By Richard Hays
The Gun-Free School Zones Act is a federal law that prohibits any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a firearm in a “school zone” [18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25)]. The school zone includes the grounds of public, private, or parochial elementary schools and high schools, and the areas within 1,000 feet of those grounds.
The two most important exceptions to this law are that (1) states and their political subdivisions can issue licenses that exempt individuals from the prohibition, and (2) if your home happens to be located within the federal “gun-free school zone,” federal law still allows you to keep a firearm in your home.
That’s the end of story, right? Unfortunately, not.
You may find this hard to believe, but during this COVID-19 period in the U.S., the “school zone” may be redefined by some overzealous school administrators to include your own home due to online learning. Even if you could previously have a gun within a school zone, it may not matter anymore. Yes, a designated “gun-free” school zone could be coming to your home.
How could this possibly happen?
It’s Your Home and You can Do Whatever You Want, Right?
Not so fast. For starters, schools are racing to adjust to the “new “normal,” taking into account the virtual classroom and its impact on school dress codes, lunch programs, bad classroom behavior, and more. When it comes to redefining a “gun-free” school zone, it’s within the realm of possibility that officials could attempt to include your own home.
The federal law on Gun-Free School Zones leaves it up to the states to define exactly what a school is and is not. It’s even possible that some schools may adopt a “no weapons on zoom” policy given that the platform is now the “school.”
Not possible, you say? Well, in these times of pandemic and distance learning, it seems a lot is going on that infringes on your freedoms. Let’s examine how this could happen.
Many states prohibit the carrying of firearms on school property and at school-sponsored activities or events which can occur off school property. For instance, in Michigan, the definition of “school property” includes property used for school purposes to impart instruction to children, and firearms are generally prohibited on school property.
In Texas, firearms are generally prohibited in the physical buildings of a school or educational institution, as well as on any grounds where an activity sponsored by a school or educational institution is presently being conducted.
Is Virtual Learning a School-Sponsored Activity?
These laws and others lead to the very real concern that virtual learning is creating a situation where parents will be told they must remove all firearms from their homes. When a child is at home attending online classes, the home is arguably being used for an activity sponsored by a school or educational institution. Do parents need to be concerned about this?
Teacher Saw an 11-Year-old Student with a “Gun” Visible On Camera
This happened recently at Seneca Elementary School in Maryland. School officials there stated that the home is controlled by the school’s authority during the course of the virtual school day.
At this elementary school, a teacher became “alarmed” by a scene inside a student’s home. The teacher spotted a “gun” visible on camera and mounted on a wall in what appeared to be the student’s bedroom. The teacher then alerted the school authorities. What the teacher actually saw was the fifth-grader’s BB gun collection hanging prominently on the wall.
![baltimore student bb gun online](
On June 1, 2020, school authorities contacted the police, who came knocking on the door of Courtney Lancaster Sperry’s home to investigate the conditions within her fifth-grader’s bedroom.
Sperry knew that under the Fourth Amendment, she didn’t have to allow law enforcement into her home without a warrant, but opted to do so anyway.
After 20 minutes of searching Ms. Sperry’s home, the officers commended the 11-year-old for his proper mounting and stowing of the BB guns. Police found nothing to cause alarm and left. What they found was a regular kid in pursuit of his dreams of becoming an Eagle Scout. The boy took great care to neatly, securely, and proudly display his Red Ryder BB gun, airsoft rifles, compound bows, and other gear on his bedroom wall.
Watch Out for Changing School Video Conference Policies
You’ll want to be aware of any changes to school policies regarding the virtual classroom and online learning. How your student appears on camera and what can be seen in the background around your home may become a violation of school policy, potentially resulting in disciplinary action, suspension, or even expulsion.
In District of Columbia v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court established that the Second Amendment protects the right to keep firearms in the home for self-defense. Because of Heller, it’s unlikely that a law-abiding gun owner could be criminally charged or forced to remove firearms from their home simply due to online learning.
School district and school board policies are a different matter. The courts provide far greater leeway to schools when it comes to establishing codes of conduct, disciplinary rules and safety procedures. A violation of these school policies could result in suspension or expulsion. Even if you wanted to challenge the school’s policy as unconstitutional, you could be faced with years of legal delays and extreme disruptions to the learning and education paths of your children.
Richard Hayes is an Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield.
RE: The previous post. Home school. Eff the gubmint indoctrination center. My granddaughter’s are home schooled. And they are doing very well…ditto my brother’s 10(!)kids. All doing well. Oh and get rid of Siri😕
1 for homeschooling.
The only downside is a lack of friends and socializing. Kids need other kids to go chase around town with, otherwise they will probably be like me; nearing 30 and pretty much alone my whole life. Make sure they don’t miss out.
Tbh, get rid of all “listening” devices. I have a cell phone, but it does not travel with me anymore. I have a physical switch on my computer microphone. I’m aware speakers can be turned into microphones by mucking with REALTEK audio drivers, but it was only a proof of concept a few years ago and I doubt anyone will put that much effort into ease dropping.
“The only downside is a lack of friends and socializing.”
You sir need to get with the 21st century. I’ve watched home schooler’s have meet up’s at the YMCA for swimming activities. I’ve watched them meet at the gun range. And its pretty crowded with all those kids there. There are huge networks of parents who use email. Just like you do.
The education establishment are liars. They know the home schooler’s get together all the time for group activities. Home schoolers go on field trips. Most public school kids don’t.
+1 to all of this.
We home schooled our children until they were middle school age. At that time they were enrolled in private Christian schools. Something as ridiculous as declaring our home a gun free school campus was never considered. As for these other issues. Social contact was accomplished through the church, karate for John and ballet for Katherine. Their cousins, neighborhood friends and the children of mine and their mother’s friends. Field trips? The city of St. Augustine, Kennedy Space Center, Florida Museum of Natural History, Tallahassee Museum, FSU Marine Lab, Philadelphia Institute of Science/King Tut exhibit, Independence Hall & the Liberty Bell, Museum of Natural History NYC, many state & national parks and thousands of hunting and fishing trips. Yes, they count. (Or at least I counted them and was never challenged.) They transitioned to middle school seamlessly. Today they are well adjusted, well employed, independent young adults with many friends. Home school is for those who don’t want the government babysitting their children. I mean real home schooling. Not this virtual crap which is nothing but the government coming into your home.
Most of the homeschool kids I know are far better socialized than their public school counterparts. School is a very artificial environment, and does a pretty poor job of preparing children for life.
The nearest YMCA is around 80 miles from here, maybe living in the countryside was the problem and I should have been in a nice suburb with a park.
My brother’s kids are home schooled and don’t have the social maturity and skills they should, and they seemed to be mostly kooked up in their house. My kids in public school, get along with everyone, many friends, play team sports (before covid) and have nerf guns. Homeschooling is not for everyone especially if the parents ain’t doing a good job.
My wife, a kinder teacher, tells me it’s the parents’ job to raise their kids and that’s exactly what we do. I talk to my kids everyday about how was school what did they learned. They are not being indoctrinated or learning how to be future hippy dippy liberal snowflakes socialist. Especially not on my watch. On a side note,keeping it gun related, my kids apparently know more gun facts and specs than I do.
With respect, I’ve only ever heard this asserted by people who have no experience with homeschooling.
Actual statistics, corroborated by my own, anecdotal experience, indicates that homeschooled children turn out to be very well-socialized. Of course, as is common in the homeschooling community, the loci of socialization for us are the nuclear and extended family, and the church family. Public indoctrination centers are not needed for socialization.
+1 to all of this
And. The statement implies that the state is need to help socialize children. No, only the networking parents, their church groups and social organization, private clubs, model airplane, model railroad or rocket clubs, 4H, etc, etc. Are needed to socialize kids.
Another reason to homeschool indeed. Better education, better influences, better morality and real responsibility. Best thing parents can do for their kids. While we are at it… Why not make firearms training part of the curriculum? Best. Class. Ever.
+1 to home schooling. New this school year and never sending them back to that failed system.
I find that homeschooled kids know how to talk to adults better than “regular” school kids who only talk to each other. They can converse with the HomeDepot guys about board feet, tile measurements etc.
“Regular” kids are great at “social media mean girl stuff”. (Just an observation from the suburbs.)
I always said public schools are a danger to our children, well I have been proven right close down all these public schools, teach your children at home, and yes get rid of many of the electronics that are spying on us including your smart tv phones I block all cameras on my computer phone they might hear but they are not going to see if I can block it
Think of it….school districts could declare that they have authority to dictate what you feed your child at “school”, or any other number of health things. In “safe storage” jurisdictions, the districts could send cops in to ensure you are obeying safe storage laws.
Our local public school sent out a questionnaire in May to find out if you were coming back to their school next year.
Now they’re crying for more money.
Tells you plenty about that failed system.
Teachers in public schools are leeches. Not “hero’s”.
Doesn’t the state decide what is a school? Fire drills, nurses, rec facilities, all needing to be inspected and licensed/certified/approved by various agences, departments? Perhaps the school committee must tour each school?
When the school pays the mortgage and utilities for the house they can dictate.
And how many people are taking Pelosi’s government assistance right now?
Go LARP on that engineering website and leave the real men alone you 🤡.
Not me. I’m fucking paying for it.
Beat me to it. When they clean the floors, do the dishes, cut the grass, clean the gutters, cook lunch, clean the toilets, repaint, new carpet, wash the exterior, take care of pest control, pay the internet bill, etc.
And not even then.
You joke, but this was a real issue in the early days of “work from home” because OSHA mandates that any place an employee works must be a safe workplace, is subject to inspections, and is required to meet all safety guidelines (approved chemicals and SDS, cord management, trip hazards, etc) – even if you are working out of a desk in your own bedroom. Even now, employers are on the hook for home injuries if they are related to work while the employee is working.
Maybe they have an argument about what is in the cameras view? If so that is easy to fix. However if they (School) authorities attempt to say it’s the entire house and property there’s going to be a problem. It would work both ways if the teacher was working from home.
That and the whole house concept is pure BS. That teacher should be charged with making a false report or similar.
With respect, the camera view doesn’t belong to the school anymore than the home. If legally owned property is visible in the camera shot… welcome to how cameras work. The school is welcome to say and do absolutely nothing, because that’s exactly how much say they are entitled to: none.
If certain people claim not to see a difference between pixels on a computer screen vs. a weapon brought to an actual school with intent to cause harm… well those people are either stupid or they’re liars.
Probably they’re both.
Hey I get it but school children have been disciplined across this country for stuff they post on-line and having nothing to do with education. When it comes to firearms the school industry is beyond nuts.
One recent case IIRC was a kid who posted a pic of a trip to a gun range with his father.
Give these school admins and teachers an inch and they’ll be in your bedroom and bathroom too. There is no consequence for them to report you because it’s all ‘about the children’s safety’.
I have a kid in the community I work with via mental health services. He was already on thin ice with the school and just re-entered after an long term suspension and out of home placement. He posted some things online via Snapchat that were distasteful but nothing related to school, hurting anyone, or directed at anyone at school. This was during the summer, posted via his personal devices, and didn’t use any school resources. “Someone in the community “saw the posting, and reported it to the school board. The school board did not follow proper protocol, through discipline matters he should have been talked to by his principal and then it would be escalated through the ranks. In this case the assistant superintendent directly handled this case and it went directly to the school board, where he was once again disciplined and placing an alternative education setting. The school definitely overstepped his boundaries, this is a 1A issue and his guardian ad litem is possibly going to be bringing in the Rutherford Institute and some other legal resources. I am furious with this outcome. Some of what I’ve been trying to talk to this kid about is that despite being a First Amendment protected issue, free speech doesn’t mean that speech is free of consequences. I don’t agree with what he posted, most of it was racist related stuff in line with a lot of the far right ideology, but I do agree that he has the right to post what he posted and it is none of the schools business. This topic is addressed in the schools discipline handbook, for student conduct, and it doesn’t meet any criteria for discipline in or by the schools. What’s also frustrating is that there’s a lawyer on the school board and he gave the kid hell just like the other school board members. He should’ve known better, especially with some of the arguments he used and how he chastise this young man. The schools overreach every day
Brings an interesting question. Obviously, for “online” learning there has to be video coming in to your home, but why does your computer’s camera need to be on? Looks stupid to me, what does the teacher need to see? Toy guns? Underpants?
“….what does the teacher need to see? ”
Likely to ensure they lessons are not being broadcast to an empty room.
I’m teaching my college courses online this semester, and I leave it up to the students whether to show the camera view or not. Yes, some are probably not really there or not paying attention, but that’s their loss, not mine. Not everyone likes being on camera, and not everyone has a home or living situation that they are comfortable showing to everyone else.
I consider the background “mise en scene” in the shot to be none of my business, though people should probably use a little common sense about what they show.
Good luck with that. Several years ago, CalOSHA attempted to push their way into home businesses and dictate safety regulations for private residences and garages. The pushback and lawsuits were strong and quick, and CalOSHA backed down.
A school district is smaller, has lower financial resources to battle this in court, and is more politically sensitive. Dragging superintendents through the mud of the courts will make them back down.
Just add this nonsense to the list of reasons to homeschool – one of the best decisions we ever made.
FYI: Online correspondence schools have been around for nearly two decades. Florida has had a major one since 1997.
I was concerned about this at the start of shut downs and edu at home. I’d like to see the districts cover the costs for making all student homes or other facility they learn at fully ADA compliant… provide full day medical/ nurse onsite…
Just starting a conversation using alinsky’s tactics. Make them spend the coveted cash, kill the system with their bureaucracy.
I think this is a great idea to use as a start place to build on!
President Trump has advocated many times that the Money (State/Federal funding) should follow the student including for private schools. He also made mention on one occasion that he would support Home Schooling in the same way. For this and many other reasons it is imperative that POTG vote Republican this year. Unless We defeat the onslaught of Socialist Liberal Indoctrination of Our Children and Society. We will be left with few other alternatives. None of which will be without great pain, suffering and probable Death. Just as the threat of Radical Islam had to be stopped. The threat of Radical Liberalism must be stopped. The time to choose is nigh. Choose Wisely and Keep Your Powder Dry.
How can it be a school zone when kids aren’t learning anything?
Brainwashed is more like it. I read a report from Tennessee that the parents can’t be in the room while kids are in virtual classroom. What are they trying to hide??? Make you wonder what they are feeding the young minds.
There was a lawsuit filed in that case.
Yup, previous article demonstrates that the anti-gun mentality extends to your home.
Sending police for a welfare check because the kid has a green toy gun? Really? Do these “educational institutions” not get how silly and stoopid this makes them look?
They dont care – they must OBEY the rules!
You must OBEY their rules!
No, they don’t ‘get’ it. To them, anyone who owns a gun is a retarded knuckle-dragging primate.
If you declare my house a GFSZ due to forced online learning, you better be delivering food, refunding my taxes, chipping in to my retirement, supplying me with everything from TP, to art supplies and providing a SRO.
Otherwise, FOAD.
You are the SRO, Thomas.
Standing guard with a stainless lever-action in .45-70… 🙂
Declaring my house a GFZ is a Declaration of War
Hey, That Maryland kid is lucky!
In Colorado they’re sending the cops and suspending 11 and 12 year-olds for toy guns.
At this rate, a BB gun will soon require at least a foster home for the kid and jail for the parents!
How long does it take to train citizens to be compliant slaves of the State? Apparently at least 2 years according to Fauci (his statement recently about when we might return to “pre-Covid normality”) .
I thought the Supreme Court put this whole thing to bed 25 years ago with Lopez v United States.
The ruling was against the Federal Government not state Government. The court ruled the Federal Government had no authority to charge Lopez with a Federal gun Crime under the Commerce Clause. For taking a firearm into a Gun free School Zone. That was the States jurisdiction and the state had dropped the charges to allow the Federal Government to charge Lopez for the crime.
Because the bill of rights only exists to keep the federal gov in check and you have no rights secured by that document unless the states say so. Seems completely backwards to me, but I’m just an idiot that took the whole “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Literally. If the federal government says we shall not infringe and it is within the “prohibited by it” then it would mean it can’t be “reserved to the States”.
“Literally. If the federal government says we shall not infringe and it is within the “prohibited by it” then it would mean it can’t be “reserved to the States”. ”
“Shall not be infringed” equals “prohibited by it to the States”. Clearly. Obviously. A person could never be stupid enough to not understand that. Which makes grabbers criminal and treasonous.
“Shall not be infringed” equals “prohibited by it to the States”.
This may not be the phrasing you meant.
There are two versions/eras of the Constitution: pre-1868 and post-1868. In the early instance, the States prohibited the central/federal government through the constituiton. All rights otherwise were retained by the States, including management/control of firearms (the States remained completely sovereign, except the delegated authorities permitted the central government. This is a concept difficult to integrate in modern times.
In the modern instance, there is significant clouding of the powers of the states (small “s” intentional) and the central government. The so-called application of the constitution to the states has yet to be completely integrated, as in supplanting every state constitution, in detail. Such a condition would make nonsense of the 9th and 10th amendments.
As far as “Shall Not Be Infringed” is concerned, the only argument is over which infringements (federal or state) are acceptable, to whom. Any deviation from an absolutist rendering of the Second Amemdment justifies other deviations, the only issue being who has the political/police power to create, and enforce deviations. In reality, in fact, in life, “Shall Not Be Infringed” is boasting, not law.
The 14th Amendment prohibits infringement of the entire Bill of Rights, even though the SCOTUS invented the selective “Incorporation Doctrine.”
The 14th Amendment clearly exists to enforce the BoR on the states in its entirety, and the “Incorporation Doctrine” is a dubious construction used to reserve to the Court more power than the Constitution vests in it.
The Supreme Court invalidated the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990. Congress later passed the near identical version in 1996 that said it applied to guns that had been involved in interstate commerce. 7 Circuits say that’s good enough, and 3 say Lopez still applies. Wickard v. Filburn (one of the worst Supreme Court decisions) says that you take part in interstate commerce by refusing to participate in interstate commerce and do it yourself, so effectively all guns are involved in interstate commerce. The later GFSZA hasn’t been taken up by the Supreme Court, despite having split Circuits.
That is an astute observation.
Wickard loosed the fox in the hen house. It is the most ridiculous “Red Queen” reasoning ever in the history of American jurisprudence.
Pursuant to Wickard, the Congress assumed the power to do anything it desires, clearly antithetical to the Constitution itself.
“Pursuant to Wickard, the Congress assumed the power to do anything it desires, clearly antithetical to the Constitution itself.”
The “Commerce Clause” was very troubling to the framers of the constitution. They saw in it a method to prevent economic warfare between the State, but recognized the potential for negating the entire constitution through malicious application of the clause. My conclusion from the readings/writings is that the framers struggled over the Commerce Clause with the same intensity as the struggle over preventing slavery from vesting permanent congressional power in the slave holding States. In the end, it proved impossible to write the Commerce Clause in such a way as to allow the central committee to regulate interstate commerce, without the clause presenting the potential threat it came to personify.
The federal courts have no constitutional prohibition of creating their own internal processes for reviewing and deciding cases. The constitution only authorizes the creation of courts, not the management/regulation of internal processes of the courts. If one reads the Federalist Papers, it is clear the framers intended the courts to not actually be “co-equal” to the Legislative and Executive offices. The courts, specifically the Supreme Court, was touted as having almost no power to threaten either the States, nor the Legislative/Executive branches with usurpation of power. Marbury v. Madison put paid to that folly, and the national legislature has never seen fit to rein in the courts through restrictions on the purview of the federal courts. We the People also have done nothing to force our representatives to clip the wings of the courts.
It’s just about the point your kid is better off not being indoctrinated in a socialistic school!
keep em home & teach them Values that the left has no clue about….
So, is this really an issue given that one of the core tenets above is that homes within a certain distance from the school are exempt? You can’t be any closer than the current e-learning situation.
Exactly! The article mentions:
“(2) if your home happens to be located within the federal “gun-free school zone,” federal law still allows you to keep a firearm in your home.”
then completely fails to address it. If that exclusion doesn’t apply, then when the kid next door to me is in Zoom-school, my home is within the 1,000 foot “gun-free school zone” and cops ought to be knocking on my door and all my neighbors to confiscate any guns we might have.
The GFSZ Act was and is clearly unconstitutional, rendering further argument over its meaning way out there silly. I mean, do ya think that might be an infringement? DUH!
I think it’s the other way around. Whatever is shown in the teacher’s screen is now part of MY home, and I have every right to do with it as I please.
When the time comes, this feels like a legal defense that could be wildly entertaining…
It’s all clown world at this point anyway so honk honk! It’s sad that we have people’s lives ruined and defended just to push back on government workers that get too high and mighty. The problem is that when the government all but has a monopoly on something then they bend you over with whatever Karen thinks is best.
When these “educators” are capable of explaining to me why “transgender pronouns” are actually more offensive to transgender people than “misgendering” them, perhaps I’ll start to listen to anything else they have to say on “social” issues.
Until then they can walk right-the-fuck-on. You can’t pass 8th grade English? Then fuck you, you’re not in charge of anything to do with me or mine in terms of “education”.
The SJW should be careful, drug trafficking offenses taking place within a 1,000 of a School Zone are subject to sentencing enhancements.
By their logic, the Colorado teachers are also saying that their *own* houses are school zones. So, if some of said teachers are partaking of wacky weed at home . . . .
Ditto the usual prohibition of pot shops w/in X distance of a “school.” If students’ homes are “schools” for gun purposes, then how can pot shops stay open when they are operating w/in an exclusionary zone?
Indeed, make the enemy live up to their own rules!
Right! So, hey Rick, how many times has that been used. My guess would be zero, plus or minus zero. Pure eyewash, maybe got someone reelected.
If they are claiming your home is a classroom and therefore part of the school, then it seems they owe us a shit ton of rent money, not just for our home but our electronics.
Or that homeschooling should be tax deductible.
Stop making me pay for government indoctrination camps and you can do anything you want with your “school zones”. You won’t disarm me in my home and you sure as shit won’t make me pay for not having a choice to avoid it.
Since they don’t use the school buildings now. Cut their budge by %50. For starters.
But many are using those buildings. The teachers have to teach from somewhere, at least some are broadcasting from these buildings. Which raises the question of where are the teachers’ own children doing school? The only one I know any details about is allowing teachers kids to go to the school building and be in the room with their grade teacher who is “teaching” all of the other kids remotely.
Therefore, teachers’ kids get to “go to school”. Mine is done with high school. Have a friend whose child is online with a teacher. The teacher has half a dozen kids whose moms are teachers on site. Fuck that. Shut it down. If a mom or dad is a teacher with a school aged child, make the spouse quit their job, take leave, etc. and stay home with the kid for school.
Oh, I forgot teachers’ kids are immune.
…- – – Wish in one hand and shit in the other. Aint noway American gunm owners r going to put up with this, error sht, nobody gunms or not are going to put up with this. If they do, Lord help them
You put your kids in a liberal school district you get what you get just like living in a HOA. You did it
“The school zone includes the grounds of public, private, or parochial elementary schools and high schools, and the areas within 1,000 feet of those grounds.” In other words the kid down the street can put you in a school zone and not know you are in one or in my state too many Covid-19 cases in your county can put you in a gun free zone overnight.
Here’s a fun thought, take your child to a BLM protest site, and let the schools protest! They will be utterly dumb struck since their liberal minds will explode! Mission accomplished. They will have to universally act of face repercussions of double standards! Like their little show in Atlanta @ stone mountain! 1000ft no fire arms. Plus record the whole thing since they are recording the Class. Then Sue the school for failure to enforce school policy!
If your “home is arguably being used for an activity sponsored by a school or educational institution,” could we also argue that the financial responsibility of my rent, power and utilities should then ALSO fall under the responsibility of the school systems, and therefore the state/ local municipality?
Worse. What about adults taking online courses even if there are no children involved.
The best way to win a gun fight….is to not get in a gun fight. Same with winning a PC 2A related issue with the school system. Allowing them to raise the issue only requires a messy fight. I think there are bigger fights to win…….like what they are teaching…or not teaching….in your virtual world. Being discrete in your 2A persuasion may save you from being Red Flagged in the event of a Biden stolen election taking you out of the big fight on the horizon. One must be available to fight the real fight that is eminent in the domestic terrorism that will likely be rampant post election. If Trump wins, to de-stabilize and oust. If Biden, to implement the promised tyranny agendas. Patton said essentially one should not die for his country, but make the other poor SOB die for his. Maybe that’s where Trump draws some of his alleged comments about POW McCain et el.
My property is zoned as residential – educational uses are not permitted in residential zones.
Therefore my home can not be a “gun-free school zone”.
So sayeth our zoning and planning board.
Only if we the people allow them to steal another piece of freedom from us, we must take back our freedom, regardless of the cost, even if it means sending them back home to HELL, volunteers or by force, it’s the only way to put this nation back into GOD hands, as long as the ain’t Christ, anti-gunners, false prophets, the selfish democrats and republicans, who only think of themselves, must be removed by what ever means is necessary no matter the color, race, legal or not, any an all who rebell against the constitution rights our forefathers enacted to keep America a free country , a God fearing nation, a country that cares, a nation that feared no-one but GOD our savior, the people understood they were nothing without God, now they believe they are gods, welcoming homosexuality, mixture of races, annoying the Commandments, taking prayer from everywhere they can, letting greed guide them, these ungrateful person’s must be eliminated, the Lord said and made it very clear not to hang with evil, be sociable, love them, pray for them, do not judge, but do not take to their ways if their path is unholy, you are to shone them not follow in their foot -steps as so many of our leader have done, that’s why we must relieve them of their duties, and put this great nation back on the right path. Praise The lord, for this nation I pray Lord that the people of America will open their heart’s and eyes, and see though the evil and find the light, in your wonderful name Lord. AMEN
And other assorted magic.
[inhale] GUFFAW!!!
The communist regime in most counties are already establishing control over children in private homes. If your kids are in a virtual class at home then put your kids in a sterile environment or hang a sheet backdrop to hide possible contraband like toy guns, chemistry equipment, or anything that a communist teachers mind would call police about.
My kids are grown and we are helping raise a grandaughter and from my daily experience this tele-learning is hurting high achievers and gifted kids. We set up a spare room as the classroom and removed everything from the walls, pictures, awards, etc. We dont know who is linked in to the internet feeds besides the teachers, and its certain Washington is as well as law enforcement. With AI everything the camera sees will be scanned for useful intelligence.
I believe the physical isolation from friends and teachers will have unknown negative effects on these kids. Who pays for government malfeasance. We do.
If I had school aged kids AND I were allowing them to participate in these “dullard pacification camps” I would have a fully stocked gun rack sitting right behind the child.
F the state!
Technically this whole situation is a violation of the Children’s and Parents 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendment Rights. If the Education System and the State or Federal Government aren’t compensating you for what they don’t want you to have in your own home it’s a violation. It’s also a violation of the Children’s and Parents Right To Privacy which was affirmed by the Supreme Court which says your right to privacy is covered under the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendment.
This is absolutely horrendous that people are getting law enforcement at their doors for stupid shit like this, instead of Law Enforcement stopping the fucking Riots in the Country instead!
This is some kind of bullshit! When I was in school, my father kept and now keeps weapons at home because it is his home. Now I’m in college and we don’t see each other that often. The last few months I have a lot of tasks and I often do not have time to do everything. My friend recommended me because I don’t like reading, let alone writing literary reviews. This resource helps me a lot, because professional writers work there. I recommend this resource to all students, if you also do not like to read books.
Thank you for this article! You inspired me to write about that
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