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Selfish Gun Owners Killing Jobs. Something. Must. Be. Done.

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It’s no secret that the economy’s in the dumper. Despite years of stratospheric government spending, the unemployment rate’s still well north of nine percent. And that’s just the official statistic. Include the underemployed and people no longer bothering to look for work and we’re talking numbers that start with a two. But it’s time gun owners look in the mirror because they bear a large part of the responsibility for this devastating problem…

Despite massive investment in shovel-ready projects, the best government minds using the latest in Keynesian theory and central planning techniques haven’t been able to make a dent in the problem. In fact, it’s only gotten worse.

Many experts, including the President himself, have done what they can to find the reason behind the stubborn unemployment problem. And some prominent job-killers have been identified. For instance, there’s the pernicious advance of automation. You know…those virtual one-arm bandits of high finance, the ATM machines.

Then, of course, there are lazy world travelers. That’s right, spoiled convenience-addicted airport patrons resort to that scourge of idle airport cartwranglers everywhere, the roller-bag. And you just know that most of those job-sapping jet-setters are blithely rolling their way to and from private jets. Am I right?

What’s that, you say? You refuse put tellers out of work by using ATMs? And you won’t buy a bag with wheels on ethical grounds? Well, that social consciousness is certainly admirable.

But hold that smugness for a minute, Armed Intelligentsia members. You’re not blameless here. No, not by a long shot. It’s time you own up to the very real part you’re playing in keeping thousands of people in the unemployment lines.

That’s right. You’re a gun owner. And as gun rights and ownership have expanded, the violent crime rate has dropped. Significantly. Sure, you’re protecting yourselves, your loved ones and your property. You’re not letting yourselves be the victims of senseless street crimes, home invasions, armed robberies of businesses.

Sounds like a good thing, right? Well think again. All that sanctimonious self-sufficiency has cut down on the need for a lot of public- and private-sector jobs. Think for a minute about all those police officers, EMS workers and insurance adjusters who’d otherwise be drawing a salary. People who would be dealing with the aftermath of hundreds – maybe thousands – of crimes are, instead, collecting unemployment checks.

Feel good about yourselves now, gun owners? What’s it like living with the knowledge that by self-indulgently taking responsibility for your own safety, you’re helping to keep innocent people out of work and holding back the economic recovery?

So do us all a favor. Find the nearest buy-back program and get rid of those dangerous weapons. You’d probably only end up shooting yourself or having the gun taken away from you by a criminal anyway. Leave the responsibility for your protection where it belongs – with the trained professionals who know how to use guns.

You’ll sleep a lot better knowing every gun you get rid of is another job created or saved. And have a happy Independence Day weekend.


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