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DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: How Many Americans Own Guns?

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The New York Post may be the right-leaning paper in Gotham, but it’s still decidedly and assiduously anti-gun. Always has been. Hence they jumped at the opportunity of the latest Washington Post’s latest poll on gun ownership to put this little presentation together.

Yet if you view the graph at the WaPo link above, you’ll note the conspicuous drops in reported gun ownership in 1994 (Clinton’s “assault weapon” ban) and 2012 (Obama’s post-Newtown anti-gun jihad). Our fanatic friends who make up the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex read reports like that and see visions of formerly deluded gun nuts, heads hung in shame, dropping off bundles of firearms at “buy backs” all across the fruited plain.

The People of the Gun, however, freshly back from unfortunate, fumble-fingered boating trips, look at the same reports and see ever fewer people willing to answer in the affirmative when asked about their gun ownership by a stranger on the phone.

We already know that NICS checks set new records virtually every month, with no let-up expected. So which is it? What’s your best guess? In an increasingly bifurcated, polarized country, how many people really do own guns?

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