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Question of the Day: Do You Talk About Carrying a Gun?

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One of the sports columnists who writes for the local fishwrap newspaper here also has a daily radio show. Besides commenting on the urgent sporting news of the day, he’ll occasionally ramble on about personal matters. And one of the tidbits he’s shared with the local population of 2.5 million is the fact that he has a concealed carry license. He’s even blabbed about where and when he chooses to carry. As far as I’m concerned, just like Fight Club, the first rule of concealed carry is . . .

You don’t talk about the fact that you carry. And the second rule of concealed carry is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU CARRY. If you think about it, yakking about it tends to negate the whole concept of “concealed.” You gain absolutely nothing from letting others know you carry and it can lead to problems. Things like acquaintances wondering what you’re so scared of, people with other than good intentions knowing you own guns, buddies asking to check out your heater.

I’ve texted the local media dude and advised him to STFU about his gun habits. There’s no way of knowing whether or not the message got through, but he hasn’t mentioned guns since. Do you tell people you carry again? And if you do, why?

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