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Army Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Over Obama Assassination Threat [Video NSFW]

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Imagine being a rock star who spouts testosterone-triggering tirades about evil government gun grabbers and the machine gun love they engender. And the crowd goes wild! At no point should you imagine someone daring to tell you to STFU because you’re damaging the very cause you’re promoting. Yeah that’s not gonna happen. Right until it does. Which will be some point long after you “discover” that you can say any damn thing you want about guns and gun grabbers without any blowback. Blowback like this: “Commanders at Fort Knox, Ky., nixed Nugent’s segment of a June concert after the rocker and conservative activist said at a recent National Rifle Association meeting that he would be ‘dead or in jail by this time next year’ if Obama is re-elected.” According to the AP Uncle Ted’s indignant . . .

“To think that there’s a bureaucrat in the United States Army that would consider the use or abuse of First Amendment rights in determining who is going to perform at an Army base is an insult and defiles the sacrifices of those heroes who fought for the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights.”

Notice that the Motor City Madman singles out “bureaucrats.” A great deal of Ted’s schtick—I mean deeply held beliefs about the sacrifice and honor of our fighting forces center on his support for the troops. So he wants the world to know that he still has solidarity with our men (and women) at arms.

Only now the Nuge may be doing it accidentally, like a martyr. ‘Cause it seems the idea that he’s his own worst enemy doesn’t get a look in. Especially after he got whacked for an illegal bear hunt. Contrite? Ha!

He told the AP that he advises fellow hunters, “even when you are aghast at a maniac, inexplicable, illogical law, please abide by those laws at all costs.”

Nugent said the prosecution in U.S. District Court was the result of a “witch hunt” by federal officials over his activism.

“We the people are turning up the heat,” he said. “And that’s why I’m being singled out by certain fish and game agencies and certain U.S. attorneys.”

Note to Ted: just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that you can say anything, anytime to anyone. In fact, just the opposite.

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