We’ve recently reported how many gun owners and gun-rights groups are urging President Donald Trump to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Now, the agency has provided yet president another reason to consider that action.
A federal lawmaker is accusing ATF leaders of attempting to circumvent President Trump’s executive order to ban diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. According to a report from thenationaldesk.com, U.S. Rep. Eric Burlison, R-Missouri, stated that the ATF changed a job title to skirt the ban instead of eliminating a DEI position within the agency as directed by the president.
According to Burlison, that is yet another reason the agency should be eliminated, rather than reformed as some suggest.
“The ATF defied @realDonaldTrump’s order to place DEI workers on leave, instead giving their DEI officer a new title,” Burlison wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “They attack citizens’ rights, ignore leadership and act as though they’re above the law. Enough is enough. Time to abolish the ATF!”
Burlison has long criticized the agency that President Joe Biden has weaponized against lawful gun owners, manufacturers and retailers. Earlier this month, he introduced a bill in Congress to abolish the agency.
“The ATF is emblematic of the deep-state bureaucracy that believes it can infringe on constitutional liberties without consequence,” Burlison said in a press release announcing the measure. “If this agency cannot uphold its duty to serve the people within the framework of the Constitution, it has no place in our government.”
The DEI executive order was among several signed by President Trump on the first day of his presidency. It mandated that all federal government agencies close their DEI offices immediately.
“The Biden Administration forced illegal and immoral discrimination programs, going by the name ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI), into virtually all aspects of the Federal Government, in areas ranging from airline safety to the military,” the executive order stated. “That ends today. Americans deserve a government committed to serving every person with equal dignity and respect and to expending precious taxpayer resources only on making America great.”
Rep. Burlison’s accusations center on ATF Chief Diversity Officer Lisa Boykin. As stated in the TNND report, her job title was recently altered to “Senior Executive” without any explanation for the change.
While President Trump has been very busy during his first week in office, aside from shuttering the White House Office on Gun Violence Prevention, actions on guns and gun rights have been mostly nonexistent. It will be interesting to see what he decides to do about the ATF, which he has also been critical of in the past.
every organisation is doing this.
Merit and fitness to then is like garlic and holy water is to a vampire.
Call it what it is: The Deep State. The massive expansion of the federal government has led to millions of federal civil servants with lifetime employment. They are like the sergeants in the military, i.e., the ones who are always there though leaders may change with some frequency. They are the ones who control what gets done–or not done.
God damn you people are stupid.
Been fun on r eddit lately neighbor.
Nuh uh, I voted for Kamala Harris.
Me am smart
“We are smart. We have photon torpedo.”
Another comment vanished. All about how stupid jsled was for continuing to use the same tactics that caused a red wave.
God damn, you are one heck of a friendly person.
The one and only way to long term fix this problem. Is to fire a million or so government employees. You have no civil right to someone providing you a job. You can certainly pursue your happiness and become self-employed.
Yes BUT they are civil service employees who have a bunch of rights at will employees do not. It is pretty hard, from what I understand, to fire one of them short of retirement.
Mark N.,
I wonder if a sitting President could order a civil service employee to a new job task where said employee has to do something bizarre and wholly undesirable?
An example of such a new job task would be inspecting apparently blank sheets of white paper for ultra low-contrast and ever-so-slightly-off-white ink lettering/messages. I have to imagine that a civil service employee who stares at blank white sheets of paper all day would quit such a job after several months.
Absolutely can do it here in NY for all but a few positions……..part of the reason I get assigned all kinds of weird shit. With that said I think Federal civil service outside of law enforcement has fewer protections than we do.
Tax collections enforcement.
The BATFE is never going away.
I think sending thousands of IRS agents to the southern border, is a great way to cause many to quit. And find employment elsewhere.
A smaller IRS would be wonderful.
And the way the left puts it we need all these third world randos to fill a never ending list of job vacancies so lets free up some federal bureaucrats to fill this need.
For years many politically inept Gun talkers slandered and libeled POTUS DJT just as bad as democrats and now the blowbags act as if through thick or thin they were always on board the Trump Train. I know who said what and when and thought they were moncho men for throwing Trump under the bus. It’s the same self serving turds who thought nothing about having to be a member of a so called Gun Rights org. to exercise a Constitutional Right. Just like the forum’s resident twerp noid did yesterday when a judge ruled concealed carry could be enjoyed by members of certain orgs. and the hell with everyone else. To sum it up there are a lot of Gun talkers who are to the 2A what a drunk farting gasbag is to fine dining.
Ok Darkman
Hey Void
you think Deb and Dark(man?) are one and the same, paid trolls, or lovers?
but does the exact same thing need to be summed up everyday?
ya hear that geoff? you’re like totally moncho or something.
Serious question; what are “moncho men”?
Some of us just want DJT to do something good for gun owners instead of using executive orders to ban legal products such as bump stocks which laid the groundwork to ban FRT. I have said for a long time DJT is no friend to gunowners. If he abolishes the ATF I will take back every negative thing I have ever said about the man.
Before everyone jumps my ass, I am fully aware he is not as hostile to the 2A as the Democrats are, but that is a far reach from calling him a friend or ally of the 2A.
This is simple. Put the DEI person on leave, then put their supervisor on leave and under investigation then fire them both.
“It mandated that all federal government agencies close their DEI offices immediately.”
Its a little bit more than that. He ordered the offices and all programs, practices, and related to shut down immediately.
After that, in compliance with the order and direction from the White House, OPM issued an order that all of those employees were to be placed on administrative leave ‘pending review’ and the agencies were directed to submit plans/coordination to fire all of them ‘immediately’.
I kinda mixed on this one. Do we really want the ATF hiring the best and brightest.
Any and all gun laws are unconstitutional. “Shall not be infringed” sounds pretty simple to me.
With that said, without any restrictions on arms, there is no need for any enforcement group.
Let them all “ learn to code” and get rid of the AFT.
I have but One Question:
The ATF is running rampant, even after Trump’s Inauguration,
everyday there is something NEW in the news that they did Illicitly.
WHEN is Trump going to do something with the ATF?