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TTAG to Ad Age: FOAD

Ad agency Preacher's United Rifle Association anti-gun agitprop (courtesy
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I publish The Truth About Guns, a pro-2A gun blog. If I was the publisher of, say, Ad Age, I wouldn’t take a political stance on any issue. If the advertising community created some politically minded work like, say, a campaign for gun control, I’d cover it. Fairly. But I wouldn’t create the campaign. Obviously. But then I’m not the publisher of Ad Age, who felt compelled to write this . . .

Orlando. Las Vegas. Sutherland Springs. Sandy Hook. Benton. It. Keeps. Happening. Mass shootings occur with horrifying frequency in the U.S., and Congress seems hell-bent on ignoring them. Which is why we’re reaching out to the creative community to produce work that confronts the issue of gun violence head on. This may be one of the world’s most difficult briefs: Tackle the gun-fatality epidemic in a way that could help lead to a solution.

Our hope is to get real sponsors on board to support the most promising work. Perhaps in 2018 we can all do some good.

Shut. The. F. Up. Seriously Ad Age, there’s enough anti-gun agitprop out there without you asking for more in a transparent attempt to polish your [imaginary] halo. To make ad industry whores feel good about whoring.

And what the Hell is this? A “sample” pro-gun control campaign from the ironically indeed blasphemously named Austin ad agency Preacher that tries to undermine America’s oldest civil rights organization? I’m not the biggest NRA fan, but this trojan horse ad campaign is seriously whack.

The NRA’s descent from a respectable organization of marksmen into a lobbying shill for gun manufacturers has splintered its member base. Research shows a growing number of NRA members don’t agree with the organization’s current policies, and among the majority of gun owners, the NRA’s policies seem extreme.

Creating a counter-balance to the NRA’s political power and influence is no small task. We will start by chipping away at it bit by bit. Our strategy will be to attract moderate and progressive gun owners, with a more reasonable approach to gun rights and ownership. The result will be uniting disgruntled NRA members, moderate gun owners and disenfranchised public representatives in a place where it is safe to vote their conscience.

A safe space! Which is exactly what America won’t be if anti-gun progressive degrade and destroy Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.

Shame on Ad Age‘s self-righteous political pandering to the forces of civilian disarmament. I only hope they don’t have to live with the consequences of their willful ignorance. Then again, they work in anti-gun urban enclaves. So . . . good luck with that!

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