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How A Shot to the Head Killed Osama bin-Laden

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It’s now been officially unofficially confirmed by the Associated Press that Osama bin-Laden was shot twice by U.S. Navy SEALs in the actions of May 1st, 2011. Once in the chest, and once just above the left eye. Why the chest and eye? Because it works, that’s why … So, what exactly happens when you get shot in the head?


Pictures of the raid on Osama’s Pakistani compound have been released – Reuters has obtained images of three unidentified males killed during the action, two appear to have died as a result of headshots, the third looks to have taken lead to the chest.

Citing the likelihood that it would incite violence, and be exploited as a propaganda tool by al-Qaeda, President Obama made the executive decision to withhold the death photo of Osama bin-Laden himself. In his own words; “we don’t need to spike the football.” Personally, I’d like the old head on a pike approach..

The two men above appear to have been killed by shots to the ear, and just below the lower lip. Depending on the angle of the shooter, strikes in both of these locations result in almost instantaneous flaccid-paralysis as they are likely to destroy both the Medulla Oblongata (yes; the very same organ made oh-so-famous by “Col. Sanders” in The Waterboy) and severely damage if not destroy the upper Central Nervous System / brain stem.

This hit-area is referred to as the “T-zone,” and can roughly be described as a “T” formed between the outer rims of the eye sockets, and the base of the lower lip. – Penetration at a head-on angle nearly guarantees instant incapacitation and death.

Headshots are ‘effing hard to accomplish. Even if you hit the target in the head, there’s a significant chance that the curved structure of the skull will deflect the bullet – even if only slightly.

Center of mass is usually the name of the game for most civilian shooters, law enforcement personnel, and soldiers. Why would you aim for the head? The target may be wearing body armor, they may be holding a hostage, they may have a weapon, or you might just be that bad-ass (here’s looking at you, U.S. Navy SEALs).

It takes thousands upon countless thousands of rounds expended to become proficient enough to aim for a moving target the size of an apricot and reliably expect to hit it (even at point blank range). Let’s not forget – that apricot is attached to something that’s probably shooting at you, making the task even more daunting. The professional marksmanship shown above is a testament to the skill of those men who were called in to do the deed. Thanks guys – you kicked ass.

When it absolutely must be killed instantly, destroy the brainstem – “shot, stopped, and dropped.”

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