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Nikki Goeser Adds What the Reporter Left Out

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Yesterday we posted a story about Nikki Goeser’s efforts to get Tennessee retailers to take down their ‘no guns allowed’ signs. While we picked it up at the Democrat and Chronicle’s web site, she’d originally given the story to Bobby Allyn at her home town paper, The Tennessean. But hold onto your hats…it turns out that when Allyn wrote the story of Nikki and the loss of her husband, some of the important parts were left on the cutting room floor . . .

Nikki put up a comment under our post and we’ve exchanged a few emails as well. Here’s an edited compilation of what she’s told us:

The Tennessean did not report on the fact that I had been a handgun carry permit holder for a year prior to my husband’s murder. Because of Tennessee state law at the time, I had to leave my gun locked in my car that night because I was not allowed to carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol.

The man that killed my husband Ben had been stalking me. The Tennessean could have done better on the facts of our story. The article made it look like I only became pro-gun after Ben’s death. You can see an accurate version of the story here.

I had asked the writer if I could review what they were going to put out to the public first so I could check it for accuracy but he refused. I knew the second I saw the sentence under my picture saying that I keep an UNloaded gun, I was going to “get it” from the pro-gun community for carrying a rock. LOL. My gun stays loaded, of course.

We’ve asked Nikki to to write something for TTAG and hope she’ll be able to fit it into her busy schedule. A schedule that includes receiving the NRA’s Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award in the next few weeks for her Second Amendment advocacy.

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