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Note to New York Mayor Bill De Blasio: Fire Some Policemen STAT

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Many TTAG readers think I’m anti-cop. Not true. I’m anti bad cop. For the sake of argument, I’d also like to point out that I’m anti-politician. Not bad politician. Politician. I consider all politicians inherently corrupt. But seeing as I can’t think of any better way to organize society than a Constitutional republic, which includes politicians, I tolerate their existence. Nice of me, right? Anyway, the New York Police Department did it again: reports that “New York’s finest” turned their back on Mayor De Blasio, in public, en masse, in protest of his remarks about police prejudice and procedure. Which leads me to conclude . . .

that it’s time – past time – for Mayor De Blasio to fire New York City Police Department Chief William J. Bratton and as many of his subordinates as it takes to regain control of the NYPD.

Whatever you think about De Blasio’s remarks prior to the assassination of two officers by a cop hater, Hizzoner is not responsible for those deaths. But he is responsible for making sure that the police are answerable to the public that employs them. Represented by himself, the Mayor of New York City.

When the police are turning their back on Mayor De Blasio, when they initiate what is effectively a work stoppage, deciding for themselves which laws to enforce and which laws are not worthy of their time, they are turning their backs on public accountability. They cease to be citizens and start to be an army unto themselves.

You know where I’m going with this one: the NYPD are becoming an armed army of occupation amongst a disarmed populace. That is completely unacceptable and needs to be fixed now.


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