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Self-Defense Tip: You’re Not a Cop

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Our man at Active Self Protection reckons non-law enforcement officials (LEOs) can learn from this police encounter. He wants us to recognize the distinctions between can, should and must shoot in a defensive gun use. Yes, well, he misses the most important distinction viewers can, should and must draw from this video: you’re not a cop.

You, the non-LEO, are under no obligation to confront bad guys, contain bad guys or disarm or disable bad guys. Your number one job? Survive. Protect innocent life if possible. Your number one strategy? GTFO. Leave.

If you’re walking-up to a guy who suddenly pulls a rifle from his truck in a [presumably] offensive manner, you need to get behind cover or concealment FAST. Draw your gun as you move away. If you can safely leave the scene and call the police, what a good idea! Do it.

What if the bad guy stops and you’re holding him at gunpoint? Tell him to STOP as you continue to back away. If an armed-in-any-way bad guy’s within striking distance (see: Tueller drill), if he takes one step towards you, he’s posing an imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm. You are within your legal rights to use lethal force. Do it.

By the same token, if you have to physically attack someone, say, there are innocents that you can’t abandon or you’re in a confined space, you need to attack with complete and total aggression.

One punch? To quote Will Smith, oh hell no. Lots of punches. Elbow strikes. Kicks. Eye gouges. You’re not trying to take anyone into custody or avoid charges of police brutality. You’re fighting for your life. The best way to make it impossible for your attacker to kill you: hit him with overwhelming, unrelenting force. And then GTFO.

What if you’re holding a gun in your hand fighting a perp on the ground? You need to get up and away from your opponent — with your gun — ASAP. Put the gun down as you grapple? Are you kidding? Use it as a club? Yes! Either that or it may be time to Zimmerman him.

This incident ended well for the cop. You’re not a cop. Don’t do what he did.

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