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Violence Policy Center: Blacks Can’t Be Trusted With Guns

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Distinguished Gateway City barrister and TTAG reader Dirk Diggler emails the following: “So the VPC wants guns taken away from all blacks. That’s how I read this article. No 2A rights for my peeps. They can be racist and get away with it without the media doing anything. Got it.” Here’s VPC’s take-away from the numbers they’ve compiled . . .

For blacks, like all victims of homicide, guns — usually handguns — are far and away the number-one murder tool. Successful efforts to reduce America’s black homicide toll, like America’s homicide toll as a whole, must put a focus on reducing access and exposure to firearms.

Strangely enough, the VPC’s report, titled Black Homicide Victimization in the United States, doesn’t mention how many defensive gun uses blacks engaged in during the study’s time period (2012). Naturally, the VPC’s prescription — “reducing access and exposure to firearms” — would have a negative impact on law abiding blacks’ ability to defend themselves against criminal predation. Apparently, blacks aren’t trustworthy enough to make decisions about armed self defense for themselves.

Not that the elitist gun grabbers at the VPC care one whit about them. No, they assiduously ignore the other side of the “gun violence” equation — armed self defense — and patronizingly claim to know what’s best for blacks (and all Americans), even if we’re too thick-headed to realize it.

I’ll leave a detailed take-down of the numbers behind VPC’s little PR exercise to someone like Nick who’s not as numerically and statistically challenged as am I. Not that the supporting data’s accuracy really matters much.

Just like the carpenter whose only tool is a hammer, the solution to every problem the VPC and their fellow travelers in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex see is more gun control laws and fewer firearms in the hands of civilians. No matter what the Second Amendment may say. Or the experience of other countries where civilian firearms ownership has been banned.

Gun control’s roots lie in 19th century efforts to disarm blacks. It seems some things never change.


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