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26 Dems In House Sit-In Were Gun Owners

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Make no mistake, the inexorable growth of government, always-more intrusive regulation and the ever-increasing horde of unaccountable bureaucrats has begun to result in blowback from the citizenry. For proof, you only need to look at the unlikely rise of a candidate like Donald Trump and the result of yesterday’s Brexit vote in the U.K. The latest example of government elites displaying a naked double standard — because remember, they know how you should live your life better than you do: the fact that the House hissy fit thrown by Dems unhappy with their inability to further restrict their constituents’ gun rights included 26 gun owners.

As reports:

The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.

That second one —  ‘no-fly, no-buy’ post-Orlando push — would be a civil rights disaster if it passes. But don’t try telling that to your Democrat elected representative. Because in the words of the esteemed John Garamendi, too many people are buying guns over the internet for anyone to truly be safe.

Here’s HEATSTREET’s naming and shaming of the hypocritical 26:

Is your rep on the list?

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