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Question of the Day: Are You A Target?

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Over at, scribe Steve Tarani offers three ways to “break the cycle” of a violent attack. “Don’t put yourself in harm’s way (no need to go to the ATM at 2 a.m. in a bad neighborhood), don’t be an attractive victim (cash hanging out of your purse, belligerent or drunk in public, etc.) and make the bad guy ask himself the question, ‘Are there softer targets around’ and answer ‘Yes.'” Mr. Tarani’s advice is more difficult than it sounds . . .

The first part seems simple enough: avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things. The second and third bits not so much.

If you own nice things — cars, clothes, watches, diamond jewelry, guns, restaurants, etc. — you are an attractive target. And other than indicating situational awareness through posture and scanning [and hiring effective bodyguards], how do you make yourself a harder target than some other schmoe?

I don’t wear fancy clothes or wear a Rolex, but . . . playing billiards on 6th Street makes me a target. Running this website makes me a target. My Mercedes SUV makes me a target. I reckon I have reason to tool up — and hang out with Esti Ginzburg (who’s a way softer target than me).

How much of a bad guy target are you? Do you do anything lifestyle-wise to reduce the odds of a violent attack?

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