Our national right to keep and bear arms is not a second-class civil right subject to local rules, opinions or interpretations. That is one of the key issues for the defense in the state case against Walter Wentz, owner of Gator’s Custom Guns, Inc., which has been operating in southwest Washington State for more than 14 years.
Wentz employs a staff of four including his youngest son who is the store’s manager. The gun shop started out small with about 900 square feet of space, but four years ago they expanded into a much bigger building.
The State’s Complaint
According to the state’s complaint, in March 2022, Washington passed SB 5078, which banned the sale, importation, distribution and manufacture of “large capacity magazines or LCMs,” which can accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
“The threat posed by LCMs is not merely theoretical. Since 1980, LCMs have been involved in at least 85 mass shootings nationwide, resulting in 791 fatalities and more than 1,100 injuries,” the lawsuit claims. “Unfortunately, mass shootings continue, as does the use of weapons equipped with LCMs to reign terror upon our communities, including three this year alone – Monterey Park, Nashville, and Allen. Washington State is no stranger to these terrible events, as evidenced by mass shootings in recent years in Mukilteo and Burlington.”
The suit accuses Wentz and Gators of violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act when it sold standard capacity magazines to two state “investigators” on two occasions.
“In fact, one of those sales was made by Wentz himself: two magazines with capacity four times greater than the maximum allowed under the law,” a 2023 press release by Attorney General Bob Ferguson claims.
Ferguson, it should be pointed out, generated national news coverage because of his staunch anti-gun actions, and is set to become Washington State’s 24th governor on January 15th.
Wentz countersued in superior court with the help of the Silent Majority Foundation, a unique law firm which is located in Pasco, Washington. Wentz won his case, but within minutes the state appealed and got a stay. Now, in one week the two sides will battle it out again in Washington State’s Supreme Court. If he loses, Wentz said he will go to the United States Supreme Court.
“Our stay only lasted 88 minutes,” Wentz said Saturday. “We appealed that, and on 14 January we will be at the (state) Supreme Court.”
The Cost of Bad Laws
Washington State’s anti-gun laws, which ban the sale of “assault rifles” and standard-capacity magazines have taken a terrific toll on Wentz’s business.
“It was a 40-percent kick in the nuts to my retail volume,” he said, quickly adding that he did not have to fire any of his employees. “With the help of the Silent Majority Foundation, we’ve been in litigation for more than a year now.”
Wentz is not sure how much the litigation has cost him.
“The NRA ponied out $75,000,” he said. “We chewed that up.”
His reason for fighting Washington State is simple: “There were two other entities (gun shops) that had their own cases and they both settled. Somebody has to fight, or they’ll think they can do this with the rest of our Constitutional rights. If I lose on 14 January, we are going to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. If someone doesn’t put their foot down, we’re going to lose the entire Second Amendment.”
National Implications
Wentz knows his case could have national impact.
“When we win, it’s going to be a national precedence-setting event,” he said. “There are seven to 10 states that still want to reinterpret the Constitution, who will be on their heels. We really believe a win in this category will set things in motion, and keep those who would want to change the Constitution in check for a period of time until the Constitution goes to sleep again.”
The case has already taken a personal toll.
“I’m balancing a staff of four’s livelihood on a 40-percent reduction in volume. That’s my job one,” he said. “Keeping those four guys’ families fed. It’s stressful. It would be very easy to fall into the trap. We’re in the red bastion of Washington State. The majority here are very conservative and fiscally responsible. You can smell it and taste it. Now, it’s stressful knowing I’ve got to go sit in front of people who don’t think the way we do.”
Wentz knows he must first exhaust all of his potential state remedies before going to the U.S. Supreme Court.
“We can’t go to the national level without doing this first,” he said. “That’s why other cases in other states have failed. I don’t understand why they don’t understand. It’s the reason our justice system works.”
Wentz’s wife has noticed the toll the legal battle has taken on him, especially since two other gun shops have already conceded.
“She has to live through all of this, too,” he said. “A lot of women wouldn’t have stuck around. She understands how strongly I feel about the Constitution. It’s a win-or-die for me. We can’t look at it any other way. They, the state, assumed I’d become number three.”
Wentz said his customers think he’s “awesome.”
“They put money in a bucket every week,” he said. “I wouldn’t have started this if I was going to quit. I certainly wouldn’t have taken their money. Our community has been very supportive. It’s the red bastion of the state on the west side that wants us to win. We can’t go to the national level without doing this. That’s where the other cases in other states have failed.”
Click here to support Wentz’s case and the Silent Majority Foundation.
This story is courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project.
And why don’t the gun/ammo makers stand up and do something about it? Fight against these states, Show the Gov’t that the 2nd companies DO have power. Boycott These gov’t agencies. See how tight their asses get when THEY can’t get ammo, parts or guns for LEO’s!
“And why don’t the gun/ammo makers stand up and do something about it?”
For starters, the “gun/ammo makers” stand to lose more than any general collection of closed gun shops do. Business is the business of business; making money. Large corporations can have more vulnerabilities against govt, than individuals; more ways for govt to entangle a corp.
As for business considerations, so far the anti-2A cabals are seen as a greater source of continued business than all the “red” states and localities combined (not sure how that is calculated, but the evidence is there). Maybe the guns/ammo makers consider the FUDDS to be a much more lucrative line of businness.
And maybe there are the “don’t rock the boat”, and “I don’t have to out run the tiger, I just need to outrun you” principles at work.
The end goal for states like Washington is to eliminate civilian ownership of firearms. it’s a very least they want to limit it to bolt action rifles and shotguns.
Sure, Washington is just one state, but you’ve got at least a third of the country working out of the same Soros-backed playbook. If that were to come to pass, how many of these companies that aren’t Glock or Smith & Wesson are still going to be around?
Playing the”I’m just a businessman, I don’t get involved in politics” game is counterproductive when politicians are trying to destroy your business. It’s worth the temporary pain today for the industry to send a message that if you screw with them, they’re going to blacklist your state.
It all circles back to the fact History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. After all Gun Control gets its jollies seeing one man dictate what another man can posses to Defend Freedom. To say Gun Control zealots have shtforbrains is an understatement.
Until the public sees Gun Control as the agenda of murderers, rapists, theives, perverts, child molesters, terrorists, kidnappers and tyrants will the 2A get the protection it so well deserves.
sam u r…It is not about business, it is about a Constitutional Right.
You are utterly lost when your screed has no relevance to the conversation aren’t you? Yes this is business. Ammo makers will sell the ammo regardless and upsetting the status quo in WA will be a negligible change in how much and of what gets sold. CA, NY, IL will be of a much larger impact because of population and levels of restrictions involved especially when you consider that up untill fairly recently WA was largely unrestricted in what you could buy/own. You want to do something meaningful go and donate to this one and/or bring it to the attention of your rights groups to assist with as it can impact multiple states. Or hit play on your typical prerecorded response.
“…how many of these companies that aren’t Glock or Smith & Wesson are still going to be around?”
Saw this in the ’80s, when every Texas owned bank thought it would escape the dismantling the real estate class, each bank certain they would be the last Texas bank standing.
The firearms industry is playing the “hope the tiger eats them last”, game.
This is another example of the state throwing their financial weight around. The average mom and pop enterprise cannot stand against the state without financial help to further their case. The state knows this and believes that even a fundamental Constitutional right is fair game to their whims because they know that only they have the resources, SCOTUS be damned.
Everytime I read about banning this or that I go play in my toy box.
Thank you Bill Clinton.
The fun part about closing gun shops down is the Feds get to go through all those sales records.
Three gun shops have been closed in my area due to the ATF dragging their feet on the gunshops FFL paperwork.
Luckily I’ve only purchased 14,578 firearms from those three.
I gotta start doing more business with Backdoor Bob. Seems like buying to many traceable guns gets you in trouble.
Maybe it wasn’t my comment but my screen name?
Moderation is only for sober alcholicss
It’s only twenty-seven words long for a reason.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YASWmNz0n3k
h ttps://www.secondpress.co/videos/breaking-national-concealed-carry-bill-dropping-includes-constitutional-carry-for-all-50-states/apcOwl8nTkg
Braden was a little, well, overly enthusiastic. Its not ‘constitutional carry’ per se’. Its making permits valid in any state valid in all 50 states.
This in some ways screws people in permit-less carry states, permit-less carry is actually ‘constitutional carry’. If the law in your state allows permit-less carry for non-prohibited people, technically you do have a permit in that the law in your state permits you to carry without being actually issued a ‘document’ type permit. If you can legally carry permit-less in your home state and do so and do not have a ‘document’ type permit, if for some reason you need to travel to a state that requires a ‘document’ type permit then you will need to get a ‘document’ type permit in your home permit-less carry state to be able to carry in the state you travel to that requires a ‘document’ type permit.
In this way, this bill screws people in permit-less carry states (if they need to travel to a state that requires a ‘document’ type permit). Or in other words, for people who carry permit-less legally in their home state to travel in the United States outside their home permit-less carry state you will still not have ‘constitutional carry’ unless you travel only to or through states that allow you to permit-less carry which means to do other wise you will need to basically forfeit your true permit-less ‘constitutional carry’ by submitting to the other states ‘document type permit’ requirement to have a permit which means you will need to get a permit in your home state.
So basically this bill, indirectly and directly, re-enforces the ‘document type permit’ states ability to ‘infringe’ by still requiring a ‘permission slip’ to exercise a constitutional right.
In other words, ‘national reciprocity’ simply maintains the ability for ‘document type permit’ states to ‘infringe’ by still requiring a ‘permission slip’ to exercise a constitutional right.
Not a bad start, likely won’t pass unless part of a funding bill and even then the screeching will be obnoxious from commies and traitors alike.
Welcome To The Party! LGBTQ & Liberals Taking Up Arms!
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpiFE3T6XJU
Awesome – the crazies are on the loose. Any degenerate (or Hollyweird/MSM prog) that actually is “concerned” about being “rounded up” is insane and to be kept away from sharp objects.
The greatest threat LGBTQ people face is from members of, or participating in, the LGBTQ community.
In 2022, 48.2% of lesbian women reported violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape by their partners (either by their partner only or with the involvement of male(s) or female(s) bought in by the partner —- two thirds were exclusively the partner female perpetrator, one third was the partner female perpetrator with involvement of one or more males or females perpetrator bought in my the female partner perpetrator).
In 2022, 66% of ‘transgender’ (term as used here also includes those who have either partially or fully transitioned) individuals reported experiencing violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape, with their ‘partner’ (the term ‘partner’ includes real biological male or female and ‘transgender’) being the perpetrator. (two thirds of perpetrators were exclusively the ‘partner’, one third of perpetrators was the ‘partner’ with involvement of one or more others either real biological male or female or ‘transgender’).
In 2022, 38% of gay and bisexual males reported experiencing violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape, with their ‘partner’ being the perpetrator. (for perpetrator(s): 3/4 of those the ‘partner’ exclusively, one quarter of those were the ‘partner’ with others bought in that were either real biological male or transgender, with, in the case of bisexual sometimes real biological females were bought in by the ‘partner’)
In 2022, 63% of bisexual females reported experiencing violence against them in the forms of physical violence, stalking (including with violent assault), or rape, with their ‘partner’ being the perpetrator. (for perpetrator(s): 80% of these was the ‘partner’ exclusively, and 20% with others bought in by the ‘partner’ that were biological male or female bisexuals or a mixture of ‘transgender’, lesbian, or straight males and females).
In 2022, (overall, for all violent crimes including sexually based offenses) 69% of violent criminals were either gay or bisexual or expressed ‘gender identity’ issues.
In 2023, all of the above 2022 percentages increased by 8%.
In 2024, all of the above increased percentages increased by 10%.
An 18% increase above the 2022 percentages over the years 2023 and 2024.
In 2022, as in past years the main ‘environments’ in which members of the LGBTQ community experienced violence (as victims) involved prostitution, drugs, risky sex practices, and partner-perpetrator violence which accounted for more violence against members of the LGBTQ community than all other sources combined. In 2023 and 2024 the same trend continued.
From 2016:
“Why US liberals are now buying guns too”
h ttps://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-38297345
Seung-Hui Cho simply carried multiple magazines for two pistols. Stopping to reload is not stopping murderers. He was able to kill 32 innocent people because they were unarmed.
Good luck buddy. The whole left coast is commiefornia😧
Depends on what judges one draws, the good news is the 9th circuit is closer on this topic than my region.
Seems dumb and flimsy to cite mass shootings that happened in other states for why you’re suing a gun store in a different state. Isn’t that like me suing a car dealership in Tennessee because someone drove a car through a crowd in New Orleans? Hopefully the SCOTUS can decide that standard magazines are both standard and common use once and for all.
That would be another step in the right direction albeit a small one.