On Monday, Chicago police chased a trio of armed robbery suspects onto the University of Chicago campus. Instead of thanks from the students for removing three dangerous criminals, cops caught all manner of condemnation from the young skulls full of mush.
In Chicago, no good deed goes unpunished. Three fleeing felons sped off from an armed robbery with cops hot on their tails Monday morning. Obviously not NASCAR drivers, they crashed with an innocent motorist.
Student outrage after police protect University of Chicago from armed robbery suspects https://t.co/FazqeEJHHg @collegefix #Chicagoscanner
— The College Fix (@CollegeFix) February 12, 2019
In their haste to get back to their computational and applied mathematics studies, the trio bailed out of their wrecked getaway car, leaving behind video game boxes strewn all over the pavement. They then made a bee-line for the nearby University of Chicago campus, heading for the Economics building with 5-0 close on their heels.
The University sent out an alert to its students advising them to shelter in place. After all, three (alleged) armed robbers were prowling the south side campus.
UChicago told the campus community to stay inside as police looked into a possible incident. One CPD officer told the Maroon that it’s now safe to go outside. https://t.co/HQMu6Ha7ZQ
— The Chicago Maroon (@ChicagoMaroon) February 11, 2019
The response of UChicago students baffled clear-thinking folks (well, those unfamiliar with the current state of campus politics). Instead of anger directed at criminals for bringing firearms (!) onto their bucolic gun-free campus, students instead castigated the police for chasing the underprivileged suspects. And for bringing their guns onto campus.
“there were militarized cops (literally carrying assault rifles) crawling all over campus looking for armed, african-american men. a black student could’ve worn a striped shirt (like one of the robbers)… reached for a phone at the wrong time… etc. and could have been shot,” one student tweeted. “Anywho … disarm/abolish the police.
Disarm/abolish the police? For protecting innocents from violent criminal predators?
Another tweeted…
dear god we’re gonna have to listen to c*llege r*publicans talk about how this proves we need more cops
— sam (@sambjoyce) February 11, 2019
Perish the thought!
It gets better. The College Fix reached out to a number of students posting anti-police comments and received this in response:
“We should arm the working class, disarm the pigs.”
The first comment to The Fix’s article, by Brian Ward, nailed this one:
They’re absolutely right. I’d even go so far as to say that the right to do so should be enshrined in writing, possibly even in some form of Bill…
We like the cut of his jib. At the end of the story, The College Fix editors added this:
Editor’s note: Original tweets by the students embedded in this article were removed after the students switched their accounts from public private and contacted The College Fix regarding harassment on their social media platforms. The Fix retained their original comments, however.
Isn’t it interesting that some young people feel emboldened to shoot off their mouths…until they’re held accountable for their public posts?
What would happen to these special sheltered snowflakes if police and campus security simply quit protecting the University of Chicago? After all, just south of the campus lies some of Murder City’s roughest neighborhoods.
Let’s face it: good guys with guns stand as the only thing that insulates the University of Chicago from the Windy City mayhem that exists just outside its boundaries. Yet some allegedly intelligent UChicago students have utterly no clue at all.
Um, who exactly alleges that University of Chicago — or any university for that matter — students are intelligent?
Said it before around here. but the truth is the “kids” of any age are only as intelligent, smart, aware, (whatever), as the adults are who’ve brought them along this far. Time was, parents (remember when there we 2 of different gender?) would have put enough sense into their offspring that it would see its way through 4 years of indoctrination by the Euphorians at the college or university they happened to attend. Put the onus on the kids all you want but I’m blaming the adults in their lives first.
This is so true. I agree.
If only the so called “greatest generation” could have instilled their values in the “boomers” we’d be in much better shape. Instead we have all these boomer derived generations that are even less.
Trust me, every student who goes to the University of Chicago is smarter than you and most people on this site.
I severely doubt that.
Judging by the comments section and our meritocracy, this summation would be wrong without evidence.
Sorry Will. I’ve met some brilliantly smart morons in my day – a bunch in law school, now that I think of it.
This of course makes no sense; you can’t be brilliantly smart and a moron. Einstein was famous for forgetting where he lived, but your standards, he’s an idiot. This comment proves my point.
The fact that “educated idiot” is a common phrase understood by most people should tell you something Will. The fact that you don’t seem to have ever heard this phrase, tells us a lot about you…… here’s an other one you may have missed: “If you’re playing poker and you don’t know who the sucker is at your table, then you’re the sucker!”
Troll! And not a very bright one. Did you go to the University of Chicago? No? Wouldn’t accept you?
Lol. More like a graduate of Shitgottago University.
Well I was accepted, but chose a different school. Since you decided to go the ad hominem route, you prove my point. Our meritocracy says they are smarter than you and the average gun owner. Just because they think differently than you, does not mean they (or I) are stupid.
“It is better to remain silent and let the world think you a fool, than to speak and prove the world correct.” Nobody said you weren’t smart, but you do seem very foolish.
Oh poor, poor Will. Cry me a fucking river. Go the ad hominem route? What was it that you did? Offer an intelligent analysis of the state of commentary on this site, or resort to slander? Typical, childish victim.
Clearly they are not Will. Example above. Perhaps you are simply stupid, Will.
Thinking one way that’s different from you does not make them dumber than you. Our meritocracy says that they are rather some guy on a random website.
As someone who knows people who TEACH at said university… lol… no.
Ok Will. I’ll trust you.
Our meritocracy says so.
Trust me, Will, most people on this site are smarter than you and apparently every student who goes to University of CHIRAQ.
Oh ok you’re right.
That’s obviously not true.
I consistently place higher than 98% of the U.S. population on intelligence and knowledge tests and had no idea that most/all of the students at the University of Chicago are even smarter than me: that means the University of Chicago is full of super geniuses.
Is Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and DARPA actively recruiting at the University of Chicago? If not they should be.
Man, I feel so dumb now. Or not.
Uncommon_sense: If you are using scores on intelligence or knowledge tests as the measure of how smart the students are compared to you, then yes, most or all U. Chicago students are smarter than you and your 98th percentile. Their average SAT of 1515 puts the AVERAGE student in the 99.97th percentile.
I know their tweets make that hard to believe. Perhaps we should reject standardized tests as a measure of how smart you are.
As the other commentator stated, since you’re in the 98% and the average U of Chicago student is 99%+, then yes, you are in fact dumber than the average U of C student. I can see that math is not your strongest subject either. Excellent try though.
we’ll assume for the sake of amity that you forgot to put a /sarc tag at the end of your statement.
I’ve known many very smart college students who barely knew how to feed themselves.
Brains does not equal smart. It just indicates a lot of brains. Sometimes that’s a detriment. Which is why stupider people exist so as to get things done.
Wait so having brains does not mean intelligence? What? I go pack to my point about Einstein, in you’re mind Einstein would be a dumbass because he consistently forgot his address. A person who does not necessarily think the same as you is not stupid, they’re just different.
That’s willshit and you know it!
Good one. It took you how long to come up with that sad insult?
After four years of education at most colleges you are less wise than when you started….Dennis Prager
Jordan Peterson bringing it…..
Dangerous people are indoctrinating your kids…
This is of course silly. So an engineer after 4 years of study is less smart than a freshman? OK.
Ok, now I have to call BS. UChicago has exactly 1 4-year engineering program — molecular engineering, and it wasn’t founded until a few years ago. Engineering students at UChicago are practically non-existent. So, you seem to be the one low on facts, despite your supposed personal experience and intelligence. Even if they were an engineering powerhouse, taking classes does not make you more intelligent. It may make you more knowledgeable in a certain area of study or propaganda, but it doesn’t make someone a better thinker or problem solver. A major in arts, gender, ethnic, or language studies rarely prepares a student for anything other than teaching those same subjects to others. A PhD may make you intensely knowledgeable in a very specific area of study, but it doesn’t make you more intelligent or prove that you are more intelligent. It proves you can repeat back information that someone has provided to you, and perhaps articulate an original thought or research in that area. Many a fool confuses education with intelligence. A truly dumb person can’t get much of an education, but many intelligent people don’t pursue top educational degrees.
That’s right. You have nothing of worth to say and are incapable of expressing any logical, counterpoint comments so you do what liberals always do; you resort to name calling.
Who’s liberal? By them going to an exclusive college that requires essentially for you to be in the 99th percentile in intelligence for students, I’d say that’s enough evidence than what you (or anyone else has said) which is typically vapid and filled with ad hominem attacks, which just proves my point. Enjoy the group-think.
As someone who coaches college students, I can tell you that smarter doesn’t mean more intelligent.
Byyyyyy Felisha.
*Bye. Also, if you’re going to insult someone, try to use quotes and get the spelling right otherwise Debo will be coming.
Surely you jest, Will. In fact, doesn’t your categorical statement demonstrate the opposite, like all categorical statements do?
When I was in college, I didn’t have to announce the brilliance of my classmates – it was assumed. It is hilarious that you felt compelled to make your categorical announcement just as the proof seems to confirm you’re surrounded by intellectual infants.
Trust you? Why?
Good point.
It would serve us well to remember the nature of the people making such statements. They operate on fantasy, emotion, and whatever notion of virtue tickles their fancy at any given moment. That also means they have no enduring standards of honorable versus dishonorable, or right versus wrong.
That being the case, it should come as no surprise that some people are pro-criminal and want to see less police and disarmed police.
The irony: many good people also want to see less police, which often means simply desiring that police only going after people who actually harmed someone rather than enforcing myriad victimless “crimes”.
The same people who complain about the police, are also the same people who are passing the laws, drowning everyone in excessive rules.
Those people are called progressives. It was a progressive democrat congress that passed all these anti drug laws. Just as its progressive democrats who are anti police.
The same progressives who don’t want law abiding people to have Arms.
I want to disarm and drastically reduce the size of police forces. I would also repeal nearly every law passed since 1900.
Cops have shown time and again that they are unworthy of the privilege of carrying weapons while they are employed by the citizens.
Citizens should be armed, not government employees.
The one tweet was right, arm the working class and disarm the cops.
Education is a racket. At all levels of education. Cut education spending at the college level by 50 %. Let the rich left wingers donate to support for this education, in name only, system.
Just get rid of “social science” and “liberal arts” departments. Problem solved.
So no history, economics, literature, English, foreign languages, ancient languages, philosophy, religion or legal departments…
In fact, no arithmetic which means no way to get to actual math which pretty much precludes any of the hard sciences. In actuality “mathematics” has been considered “liberal arts” for quite a few decades now. So even if you got the arithmetic education you couldn’t go beyond about high school Algebra 1.
Not that I don’t appreciate a little pedantry every now and again, but would it help if we amended it to just abolishing every single class at all levels that ends in the word “Studies”?
Every single one of those things can be learned online for free. The fact that they’re still taught at these archaic institutions is a result of a world where industry erroneously values the approval of the obsolete pedagogical class despite all the evidence that diplomas are largely worthless.
And no, I didn’t learn those big words in college.
“In fact, no arithmetic which means no way to get to actual math which pretty much precludes any of the hard sciences. In actuality “mathematics” has been considered “liberal arts” for quite a few decades now. So even if you got the arithmetic education you couldn’t go beyond about high school Algebra 1.”
Perhaps, but it seems the majority of the 535 members of Congress aren’t too concened with simple arithmetic as it pertains to constructing a working, balanced budget for the nation they are sworn to protect…
Limiting what’s taught is un-american. However, we can (and should) probably justify eliminating loan programs and government grants for any and all education. The market would fix this issue rather quickly, once the third party payor flaw was removed.
University of Chicago? chris mallory and some of the other regulars at ttag must be students or staff there.
Nope. I stay out of the police state known as Illinois as much as humanly possible.
Of course you love to lick you some cop boots. Run along like a good little serf.
And the minute one of the SJW’s gets mugged, robbed, beaten to a pulp or raped, they will be screaming for the police to do something. This is proof education and intelligence are not the same thing, and most of these snowflakes or educated way beyond their intelligence, and know so much that just is not true. Of course these morons were created by a couple generations of hippies… I hate liberals.
The funniest part is these are the people that rely on police protection the most. If they ever got their wish they’d be the first ones eaten, preferably smothered in garlic sauce.
They equate the police with personal body guards . They of course are mistaken.
MB……….. They can get all the degrees they want, but you cannot teach common sense. Knowledge without common sense is like a boat without a rudder.
Southside huh? Why that’s Barry Soetoro country! Very odd area in the middle of one of the worst ghetto’s in America. You can bet yer last dollah guns protect Barry and Michael er Michelle when they’re in town😄😋😏
WWIII, pandemic, meteor, alien invaders, something. Please won’t something come along and cull weak
Arm the working class? I’m good for that.
The rest? Thin blue line.
I laughed towards the end when the keyboard kommandos started getting shredded on social media, they quickly changed their accounts to private.
OK, apologies in advance for the length of this:
I think there are a number of factors at play here.
First, these people have what I would charitably call “shitty parents” but that also extends to the rest of adult society.
Second, these people do not exist in vacuum. They’ve been taught to think this way. That comes from a combination of factors but the root problem is a school system that was fucked before these kids even entered it. As such, to some degree this isn’t their fault. Previous generations allowed the educational system to become what it has become and then they complain about it. The same 60 year old that tells me that basic grammar and punctuation usage is irrelevant to modern life is the same fucktard screaming that kids can’t write their own name in cursive. When did proper grammar end English become a problem? When did we start calling people “grammar nazis”? When I was growing up just a few decades ago we called those people “English teachers”. You know, a slight variation on how the title is pronounced and spelled.
This problem pervades not just the Left but the right. Education is no longer about facts, free thought and coming to your own conclusions based on reality. It’s about thinking the way other people want you to.
Third, and related to #2, these kids have grown up in a world that is a witch’s brew of social media and virtue signaling. Virtue signaling gets you likes or upthumbs or a trending hashtag or whatever-the-fuck. That’s a serious reinforcement structure that teaches erroneous behavior by rewarding it. It’s not about facts or logic it’s about votes based entirely on feelz and the person who can tap into that the best “wins”. This is incredibly corrosive. It’s even worse because the kids were raised in an what some might call a “participation trophy environment” where no one wins and no one loses but what matters most is how you feel. The kids still understood competition, winning and losing and such, but they were taught to overvalue feelings to the point that what goes on now is a fucking ruthless online competition for upvotes that support their feelz and which spills over into real life. Trigglypuff anyone?
Forth, these kids have no real world experience with anything. I was shocked back in the mid-2000’s that virtually no one I went to college with had ever held a job. The most grounded and well rounded people I knew in college all had one thing in common: they had worked before attending the university. Most of the kids though were in a situation where Mommy and Daddy wanted so badly for them to get into a good school that they forbade the kids from working during high school and sent them to college immediately after high school. SAT and ACT scores were the most important thing at that point in life, real world experience in anything would have to wait. As long as the kids got good scores mom and dad bought them whatever they wanted. A nice car, expensive education, whatever. Just get the grades and the scores FFS.
This latter group of kids were all hyper liberal with no concept of putting in work or the value of a dollar and that seems to me to be directly related to the fact that they were intentionally placed in a situation where the value and reward systems were not in line with reality or with what produces healthy people who can function in a society that must deal with the real world. On top of that fucked up learning environment they had specifically been protected from anything that might damage their own feelings of self-worth: aka reality. Being protected from reality meant that they were full of “great ideas” that most people here would find preposterous but which actually make sense when looked at from a purely academic viewpoint where no hard data has ever been collected by the person proposing the idea.
Fifth, due to the overvaluation of feelz there’s a massive emphasis on intention rather than outcome. As long as what is being proposed or done feels right and is designed to make people feel better then it is good and wholesome, to be lauded and therefore, quite obviously, a good idea. The real world outcome doesn’t matter. In fact the real world outcome isn’t generally considered because the people engaged in this behavior have no experience with the real world and therefore no capability to think about what the real world outcomes might actually be, besides the outcome doesn’t matter as long as people feel better about the policy in the present. The Green New Deal is a good example of this.
Sixth, the focus on feelings means that anyone who says things that don’t “feel good” is “mean” and must be arguing in bad faith. This is something that is problematic but made infinitely more so by the fact that there are many people who use this feature of the educational system in an incredibly self-serving and manipulative way for their own political gain. This leads to a vicious tribalism that while something we can defuse we don’t because it’s politically advantageous to certain people who really are arguing in bad faith and using this facet of society to maximize their ability to do this. It leads directly to short-term political gains that are eventually extremely destructive. See identity politics for a good example.
I could add a few other paragraphs to this but I’m not going to bother. The point is that the reward system we’ve set up combined with modern technology, a piss poor educational system and manipulative assholes in certain positions leads to exactly what you see here: nonsensical behavior. The signals are all fucked up and in many cases not really understood by the people sending and receiving them (sometimes they don’t even know there are signals or who is sending them).
The result is the kind of thing you see here.
Good insight.
Excellent commentary; hits the bullseye. Very sad, but very true…
On five, they are aware of the real world. However, when their ideas fail in practice, they blame the real world, not their ideas. They complain that the reason their ideas don’t work is racism, oppression, etc. The problem for the rest of us is that the “real world” isn’t objective and immutable like the laws of physics. It can be whatever enough determined fools make it. Present day Venezuela is a perfect example.
So very, very true!
“…they are aware of the real world. However, when their ideas fail in practice, they blame the real world, not their ideas. They complain that the reason their ideas don’t work is racism…”
You’re confusing the actions of the asshole manipulator with their victims (see the second half of #6). These college kids don’t have the experience you’re talking about. They will eventually be released into the wild and many, if not most, of them will wise up because reality will knock them around. It might take a while but it will happen to most of them eventually.
This is exactly why the Left loves college students, high school students and even sometimes proposes to lower the voting age. Experience is a harsh teacher and the Left want to harvest votes from those who have not yet met the schoolmaster that is reality.
All that said, yes, a certain percentage of them will grow up to be exactly the same kind of jerkwad that created them in the first place. Those people will, generally, do it knowingly because the recognize reality and recognize that keeping others from reality is a powerful political tool.
That’s exactly why I make fun of AOC but have nothing but contempt for Feinstein. The former is young and ignorant. The latter is old enough that she knows exactly what she’s doing and does it in pursuit of personal power.
Your explanation of how Progressive minds work is a longer version of what I have stated: their minds (if you can even call them that) operate on feelings, fantasy, and their whimsical notion of virtue. Your statement that their intention is far more important than actual outcome is simply a description of the virtue concept.
I like your description of how they got to the point that their minds operate on feelings, fantasy, and their whimsical notion of virtue — which of course is simply based on feelings and fantasy of course! (Yes, circular reasoning is perfectly acceptable to Progressives who operate primarily on feelings and fantasy!)
“…intention is far more important than actual outcome is simply a description of the virtue concept.”
I would actually argue that it’s a complete perversion of the virtue concept and that in the longer run it defeats the entire purpose of virtue signaling but that’s a pretty long discussion in and of itself. Of course that’s all contingent on the notion of what “virtue signaling” is and how it’s designed to work which is, again, in and of itself a rather long discussion. I think Joe Rogan’s podcast covers both pretty well but from the starting point to a real definition/explanation takes like 16 hours of talking to some folks who are much more well versed in the topic and also smarter than I am.
“…how they got to the point that their minds operate…”
This is another rather long discussion and it’s one that I am really rather loathe to get into in depth. Personally I don’t think that the logic is circular in the classical meaning of that term. The end result is circular logic but it’s something most of these people would recognize and break out of if not for the fact that they’re being intentionally steered in a circle by people who understand very well what’s going on and are doing it for their own personal political and monetary gain.
Sometimes a dose of strych9 is almost as helpful as reading Proverbs. You could improve the average TTAG writing quality.
“The kids still understood competition, winning and losing and such, but they were taught to overvalue feelings to the point that what goes on now is a fucking ruthless online competition for upvotes that support their feelz and which spills over into real life.”
This is *why* I hope we NEVER get an ‘upvote button’ here in TTAG.
It will encourage competition to get the most upvotes. Comments on TTAG should live or die on their own merits…
Exceptional, Strych9
I actually kind of agree with these pathetic losers, let’s disarm cops, at least in deep blue areas. Force these idiots to face reality and either take responsibility for their own safety (something that disarmed cops would have a hard time preventing) or get killed by reality. Either way, society as a whole would benefit.
Maybe it’s not to late to Abort some of those Progressive school idiots. But then if the cops stopped protecting the other bro’s in the South side will take care of that, Dog Eat Dog!
I find it hilarious that a bunch of undiscipled bourgeois twats are commenting about getting rid of the police and arming the “working class”… kiddo, I’ve got news for you, you pampered morons will be the first up against a wall in an actual Marxist revolution. Hell, it might happen fast enough that the Marxist will wrap up before the rest of the country turns them into chunky salsa.
They better get used to cops armed with machine guns wearing body armor riding in tanks.
I think everything that’s been said about the UofC students in question is pretty much right on target. I also think the number of students saying such things is probably smaller than is being implied here. Yeah, I know…I’ve met some of those snowflakes too. I’ve also met some kids who are sharp as a tack, and while I haven’t yet polled anyone under the age of 25 on this article yet, I’m willing to bet that a good many of them will be scratching their heads as much as the rest of us. I think a mountain is being made out of a mole hill here, and I believe it happens all the time. Divisiveness=clicks.
The problem is likely overstated to some degree but that doesn’t mean it’s a problem and it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to understand and address it before it becomes more problematic. It’s also true that while the problem is overstated it’s not overstated because the “silent majority” disagrees with what’s being said. The majority don’t give a fuck about this kind of thing and that kind of disregard for the problem is exactly how it got to the point it’s at now.
You don’t get a cancer diagnosis and tell the oncologist “Eh, let’s wait until it’s inoperable”.
What bothers me about this is that I’m at the top end of this generation of “kids” and I have seen this get worse over time. Since I first took note of this kind of thing back in high school it has gotten many, many, many times worse. Far worse than I would have imagined not so long ago.
Left unchecked this will become a problem of unmanageable proportions. By the time most people even recognize there’s a problem it will probably be too late to fix it. Pointing it out now is the only potential solution to that issue.
*it’s not a problem.
[Insert cursing] edit button!
“We should arm the working class, disarm the pigs.”
Actually, that’s more or less the philosophy behind the Second Amendment. Bear in mind the ‘civilian police’ is a relatively new invention. In 1789 the dictates of the crown were enforced by the military. In the early days of this country the law was enforced by a sheriff or town marshal and if help was needed to apprehend a dangerous criminal a posse was formed from the local militia (civilian population). Over the last 200 years the professional civilian law enforcement class has grown and in the last 50 years it has become increasingly militaristic. The modern SWAT team is virtually indistinguishable from military special forces (other than, you know, actual training). Paired with a multitude of unconstitutional dictates from both elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats and we have a situation today quite similar to the one the colonial Americans faced from King George. It’s not hard to make the argument for much more classically liberal governance and little professional enforcement. Perhaps it would have been better for these robbers to have simply been shot dead by their would be victims.
However, in this case I think we’re talking about a ‘out of the mouths of babes’ situation.
To the author, making denigrating comments about the accused, such as “In their haste to get back to their computational and applied mathematics studies”, is not helpful to the cause. In fact, comments such as that indicate bias indicative of reporting from Cnn, Slate, and Salon…
Strive to better yourself. You are supposed to be an unbiased journalist; blindly characterizing charged citizens as anything other than accused persons is unfair to say the least.
John Boch owes the accused he reported on, and the readers of Truth About Guns an apology.
The people of the gun, do not judge… We excersise our Civil Rights. We encourage others to do the same. We advocate the courts, legislators, and citizens to resist degradation of Civil Rights.
Engaging in any effort to demean someone publically is anathema being part of the People of the Gun.
John Boch should apologize for his statements, and resign from this blog…
We, the supporters of the 2nd Amendment, are better than this. We can not allow ourselves the luxury of stooping to the level of the rich Democrats dedicated to eviscerating our way of life.
They will continue to spout biased statistics, and emotionally charged calls for more restrictions. Our response, needs to remain rational and factually based.
Journalists that ‘purportedly’ support the 2nd Amendment making ignorant, unfounded statements, like John Boch did in this article, are counterproductive at the least, and betraying of the cause at worst.
I am honestly ashamed to admit I read The Truth About Guns after reading his article:
Mr. Boch, you are supposed to be a journalist. That means keeping your opinions out of your reporting about events.
Your opinions are welcomed in product reviews or stated opinion pieces. They are NOT welcome in news articles. Again, this website is not CNN, Salon, Slate, etc…
Try harder, like the rest of us do…
An Actual Defender of Civil Rights,
And should the engineering crew of the Titanic have dedicated themselves to ensuring that the engines were running at peak performance after hitting the iceberg and the ship was listing several degrees with tons of water in the ship?
Taking the “high road” is of little comfort and ZERO utility if we lose the war. That being the case, we should use any and all tactics that do not involve harming innocent people. And making a potentially snide comment about a group isn’t harming them.
Mr. Defender:
You must be confused. I’m NOT a journalist. I’m an advocate first and I try to throw in a little humor too. Dan usually culls my sharper witticisms, but a few get through.
Yeah, these medical school students ran into the Economics building mistaking it for the Med School building. And the cops caught them.
Check that photo of the kid in cuffs. Talk about a hate-filled individual, angry at the world. He comes from a supra-violent culture where the only thing he’s got is the prestige of violence. He’s someone you don’t want to “disrespect” when out in public. ‘Cause if you do, you better be willing to be violent enough, quickly enough to stop his attack or you’ll be in a world of hurt yourself.
” Talk about a hate-filled individual, angry at the world. He comes from a supra-violent culture where the only thing he’s got is the prestige of violence. He’s someone you don’t want to “disrespect” when out in public. ‘Cause if you do, you better be willing to be violent enough, quickly enough to stop his attack or you’ll be in a world of hurt yourself.”
Every bit of this applies to the cop as well.
You’re not doing a very good job for your handlers, Actual. If you’re attempting to convince an Actual defender of civil rights, John Boch, to give up his efforts you are just not thinking very well. But you leftist anti gun trolls rarely are thinking at all.
“Mr. Boch, you are supposed to be a journalist. That means keeping your opinions out of your reporting about events.”
Sorry, the Leftists have changed the ‘rules’ of the game with their ‘journalism’.
It’s now fair to do to them that they do to us…
“The people of the gun, do not judge…”
Maybe if your sample of POTG is one.
POTG are some of the most judgmental people I’ve ever met. That’s not a knock on them. Really it’s more of a compliment.
One cannot be a person who carries a gun and not be judgmental. A completely open minded person would never carry a gun because they would feel it wasn’t their right to shoot someone since shooting someone intentionally would require judging the actions of that person, finding fault with them, reckoning that their behavior deserved a GSW and being willing to provide a GSW.
I don’t feel in the least insulted.
I wonder if there’s a difference between “judgmental” and “exercising judgment?”
They sound like some of the “informed” Police bashing commenters here on TTAG.
There is something wrong with the U of Chicago campus.
“What would happen to these special sheltered snowflakes if police and campus security simply quit protecting the University of Chicago? After all, just south of the campus lies some of Murder City’s roughest neighborhoods.”
Reality has many ways of slapping these stupid little shits in the face, but I’m really digging the extra schadenfreude in this particular scenario.
Nothing to see here folks,,, just thugs in training,,, carry on.
“We should arm the working class, disarm the pigs.” – Thomas Paine
Of course it’s possible that cops charging onto campus with weapons at the ready might shoot an innocent person by mistake. That’s why they only came charging in because they were chasing armed felons, who are prone to shooting innocent people on purpose.
I’ll definitely take my chances with an armed person who might shoot someone by accident over an armed person who might shoot someone on purpose.
Very good point DaveL!
Way too many citizens being shot on purpose by out of control cops to trust anyone in a cop costume.
And parents still pay big money to send their kids to these cultural Marxist indoctrination centers.
These are the same morons who would have been crying for gun control had they been shot by one of these aspiring youths turning their lives around. They could have their heads in a lion’s mouth yet it would still be a “cute innocent kitty” or some crap.
Higher education has become “Reeducation”
…don’t want their friends & relatives arrested…you know, the oppressed
WTF? Really?
Proof that our America is dying.
It’s a tragedy that ‘Liberal Arts’ degrees (capital L) have trended towards simply degrees in liberal (small l) opinion.
At my law school (let’s not say how many years ago, shall we?) an armed thief tried to steal several laptop computers from students in the law library. Two law students gave chase: one was a former Army officer and policeman, and the other a martial artist and future Air Force SERE instructor.
The Army officer armed himself with a field -expedient cudgel, and the future SERE instructor was always armed with a giant Cold Steel folding knife. They gave chase and cornered the thief. The drug-addled bad guy pulled his own knife on them, then considered his odds and gave up.
Did students protest? Fuck no. In fact the school gave an award to the pursuers.
Note: I did *not* attend U. Of Chicago Law School.
For what it’s worth, I agree with abolishing police departments. They are not needed do long as their is a second amendment.
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