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Apple iPhone X: Three Reasons Gun Owners Shouldn’t Buy One

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Wait. What happened to the iPhone 9? Has Space-X made the letter X too cool for school? Anyway, the latest, greatest iPhone is not suitable for The People of the Gun. Here’s why . . .

1. It’s a thief magnet

The iPhone X retails for just under a grand-in-the-hand. The price plus the limited supply/strong demand means that iPhone X will sell for a premium on the black market.

Because the iPhone X will be relatively easy to spot — large size, no home button — thieves will know that’s the one they want. To take from you. Physically. Most likely on the street, when you’re distracted by the X’s mesmerizing OLED screen.

Being mugged poses an imminent, credible threat of grievous bodily harm or death. As an armed American, you do NOT want to increase your odds of being mugged. If nothing else, the post-defensive gun use police paperwork is insane.

2. Facial recognition removes security safeguards

Unlock your iPhone just by looking at it! How great is that?

Great for the cops in the post-DGU scenario described above. Instead of asking you to unlock your iPhone with your pin or finger — which you can and should refuse to do without your lawyer’s say-so — the boys in blue can just point your X at your face.

By the same token, smart criminals (they do exist) know that some people keep passwords and PIN numbers on their phones. The bad guys can also point your “liberated” iPhone X at you, unlock it and peruse for your precious stored information.

3. You could buy another gun instead!

These days, about the only person without a smartphone is someone who just had theirs stolen and hasn’t made it to the store yet. Which means dropping a grand on a new iPhone is hardly likely to leave you iPhoneless. But deciding not to will leave you with some “extra” money in your pocket. Money that you could spend on a brand new gun!

Note: my accountant tells me that logic is faulty to the point of delusion — and potential penury. But I did mention that these warnings are for The People of the Gun, who share a particularly new-firearm-friendly perspective.

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