How on earth does a 2-year-old get a hold of a loaded gun? Ask 18-year-old Andrew Sanchez of Fresno, California, whose firearm somehow ended up in the hands of a child, resulting in the death of a 22-year-old mother.
Sanchez was arrested inside the couple’s apartment after the toddler discharged the unsecured firearm, fatally wounding his mother, Jessinya Mina, with a single 9mm round to the upper body. Sanchez and Mina were reportedly relaxing in bed on the evening of Friday, December 6 when a “preventable” tragedy took place, according to the Fresno Police Department.
“This is very tragic, and a very much preventable and avoidable incident. He left that firearm in an area that was accessible to a 2½-year-old toddler at that location…The Fresno Police Department is deeply saddened by this type of tragedy that’s devastating and definitely serves as a stark reminder of the significance and importance of being able to properly store your weapon and do so in a manner that children don’t access it,” said Lt. Paul Cervantes in a news conference the following Monday.
According to police, Sanchez was attempting to get Mina to the hospital when police responded to the scene at the Butterfly Grove Apartment complex around 5:40 P.M. That’s when first responders stepped in, rendering aid to the young mother before transporting her to the hospital where she succumbed to her injuries.
According to the victim’s older sister, Jessica Rodriguez, Sanchez had ignored multiple requests from Mina to remove the firearm from the home. In California, an individual must be at least 21 years old to own a handgun legally, begging the question of how the 18-year-old came into possession of it in the first place. The 9mm was ultimately seized at the scene.
“She was beautiful and funny and could put a smile on anyone’s face, anyone who knew her was truly blessed by her presence. Now, because of her boyfriend’s carelessness, his arrogance, his (ir)responsibility, and neglecting my sister’s wishes of never having a gun in her house, she’s gone forever,” Rodriguez told KFSN.
Mina also had an 8-month-old daughter.
“My niece and nephew will have to live off of memories and stories of my sister rather than her presence. We will never be able to witness my sister carry out her lifelong goals and accomplishments due to his negligence. My sister didn’t deserve this,” Rodriguez added.
The suspect in the case, Sanchez, is reported to have no criminal history, highlighting how someone with an otherwise clean record can turn their lives, as well as others, completely upside down in one moment of carelessness when it comes to firearms ownership. Sanchez was taken into custody at the scene and charged with two felonies, criminal storage of a firearm, and child endangerment. He was booked into Fresno County Jail and is currently out on bail while the investigation remains open, according to police.
“As you can imagine, it’s difficult because we’re having to wrestle with the idea that it’s even conceivable that a 2 ½-year-old child would have sufficient strength to manipulate a firearm,” said Lt. Cervantes.
Being a firearm owner is never something to be taken lightly, no matter how natural it may seem to your lifestyle. The responsibility is ever present, and the price is an unwavering commitment to safety. This incident demonstrates how it only takes a second for everything to go wrong and how the effects of complacency can reverberate through the next generation. I can’t imagine how it may feel for the 2-year-old boy to find out one day how he lost his mother and how that will affect his outlook on the freedoms we cherish and protect with our own unending vigilance.
“Toddler fatally shoots” perhaps?
I think “shoots fatally” is correct.
If the child was dead and managed to shoot the mother, then “fatally shoots” would be correct.
There is some serious good news concerning the Congress, the conservatives fleeing the slave states is about to tip the balance of congress nearly 20 seats in our favor, we gaining 10 seats while they lose 10 seats. This makes it easier to stop their fascist laws getting passed in the near future. And getting ours passed!
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU all the conservatives moving to Florida, Texas, Arizona, Utah, and Idaho…
“The Census Bureau released its population forecast earlier today. The American Redistricting Project has translated the Bureau’s forecast into Congressional representation as of 2030. As you would expect, it is bad news for the Democrats:”
h ttps://
You’re welcome!
It wasn’t a difficult decision to move to a state with low property taxes, no income taxes, permissive gun laws and nice weather.
Yup. Adverb before the Verb. Fatally modifies Shoots.
I’m definitely a proponent of safe storage, not really of safe storage laws. In a case like this, it’s clear that there are negligent homicide charges to be filed. The only reason I wouldn’t is because of the kids.
For hundereds of years guns were hung openly in the home. Never touched by the children. Who were educated about guns At a very early age. People who don’t teach and learn about their rights. Including the responsibility and consequences. will lose them in the future.
STOP reporting as some kind of positive thing these UnConstitutional laws of the occupied states.
So Darwin bit them in the butt. The shackup incubator of two offspring (not said to be of same father) while trying to make a third, is shot by a kid that has not be trained. Or is there MORE to the story. Women of the streets.
hire an AI that knows English to write your headlines next time.
I believe the headline is correctly written as is.
You believe wrong
You believe wrong
So many red lights….
So many red lights.
Safe storage laws are unconstitutional! How dare they arrest him for exercising his right under the 2A to just leave a gun laying around his home?!
Hypocrisy flows both ways boys and girls….
The 2 year old didnt do it, the 18 year old did. They need to reinterview him.
Seriously. Did they do a gsr test on the child?
I’ll be the first one here to call Bullshit. A 30 month old with the grip strength and finger length to hold and fire any conceivable pistol??? Maybe the kid was actually from a previous relationship….. with a Silverback Ape.
Hunter Biden had better look out then…his youngest could be a marksman by comparison!
“30 month old with the grip strength and finger length to hold and fire any conceivable pistol?”
Absolutely. ANY healthy 30 month old. Or 18 month old. Thumb on trigger, fingers curled around the backstrap – bang. Instant tragedy.
This is a common and highly dangerous misconception.
That works if the child is aiming pistol at his own torso.
This 46 years service LEO agrees with you Unicorn. Something stinks in that story.
Something here isn’t adding up – like 1 plus 2 is coming out to be 20 to life for idiot Sanchez and whoever supplied him with the pistol. Serious doubts wether a two year old could actually hold much less fire any handgun on the Kalifornistan roster – don’t they need like a 6000 pound trigger pull?
Oh wait, the DA will go after the gun manufacturer instead. I’d sure like to know if there was another round chambered in it when the cops took it into evidence, cuz that would be a NO EFFING WAY after a toddler somehow managed to shoot it.
??? Why wouldn’t there be another round in the chamber?
1- fire weapon
2- cartridge ejects
3- next round is chambered
4- repeat!
Limp-wristing to the MAX…. think it through while applying a couple of Newton’s Laws.
Fact – 2 year old can easily fire a striker or DAO pistol. They pick it up with thumb on the trigger and fingers wrapped around the backstop.
Usually they shoot themselves, sometimes it is some one else.
Google keyboard is like a bad joke for those who hate typos.
Well. 48 years as a cop. Never saw one like that ever.
Well, that said. Clear the murder weapon, cock it, hand it to the Kid and have him dry fire it. If he cannot physically do it then, we have an issue.
Cases sometimes flip on the little things. Had a shooting case one time where b/f said she shot herself: suicide he said. She had been sitting on the bed, he said, and shot herself. She was lying on the floor DRT but the revolver was lying in her open hand [unlikely] but it also was lying across her open hand facing the wrong direction. Bullet had come out back of her head into the wall. No visible entrance wound. ME found it. it was through her left eye. Women rarely EVER shoot themselves in the face, but the eye? Uuh uhh. Never seen any suicide shoot themselves in the eye, man or woman. Neighbors upstairs heard a loud argument before the shot as well. Kid finally confessed he’d shot her in anger. He plead out to manslaughter.
So many red lights here.
“shoots fatally mother?”
First day with English?
It might just be proper English, and it could be that with all of us and our government school educations, we’ve never seen proper English, and so we fear what we don’t understand.
But wait…safe storage laws are unconstitutional, and it’s his tight under the 2A to just carelessly leave his gun laying around. Right?
Hypocrisy…it’s not just for libtards.
Non sequitur.
Headline Yoda writes.
What is a fatally mother? Try “…fatally shoots….”
I don’t believe that the child did it.
Holding a loaded gun while pulling the trigger at the same time with tiny hands and 2.5-year-old strength and dexterity? Hmm…
Yep. Easy peasy.
Some with experience in homicide cases will disagree with that. Simple test, have the kid do it again with an empty gun. If he cannot you lose. If he can its still a maybe.
Onr hopes they did a GSR on both the Kid and the Baby Daddy.
Ask 18yo Andrew Sanchez, who isn’t legally allowed to have a gun in California, why he had a gun laying around where toddlers or anyone else could grab it.
Who the eff is writing these headlines?
A heartbreaking tragedy.
Are we sure the toddler did it ????
Illegally giving a toddler a gun carries a much lighter sentence than First Degree Murder.
Lol, there you go, thinking like a cop.
Why no comments?
So two more Social Security checks go out to the chilluns for the next 16 & 17 years.
Sanchez? Get these beaners out of here. They all have to go back.
With children or not. Adult Gun owners are responsible for securing their firearms, from theft or unauthorized access.
It’s called responsibility. It goes along with Liberty. The two have always gone together.
“ The suspect in the case, Sanchez, is reported to have no criminal history, highlighting how someone with an otherwise clean record can turn their lives, as well as others, completely upside down in one moment of carelessness when it comes to firearms ownership. ”
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