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This week’s caption contest affords you the chance to put a little more safety in your life. Thanks to Chamber-View, if you’re cleverer than the average bear and enter your work in the comments before midnight Sunday, you’ll win a .223/5.56-sized Chamber-View safety block for your AR. Never again will those around you at the range wonder if your rifle is truly open and clear. Now get to it and dazzle us with your wit.


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  1. Her: “I sure do hope our little Dianne don’t grow up to be a dumb dumb” …
    Him: “I too Ma Feinstein, I too.”

  2. Try as he might, William could not smile for the photo…indeed, he was lucky to not have a scowl underneath his magnificent stache. All he could think about was how much Annie’s sash would draw any viewer’s attention away from his beloved “Ultimate Tassle Limited Edition” jacket from Tassles by Ted.

    Oh, and that he was pretty sure Annie had forgotten her girdle. The only saving grace was that nothing…NOTHING…would be in the way of his knee highs. William would be damned if they warn’t going to be displayed properly!

  3. Shannon Watts and Michael Bloomberg pose in an Annie Oakley and Wild Bill Cut-out photo for their upcoming Everytown, USA Campaign Poster.

  4. “Lefty” Larry LeBlank and girlfriend Marge N. Overa just before Lefty’s job change from Buffalo Bill’s right hand man.

  5. Sweetie, I’m asking nicely. Give me my gun back. Or fringes won’t be the worst thing that happens to your clothes…

  6. In one of the first photos taken, we see one of the subjects has fallen asleep waiting for the cameraman to figure his contraption out.

  7. Poncho needs your prayers it’s true

    but save a few for Lefty too

    The bullet went thru his right hand, true

    But it stayed lodged in his left.

  8. Old Spice isn’t nice and it comes with a price. My boy Garrett chose to wear it, now he can’t help but entice.
    All these ladies, all these women are up on him like lice. As a mother I condemn new body spray from Old Spice.

    Old Spice! Take a look what you’ve done. You’ve made a sexy man right out of my son. Old Spice!

  9. There it was a very good Friday to go on an outing and Jesus and Mary M decided to get dressed up in funny cloths get their picture taken. Not having read the rules of gun safety, just after this photo was taken the rifle he was holding discharge. He then told police an elaborate story about how the holes in his hands got there by a nail gun and other details about persecution by the government. It was only after this photo surfaced, the truth became known.

    Hey, I was raised Catholic and spent many Friday afternoons doing the stations of the cross. So don’t get your undies in a bundle.

  10. I’m going to sit this one out. But only because the man himself already have me one because I’m awesome. Thanks Dr. B!


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