And now this . . .

In an article entitled Gun control groups accused of ‘swatting’ open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk, highlighted CSVG members’ plan to call 911 on Americans open carrying firearms (legally). Although Fox News had Everitt dead-to-rights on the strategy – republishing a CSGV Facebook post [above] recommending dropping the dime on open carriers (a story highlighted here on TTAG) – I was expecting Ladd to prevaricate in the face of the resulting pro-gun outrage. Nope.

“In an era in which individuals are being allowed to carry loaded guns on our streets with no permit, background check or required training, it is common sense for concerned citizens to call 911 when they see an armed individual whose intentions are unclear,” Ladd Everitt, director of communications for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence said in a statement to “These [open carry] laws guarantee that we—and law enforcement—will have no idea about the criminal and/or mental health background of these individuals until they actually commit a crime; and by then it could be far too late.  We have full confidence in our men and women in blue to assess these situations.

“Gun-toters who are truly law-abiding and mentally competent have nothing whatsoever to worry about. Their conversations with law enforcement will be brief and professional,” he added. “As for those who are dangerous and have something to hide which would not withstand the scrutiny of a background check or permitting process, they should expect to face some tough questions as a result of these 911 calls. And that makes us all safer.”

See what I mean? Everitt really does want people to call 911 when they see someone open carrying legally. I don’t think it’s too much of a leap to suggest that the head of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence wants responding police to kill a legally armed American. An outcome many of his followers have openly wished for.

Simply put, the CSGV has proven itself to be the dictionary definition of a hate group, urging violence upon law-abiding Americans. They should be treated as such by the government. What’re the odds?

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