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Question of the Day: Should TTAG Be Reporting This Story?

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As you no doubt know, the vast majority of concealed carry permit holders are peaceable people. Well they would be, wouldn’t they? Concealed carry permit holders have gone through a criminal background check; past history is an excellent indicator of future performance. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Well there would be, wouldn’t there? We’re talking about millions of people. But should we be talking about those people who have a concealed carry permit and do bad, bad things? Take this story from . . .

Antonio Seisdedos, who claims to be a former Marine, was arrested in Davie Thursday after the girl’s mother allegedly checked her cell phone and discovered lewd text messages and photographs of an adult man.

In the messages police said date back to Feb. 24, Seisdedos allegedly complimented the girl on her beauty, described how babies are made, discussed how to avoid getting pregnant, and also praised her on her love-making skills.

On April 4, the mother reported the texts to police, who learned from her daughter that she met Seisdedos at a Publix supermarket in Davie.

He allegedly told her she was cute and they exchanged phone numbers — all while knowing she was only 14.

When they later met up, police said the girl performed oral sex on him . . .

This week a detective pretending to be the girl on her cell phone reported Seisdedos tried contacting the girl with an offer to get them a hotel room and some condoms . . .

Police, who reportedly came equipped with a tactical team because of his concealed-weapons permit, broke his SUV’s windows when he allegedly refused to get out of his vehicle. That’s when they found condoms, a loaded handgun, a shovel and duct tape in the SUV.

In court on Friday, he appeared visibly bruised and slashed without a reason given.

If To Catch a Predator is any indiction, Mr. Seisdedos’ cuts, scrapes and bruises are down to the fact that cops like to tackle pedophiles and mash their faces into the pavement. Just because they can. And speaking of Chris Hansen, the TV show’s host, did you know he was filmed cheating on his wife with a woman 21 years his junior?

I mention this because the truth can be damned inconvenient – especially when you adopt a strict line on a particular issue. As TTAG does with firearms freedom. But lo, though we walk through the valley of Moms Demanding Action, we fear no fact. And it is a fact that some concealed carry permit holders are bad people, some of which abuse their gun rights in the worst possible way.

But it’s also true that the majority of law-abiding gun owners should not have their rights restricted because of the irresponsible and/or illegal behavior of a few. If that were the case, we would have no rights at all. Still, should TTAG shy away from stories where gun guys and gals go bad? Is our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day feature irresponsible?

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