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Florida Heading Towards Open Carry. Maybe. Again. Still.

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If Florida finally passes an open carry bill, residents of the Sunshine (AKA, Gunshine) State with a concealed carry permit will be good to stow openly this July. The carnage unleashed by Texas’s box-fresh permitted open carry law in the last week argues against it. Oh wait. While the assault media is highlighting the Florida PD’s opposition to open carry, I reckon they’re doing little to inhibit its support, and much to highlight the fact that they have to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution before they can ignore what’s in it. That said, reports that one police group’s on the side of the angels. With conditions . . .

Only one statewide police organization, the Florida Police Chiefs Association, supported the bill. That support came after an amendment guaranteed police would not be liable for infringing on someone’s rights when they have probable cause to believe a person openly carrying a firearm does not have a concealed carry permit.

And that support has been controversial; many police chiefs have spoken out against their own association on the matter, including (West Palm Beach Police Chief Bryan) Kummerlen.

Many! But in the cake-taking department, I submit the following for your consideration:

Referencing recent mass shootings, from Sandy Hook to San Bernardino, West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio asked, “Is there anyone who thinks this is the right time to make it more difficult for our police to protect us?”

Why does the mayor think that armed self-defense inhibits the police? Because statism. And police unions. As if you didn’t know.

[h/t MN]

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