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Federal Gun Registry: MAIG’s Last Stand?

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You may recall that the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) began their post-Newtown civilian disarmament campaign with “Demand a Plan.” As we pointed out on numerous occasions the “plan” they were demanding was . . . demanding a plan. Mayor Bloomberg’s homies didn’t crusade on ammunition magazine capacity limits or banning modern sporting (a.k.a. assault) rifles or anything specific, really. They simply waved the bloody shirt, trusting that their supporters would let Bloomberg’s backroom boyz iron-out the details. Now that a federal assault weapons ban is DOA and mag cap limits are a non-starter, MAIG has suddenly focused on a specific proposal. And no wonder . . .

“Universal background check” sounds perfectly acceptable. Why not run all gun sales through the FBI NICS to prevent firearms sales to criminals, madmen and (literally) terrorists? Forty percent of all firearms sales have no checks at all! 

Truth be told, it’s not forty percent. The ridiculous claim is based on a 1997 National Institute of Justice telephone survey. Anyway, it’s not as if background checks do squat for stopping criminals from purchasing firearms. Statistically, you can round down the number of felons caught attempting to purchase a firearm through a gun store to zero.

Truth be told, universal background checks means universal gun registration for law-abiding American gun owners. As in a federal gun registry. A registry that would place additional burdens on gun owners (registration fee, future taxes) and set the stage for confiscation.

Yes confiscation. The Hurricane Katrina gun grab and New York’s ironically named SAFE Act (mandating registration of modern sporting rifles and forbidding in-state transfer of same) are all the proof you need that registration leads to confiscation. Not to coin a phrase, this shit is real.

And while we’re on the subject of irony, am I the only one who finds it funny (sad) that cops are touting universal background checks for Mayor Bloomberg’s Boyz?

Especially [Denver] Colorado Deputy Chief William Nagel, who agrees that universal background checks help preserve our Second Amendment rights [from people like him] and states that universal background checks “help us keep you safe.” Mag cap limits too, eh Chief?

Are we really at the point where the majority of Americans trust the police to protect their constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms? I don’t think so. But we shall see.

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