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Americans for Responsible Gun Ownership Playbook Reveals Fundamental Dishonesty of Gun Control Advocates

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Ask and ye shall receive. Yesterday, I requested a copy of the new gun control playbook created by Americans for Responsible Solutions, the anti-gun org run by lobbyists Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. An eagle-eyed reader spotted the online text (posted by our ballistic BFFs at Bearing Arms) and sent us a link. Check out this chart:

Right from the start, ARS warns gun control advocates not to use the words “gun control” — even though that’s exactly what they really, really want. A rose by any other name would still smell just as fetid. But what do you expect from a civilian disarmament organization euphemistically called “Americans for Responsible Solutions”?

And then ARS recommends obfuscating their opposition to the NRA by calling their opponents “the gun lobby.”

As you and I know, the “gun lobby” consists of Americans who seek to defend and extend their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. ARS wants citizens to think of those who support firearms freedom as a nameless, formless, evil conspiracy. Something dark and to be feared.

As I mentioned previously, gun control advocates are less likely to give up their reliance on waving the bloody shirt than alcoholics are to give up booze. That’s what the mainstream media wants, and the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex depends on the “oxygen of [free] publicity” that Margaret Thatcher warned against in her campaign against the IRA. Which is why ARS wants its surrogates to do it better.

“Use statistics that define the problem and reveal effectiveness and need for commonsense gun laws.” In other words, use false and misleading statistics to make the case for “gun violence prevention” (they forgot their own advice). Because the factual facts simply don’t support the case for civilian disarmament.

“Talk about closing loopholes like criminal background checks, stronger, responsible or commonsense gun laws.” But don’t “talk about stricter or new gun control laws.” Because telling the truth gets you nowhere when you’re trying to enact new and stricter gun control laws.

ARS closes by counseling its supporters not to “Talk about creating a national gun registry, or banning or confiscating guns – none of which are policy priorities or have widespread support among gun violence prevention organizations.”

See what they did there? A gun registry and confiscation are not “policy priorities.” But they are in the cards, yes? In other words, ‘be vewy, vewy quiet. We’re hunting gun rights.’

The rest of the document fleshes out these talking points. As expected, it’s a sickening look at the lengths to which gun control advocates will go to disarm civilians. Excepting, of course, police. Because guns in the hands of the state are critical to their true mission in life: the elimination of individual liberty in the name of societal safety.

You have been warned. Now, who will create a pro-gun doc to help supporters of firearms freedom fend off the spin doctors of civilian disarmament?


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