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What the CIA Hack Tells You About Smart Guns

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Gun control advocates love them some “smart guns”: firearms that won’t fire unless and until some electronic doohickey recognizes a pre-authorized user. Think of the children! The People of the Gun are about as excited at the prospect of “smart guns” as Star Wars fans are at a Jar Jar Binks spin-off. And that’s because . . .

Any gun that has some form of electronic control can be jammed or disabled remotely. Suffice it to say, EMP. It would take a knowledgeable engineer about thirty minutes to create a backpack-size device strong enough to disable any unshielded electronic device (and that’s not a tiny shield).

Before the Wikileaks info on CIA programs to use Samsung TVs as undetected listening devices, gun control advocates would have labeled any such worry as tin foil hat right wing paranoia.

Actually, they still will. But now opponents of mandatory “smart guns” (as per the New Jersey law) can point to the CIA hack and say, yeah right. Hey, it’s something.

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