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Australia: Proof That Red Tape = Gun Control

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“[Queensland’s] Newman government has set up a pro-gun advisory panel that will advise on how to cut the ‘red tape, delays and bureaucracy’ gun owners face when applying for a licence or a new weapon,” reports. That can’t be right, can it? “All six members have links to the gun lobby, and include firearms dealers and shooting association representatives.” That can’t be right, can it? Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers [above] doesn’t think so . . .

“Red tape in this instance means risk-mitigation and having appropriate safeguards, which we want to keep in place. A reduction in red tape around gun ownership will simply mean more people will die. It’s as simple as that.”

In fact . . .

“Since 2000, half the police gunned down in the line of duty were killed by licensed firearms owners.”

Wow. Really?

As it’s past midnight in Queensland; I can’t find the Union statement (thanks for the link guys). Nor can I call the Union for a citation for the cop killer stat. But here’s the same story from

“Statistically, since 2000, police are just as likely to be killed by licensed firearm owners,” [Leavers] said in a statement.

“If anything, we shouldn’t reduce red tape for gun owners but increase it.”

Just as likely to be killed by licensed firearm owners” is a world of meaning away from the assertion that 50 percent of shot cops were shot by legal gun owners stat. And if we’re talking stats, what’s the absolute number of legal and illegal gun owners in Queensland who’ve shot cops?

Obviously, Leavers is talking cobblers, using scare tactics and lies to make sure members have access to lethal force, rather than the people who pay their salaries. This from an organization whose website bitches and moans that they don’t have enough members to protect the public.

Anyway, could this be the start of Australians reclaiming their gun rights? If it is, it’s just baby steps. All the group wants to do: make it easier for Queenslanders to renew their license, the acquisition of which requires so much red tape Christo could use it to wrap the Shrine of Remembrance. How fitting would that be?


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