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Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: The Consequences of Taking Bad Advice, 3D Fear and Girl Power in Spokane

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What happens when you listen to the Brady Campaign, who knew this suit had zero chance of success . . . My Daughter Was Murdered in a Mass Shooting. Then I Was Ordered to Pay Her Killer’s Gun Dealer.

Working for the Brady Campaign became a flurry of media appearances and meetings with politicians, police, and survivors. The Brady leadership also encouraged Lonnie and me to sue Lucky Gunner, the dealer that sold the stockpile of ammo to Jessi’s killer. We agreed that dealers should have to take some responsibility. Shouldn’t they have to vet a buyer of military-grade weaponry? Or a buyer of bullets en masse? The primary goal of our lawsuit was to make the gun dealer change its business practices—at a minimum, to ask for proof of identity and do a background check.

The case would go on for three months, yet we never met the judge and never saw a courtroom. When the judge dismissed the suit, he said, “It is apparent that this case was filed to pursue the political purposes of the Brady Center.” In my opinion, the law that protects the gun dealers also bars people like us from our constitutional right to be heard.


CNN explains it all for you . . . How US gun culture compares with the world

The US has one of the highest rates of death by firearm in the developed world, according to World Health Organization data.

Our calculations based on OECD data from 2010 show that Americans are 51 times more likely to be killed by gunfire than people in the United Kingdom.

Most American gun owners (two-thirds) say a major reason they own a gun is for their personal protection, according to the Pew study. However, the majority of America’s firearm-related deaths are attributed to self-harm.

Gun-related suicides are eight times higher in the US than in other high-income nations.

OMG! You really can’t stop the signal! OMG! . . . Fear of downloadable guns becoming a reality

The 3D design files for guns are readily available. But the threat isn’t from the cheap 3D printers, though, because they can only produce low-quality weapons, usually in plastic. It’s from the more accurate computer-controlled milling machines, the prices of which have plummeted in recent years. They produce high-quality parts in metal.

And it’s not individual criminals we should worry about, it’s the organised gangs.

Inside Italy’s Thriving Gun Culture. Yes, Italy

JAGDHUND Jackets Travel from Field to Fashion

BESSEMER, Ala. (July 19, 2017) — JAGDHUND, the Austrian-headquartered clothing line steeped in tradition, quality and innovation, is pleased to offer U.S. consumers its exclusive line of field jackets. The four beautifully designed jackets are intended to function in the field, but they are so versatile, sharp and easy to wear that they are also the garment of choice for Wall Street and Main Street. Combining all-natural materials such as wool, camel hair and alpaca, these JAGDHUND jackets offer quality in design and appearance for both field use and social occasions.

Trooper Cederberg shot 12 times in 50 seconds during Christmas night shootout

Oregon State Trooper Nic Cederberg was shot 12 times in 50 seconds during a Christmas night shootout last year.

That information was revealed in a letter from the Washington County District Attorney’s Office announcing their conclusion that Cederberg was “completely justified” in using deadly force against homicide suspect James Tylka that night.

“It is clear, after my review of this investigation, that Trooper Cederberg acted under the reasonable belief that James Tylka was ‘using or about to use unlawful deadly force’ against Trooper Cederberg at the time he fired his weapon,” wrote Washington County Senior District Attorney Bracken McKey.

Where there’s demand, there will always be supply to fill it . . . America is driving gun sales on the dark web

Sixty percent of all the weapons sold on the dark web are smuggled out of the US, according to research from the RAND Corporation. It, along with the University of Manchester, began investigating the illegal trade in firearms, explosives and ammunition available on Silk Road-esque marketplaces. The pair believe that sellers are making a killing by buying guns in the US and shipping them to Europe, where prices are higher.

Another revelation is that the weapons available are far newer, and are of a far higher quality, than would have been available on the analog black market. As New Scientist points out, “lax gun laws in the US are undermining stricter rules elsewhere,” especially in Europe. In addition to guns and ammunition, people can buy tutorials explaining how to make bombs or convert or reactivate replica and deactivated firearms.

Your feel-good story of the day . . . Teen Girl Uses Dad’s Gun To Defend Herself From Home Intruder

The incident started around 5 a.m. after deputies in Spokane spotted a stolen car and were pursuing the suspect. However, authorities soon lost track of the carjacker after he managed to escape on foot.

After watching the early morning news, 17-year-old Kimber Wood’s boyfriend and parents warned herabout the incident. Since both her parents and boyfriend had left for work, Wood’s phoned her father and asked if she could use one of his guns for protection.

Wood’s father gave her permission and she put the gun under her pillow before falling back asleep. However, a short time later she awoke to the sound of the screen door opening.

The Second Amendment doesn’t mention any exceptions for disabilities . . . Fargo resident advocates for gun rights for visually impaired

While Congress considers the National Reciprocity Act of 2017, which upon passage would allow concealed weapon permit holders to carry firearms in all 50 states, Carey McWilliams, one of that bill’s big advocates, was around the country hunting for grizzly bears.

This took an unexpected turn when he discovered there is a national network of blind concealed firearms carriers.

Carey, 43, of Fargo, has been included in this column before, as he is the first totally blind person in the United States to get a permit to carry guns in public. For this, he has received praise from other blind concealed firearms carriers, some of whom he has helped get their own gun permits and with hunting.

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