Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers
Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers (AP Photo/Scott Bauer, File)

As ironic news stories go, this one is hard to beat.

In September 2023, the Biden Administration rolled out a new government bureaucracy called the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The office, touted as a solution to the problem of “gun violence,” was actually designed to cater to special-interest gun control supporters and used taxpayer funds to erode the rights protected under the U.S. Constitution.

Of course, this farce of a federal office’s name is even based on a core fallacy that when criminals use lawfully produced, legally sold firearms for illegal means, what results is “gun violence,” not criminal violence. That allows Biden and other soft-on-crime Democrats to continue to coddle criminals while blaming the gun and lawful gun owners for the country’s criminal violence problems.

Shortly after the establishment of the office, Vice President Kamala Harris, who President Biden had charged with running the office, came up with the bureaucracy’s first major push—the Safer States Agenda. The Number 1 goal of that agenda was to get states to establish a state office of gun violence prevention.

Fast forward just over a year, and now Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers is boasting about his state’s new Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention. The office, like its federal counterpart, will certainly look for more ways to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners. It will utilize $10 million in federal funding—also known as tax dollars paid by all Americans, including Wisconsin residents—to achieve this.

“I have said from the beginning that I would never accept gun violence as a foregone reality or stop working to change it,” Gov. Evers said in a press release announcing the office. “Violence, including gun violence, is a statewide problem, with statewide consequences for people and families across our state. This issue has long deserved a comprehensive, statewide response, and that’s what we’ll be taking on with our new Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention.

Here’s the ironic part: As Gov. Evers touts his new state office, which was encouraged by Biden and Harris, the White House Office Of Gun Violence Prevention is likely on its way out. At least one gun-rights organization—the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)—has publicly asked President Trump to quickly do away with the office after he is inaugurated.

NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane stated that Trump has the opportunity to “stand strong with law-abiding Second Amendment supporters and eliminate this unprecedented abuse of government authority.”

Ultimately, the federal office that facilitated the creation of the state office achieved nothing except for causing more money to be wasted at the state level. And you and I are paying for it!

I know most gun owners join the NSSF in urging Trump to quickly relegate the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to the dustbin of history, and it’s likely he will do just that once in office. However, the damage will already be done in Wisconsin, where we will all have to watch $10 million of our hard-earned taxes be used to bolster schemes that infringe on the right of Wisconsin citizens to keep and bear arms.


  1. at least the name is better. now if only it’s run by someone who understands the root problem is culture, not hardware…

    • And address actual issues that may have positive outcomes? Man cool it with the racism/classism/somethingorotherism

      • And even today, weapon control is law in places like the UK. You can go to jail if you use a kitchen knife to defend your life and your invalid wife’s life with it. A man DID go to jail for that. After being attacked by an intruder in his own kitchen. In the UK. Where they don’t have a right to keep and bear arms. Because they’re not citizens. Because they are “subjects”.

  2. Some states are free states. And some states are slave states. In the 21st century.
    Either you get and stay involved or you do nothing, and just sit back and enjoy what body stimulus you use.

    The idea that you follow the directions of these stupid libertarians only shows that you really don’t deserve freedom.

    Yes I said it. Because in order to get freedom you have to work to get it, and then work to keep it. But so many of you follow these fools.

    “Why it’s Ok to not vote.” Catherine Mangu Ward. A great libertarian. Video 50 min long.


    • Body rocking and picking buggers is my preferred form of self stimulation.
      The wards tolerate the body rocking but the mittens are put on when then nose starts bleeding.
      Bang your head.
      Why it’s okay not to vote.

      • You forgot to add burning entire cities to the ground in california. As you stimulate yourself. I’m sure the le.sb:i@n;s in charge there are stimulating each other. Instead of making sure the fire suppression network there is operational.

        And they do vote. Because they got into office. Including appointing their useless friends to critical positions.

        • Of course Libertarians vote. They just don’t want YOU or ME voting! Because we’re the BAD people…because we have opinions.

          I swear, every Libertarian I’ve talked to would rather not do anything or make any decision, because that would require that they get off their #ss, do some research, make a decision, and THEN have that decision stand for all to see and judge once the aftermath becomes apparent.

          • Osprey,

            Haven’t met many libertarians, have ya??

            Yeah, Gary Johnson and Evan McMuffin were/are stoned idiots (and so is MOST of their so-called “Libertarian Party”). Read up on “Jeffersonian libertarians”; it might surprise you.

            • Libertarians are no different than Unicorns. Everybody talks about them and even some people have claimed to be them. I’ve known people who claim to be libertarians who say the government is to restrictive and laws are to harsh, until something bad happens to them then they suddenly want the government and laws to save them and fix the problem. Libertarians are little more than cowards who don’t have the balls to choose a side either right or wrong.

  3. Ole Tony is virtually stonewalled on lib issues in Wisconsin.
    Great thing in Wisconsin is the ability to purchase firearms same day. No foid, waiting period, magazine restrictions etc.

  4. Okay lets just watch and see how fast Trump dumps the Whitehouse Gun Violence Prevention scheme.
    And then right out of the gate we get banning Tik Tok a rival to Twitter/X.
    By The Power of Castle WhiteHouse
    I have the power

      • lol!

        But when he said, “I have the power”, I thought of this:

        h ttps://www.google.com/search?q=i+have+the+power+song&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=f886b31cd6107b6e&biw=859&bih=365&sxsrf=ADLYWIJICas5vTHp2lmR3LSvBTXQChtvCQ%3A1737336359065&ei=J6aNZ6ThA-ezwt0P76SkkAk&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TDY1MUnLSyk3YPQSzVTISCxLVSjJSFUoyC9PLVIozs9LBwDabwww&oq=i+have+the+power&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEGkgaGF2ZSB0aGUgcG93ZXIqAggGMgoQIxiABBgnGIoFMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIFEAAYgAQyCxAuGIAEGJECGIoFMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyChAAGIAEGBQYhwJIiFtQuh9Y0jBwE3gAkAEAmAFMoAFMqgEBMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCE6ACNcICCxAAGIAEGLADGKIEwgIEECMYJ8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICBBAAGAPCAggQLhiABBixA8ICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIOEC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAgcQABiABBgKwgIOEC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYxwHCAgUQLhiABMICCxAuGIAEGLEDGNQCmAMAiAYBkAYCkgcCMTmgB8oB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

        But it’s also hard to beat “I’ve Got The Power” from Snap:

        h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRv9wGf5pk

        Either one would work well as a Trump anthem. Well, if Lee Greenwood’s song wasn’t so damned good.

  5. From: uncommon_sense

    For the last several days and for no apparent reason, all of my comments (no matter how short) immediately disappear without even mentioning anything about moderation.

    Friendly suggestion to this site’s administrators: it is bad for business when your site blacklists regular commenters who have commented for several years.

    Note: my comment only appeared this time because I used a different e-mail address in the informational lines below the comment box.

    • I may be the longest tenure here. uncommon. Since 2013. The current bunch actually apologized to me. We get what we pay for. I expect nothing from participating. If fakebook gets a lot better I may be here less🙄

    • I still have to post through my cell phone carrier at home to get anything through. At the shop, about half of my posts get through, although I haven’t had much time during the day lately. A lot less traffic these days, so it looks like I’m not missing many hot conversations.

      • Likely a lot of the possible crazy posts that would get a lot of interaction are blocked for long enough to not be relevant when they make it through.

    • You might consider taking a month or two break from TTAG when the censorship er, “moderation” gets too annoying. Most of the comment threads are pretty repetitive and of little educational value, with Debbie pointing out again the ties of gun control to racism, Chris T ranting about Libertarians and homosexusls, 40 Cal. spamming a bunch of links to questionable sources, etc.

      • I appreciate your accurate and useful response.

        If I appear to be “AWOL” for the next few weeks, you will know why.

  6. In my Wi youth I frequented a gun shop located in an old gentlemans basement. You just walked in his house and down the stairs! No appointment no phone call. He had a small cannon in his front yard as a business sign. Good times.

  7. The Biden Administration has been nothing less than a four year fraud. Biden has not been the President. For four years we havehad an unelected, unconstitutional, unidentified, unaccountable cabal of Democratic Party Operatives running the Whitehouse. What they have been doing is no just fraudulent. It is sedition. It is treasonous. There needs to be some sort of accountability,

    • The thing happened that we said would happen before he was even sworn in. Oh yeah, you still owe me $20 for that bet you lost, Miner.

      The WSJ documented the Puppet’s senility. The didn’t just have stories from 2024. They had stories from 2021! Why weren’t they writing about it in 2021? Why did they wait until AFTER the election to publish that? Who still trusts the news media in 2025?

    • Have you read Speaker Johnson’s account of meeting the Puppet? A snippet:

      Long story short, they finally relented. They invited me to the White House. I show up and realize it’s actually an ambush because it’s not just me and the president. It’s also Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, the CIA director — everybody.

      “I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, We’re in serious trouble. Who is running the country? I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.”

  8. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
    FOR I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL, powerful, puh puh puh, she had a dog, I had a dog once, it had blond hairy legs, it was a nice dog, wha wha wha they wouldn’t have gotten bitten if they hadn’t smelled like Old Spice and gin.
    I took showers. My daughter. After we went swimming, we went swimming a lot. It still looks a prune.

    • 100% accurate, right down to the all powerful savior complex. Remember when he told us he was going to “fix” the economic and pandemic crises? Then, as he compared himself to Abraham Lincoln, he said he was finally going to fix racism. Oh yeah, and he was going to take on climate change and MAGA republicans (AKA “garbage”). How did that work out Puppet Joe? Which one of those things did you “fix?” People just wanted affordable groceries and gas. People just wanted the fed government to acknowledge their civil rights. People just wanted to feel safe in a cohesive society. People didn’t want unnecessary, over the top federal raids on your political opponents, like to retrieve your daughter’s diary. Was that really asking for too much, as your senile ass pretended to take on the bogeyman while your cohorts enriched themselves and their cronies? Raise your hand if you supported this loser.

  9. Today is 20 Jan 2025 – Inauguration Day.

    Carrie Underwood will perform “America the Beautiful” before President Trump will take the oath of office at 12 PM EST. The oath will be administered by Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts.


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