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Breitbart to Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: “Bring it on!”

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I love this guy. No namby-pamby, wishy-washy, “let’s all sing Kumbayah” and share our feelings with the group crap. Andrew Breitbart calls ’em as he sees ’em. And what he sees is an assault on gun rights, specifically because many of those in groups espousing gun “control” share an agenda that includes disarming the opposition. Wow. I sense a disturbance in the force. I can hear all those on the Left that read TTAG readying their tar and feathers. But wait a tick. I think there’s some middle ground here, and before we get into yet again another flame war, I think Breitbart’s position bears some examination . . .

It’s been said that fortune favors the prepared. Or to put it another way, “know thine enemy.” And make no mistake about it, there are people out there that are enemies of the 2nd Amendment, if not the entire Constitution. Gun rights? Pffft! For instance, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence believes that the Heller Decision was (get this:) insurrection rhetoric. Um. Yeah. Right.

This gets into the same kind of logical fallacy that we all learned about in school: “All Dentists are Doctors, so that must mean all Doctors are Dentists.” Wrong. So when we find out that a vast majority of people that join groups like The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence align themselves with labels like “Liberal” and “Progressive,” it’s easy for those of us on the right to mistakenly get the idea that ALL Liberals and Progressives hate guns, want to squelch our rights to self defense, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Which takes us back to Breitbart. Keep in mind, Andrew Breitbart is a target. A BIG target. He’s got (count ’em) FOUR websites (,, and that tweak the noses of the Progrescenti on a daily basis. As such, he’s set himself up as a target, and groups like the CSGV take the bait like a shark lapping up chum in the water. Many of these folks drop the mask every so often and reveal portions of their agendas that the ordinarily keep from the public.

One such revelation stated that Progressives “didn’t get it” when it comes to why Conservatives cherish and protect their 2nd Amendment rights – that the Conservatives realize that the last line of defense against Progressive and Socialist policies the the ability for the populace to defend themselves against the government.

You’ll get no argument from me on that one. Your results may differ. But Breitbart (more or less understandably) paints his pictures in black and white. In this, he’s no different in practice from member of the mainstream media – the only distinction is that his bias is on the Conservative, not Liberal side of things.

If you watch the video above, Breitbart is responding to yet again another hatchet job he’s received from the CSGV minions. In a nutshell, his response: Bring it on! As he aptly points out, Second Amendment supporters outnumber those against, and we have guns.

Let’s be realistic here. While Breitbart is correct that Americans that support private gun ownership outnumber those who do not, the idea that we’re all armed is just a tad bit overly-optimistic, I think. And we don’t need to get into the whole “does he really think it’s gonna come down to people defending their rights to guns with the “out of my cold, dead fingers” option? Maybe. Maybe not. Remember, Breitbart deals in media, and the first rule of media is to grab the reader’s/viewer’s attention. Nothing like a little bombast to stir things up, eh?

So what have we learned here today? That not all Liberals want to take our guns and enslave us. And not all Conservatives are knuckle-dragging rednecks, clinging to their guns and their religion. But as long as liberals that believe in gun rights remain silent in the face of those who claim to speak for all Liberals, few people will realize that gun rights are a bit more nuanced than just claiming that Conservatives are for ’em, Liberals agin ’em.

Class dismissed.


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