The fatal fallacy of gun control laws in general is the assumption that such laws actually control guns. Criminals who disobey other laws are not likely to be stopped by gun-control laws. What such laws actually do is increase the number of disarmed and defenseless victims.
The fallacy of believing that the way to reduce shootings is to disarm peaceful people extends from domestic gun control laws to international disarmament agreements. If disarmament agreements reduced the dangers of war, there would never have been a World War II.
The decades leading up to that war were filled with international disarmament agreements. As with domestic gun control laws, the agreements were followed by peaceful countries and ignored by belligerent countries that built up huge war machines, such as in Nazi Germany and imperial Japan.
The net result was that the belligerent countries had every incentive to start wars, and that they inflicted devastating losses on the peaceful countries that had drastically curtailed their own military forces.
Eventually the Western democracies got their act together and turned things around, after they belatedly beefed up their military forces. But thousands of lives were lost needlessly before that happened. World War II was in its third year before Western forces won a single battle.
Undaunted by history, the same kind of thinking that had cheered international disarmament treaties in the 1920s and 1930s once again cheered Soviet-American disarmament agreements during the Cold War.
Conversely, there was hysteria when President Ronald Reagan began building up American military forces in the 1980s. Cries were heard that he was leading us toward nuclear war. In reality, he led us toward an end of the Cold War, without a shot being fired at the Soviet Union.
But who reads history these days, or checks facts before leading the charge to keep law-abiding people disarmed?
— Thomas Sowell in Gun-control laws do not make us safer
Kinda like “outlawing condoms will prevent pregnancy”!!
As if condoms have ever been outlawed. There hasn’t been a time I can ever remember when people could not get them from drug stores, grocery stores, etc.
There has also never been a time I can remember when women didn’t get pregnant, tried to prevent pregnancy, or aborted.
In the 50s and 60s, contraception was illegal in most places, despite your humor condoms were all clearly marked “for the prevention of disease only”
Ok, ill give you that. I hardly see it ever going that direction again though.
The best way to not get pregnant is for a woman to keep her legs closed. And say NO to any man who asks. Or just shoot him dead, if he won’t take no for an answer.
As for the men, if they don’t want to impregnate a woman, they can just get sterilized at a local doctor’s office.
Make personal responsibility great again!!!
It’s called “wishful thinking” and the “feminization of society.”
I like all these pre-WWII/Weimar equivalencies popping up everywhere to describe our current đ¤Ąđ. Makes me hopeful this shit will be coming to an end sooner rather than later.
Oh, can I be first to claim Sowell has been seen at Klan rallies lead by Elder or did MSNBC beat me to it?
A group of corporate billionaires bought out the left and converted it to fascism. There is no more left in America. No more socialism. No more communism.
They are all jack booted thugs and they don’t even realize it.
In fact dear Jethro the Moron the majority of greed monger C.E.O’s are radical far right Republican and for good reason, Republicans sanctify the rape of the working man and always have. They are all rabidly anti-union as well and for good reason every penny they steal from the workingman goes right into their greedy pockets and its no accident they get paid millions in cash and perks that came right out of the pockets of the working man that used to share in the profits when unions were strong and protected workers rights. At one time when we had strong unions all the wages in the U.S. were based and influenced by the amount people were making in union jobs. Do you think Walmart became shamefully the biggest employer in the U.S. by not breaking Unions.
Case in point. Hate filled fascist thug pretending to be a caring human being. What a joke.
Funny how you claim the billionaires are far right, but have been pouring money into far left political coffers. Including the Walton family of wally world fame.
Unions were a good idea and were needed at 1 time. But, because they( The Union s and those who run them) long ago sold out to the left. No longer doing anything to help those working people paying dues, but kowtowing to leftist politicians in hopes of gaining some sort of political favors and control over those dumb enough to support them.
Part of the reason behind open borders is to bring in more low wage labor and Dementiacrat voters. So long as the union bosses get their money they could care less about the workers.
Was a time when politicians actually represented the voters. Now, they, and both parties are guilty, represent big business, Wall Street, and political special interest groups that cough up funding and kick backs.
I would have had a problem back in the good ol’ days, I expect. First time the heroic union thugs showed up to break my knees, I would have shot them until they ceased moving.
To Old man (that has not learned much in all these years)
Quote————Funny how you claim the billionaires are far right, but have been pouring money into far left political coffers. Including the Walton family of wally world fame.———–quote
Bullshit. We discussed this before when Mark the big mouth made the ridiculous statement that most C.E.O’s were Liberal. That one got a laugh from many people and myself and later Minor49er tore him a new asshole.
quote————–Unions were a good idea and were needed at 1 time. But, because they( The Union s and those who run them) long ago sold out to the left. No longer doing anything to help those working people paying dues,————quote
Pure ignorance and the usual far right union hating bullshit.
When Reagan and later Clinton destroyed the import protection rules that protected the American Worker Unions lost out big time because they could no longer afford to pay off the corrupt politicians after the unions ended up losing many members that had their unions crushed or totally ignored by their employers because the corrupt greed monger employers knew that the Federal Government was no longer going to crack down on their illegal union busting activities.
The latest scandal by Amazon crushing an attempt by workers to form a union and the corrupt Trump Government not stepping in was another classic case of the Feds helping to crush the workers rights to form a union and get a fair share of the economic pie rather than let all the profit go to the greed monger C.E.O’s. No wonder why more and more people are going full blown socialist. They would be nuts not to.
quote————-Part of the reason behind open borders is to bring in more low wage labor and Dementiacrat voters.—————-quote
You know as much about the labor history in the U.S. as you know about rocket science which is zero. For decades and decades long, long before the current wave of illegal immigration it was greed monger Republican Businessmen that deliberately enticed Lantio’s to come here illegally so they could be used for slave labor in the produce fields and in the meat industry. They often paid them below minimum wage and of course with zero benefits. The corrupt Republican Congressmen were paid off by the greed monger C.E.O’s and Republicans liked the lower produce and meat prices that were the result of slave labor.
quote————-Was a time when politicians actually represented the voters. Now, they, and both parties are guilty, represent big business, Wall Street, and political special interest groups that cough up funding and kick backs.————quote
Well god almighty you finally got something right for change and by the way if the shoe was on the other foot you would not have had the humility or guts to say what I just said. I give credit where credit is do and when you deserve it, something that you could never do.
dacian – when those moronic voices in your head scream to escape, find a brick wall and stay away from the internet.
“The latest scandal by Amazon crushing an attempt by workers to form a union and the corrupt Trump Government not stepping in…”
So the Two Hundred Billion Dollar Man, leftist Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon and the far left agitprop WaPo, crushes unions and dacian blames Trump.
Reality just not your thing, eh?
“I give credit where credit is do and when you deserve it, something that you could never do.”
We will give you credit little ‘d’,
here is where you start;
Seek professional help, you are mentally unbalanced.
History is racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, and non-binary and must be eliminated if progressive PC woke culture is to prevail.
Ironic how the racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, and non-binary history must be eliminated in order for it to be replaced by a progressive racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, and non-binary culture.
What has been will be again… just implemented beneath a different standard.
For the proletariat, yes.
Cut the chase…
1) The Second Amendment is one thing.
2) The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, knives, bats, etc. is another thing.
3) History confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.
You forgot to mention Jim Crow in there somewhere, methinks…
Jim Crow is alive and well in line 3, methinks you failed History.
Haz IS your biggest fan princess. I’m not
. Methinks you’re ignorant of places like Chiraq is run by black folks who ain’t Jim Crow or Nazi.
Whenever I see a ‘Debbie’ comment, I’m accustomed to the buzz terms “Nazi” (check…it’s there in line 3), “DemonRat” (nope…missing), and “Jim Crow” (missing).
Now if only ‘enuf’ returned and you replied, it’d feel like a high school reunion…
” The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.”. – Thomas Sowell
Meh…I ain’t giving up chit. In fact I’m going shooting with my good friend this morning. With my “new” eyes. I’m typing without reading glasses so I think I’ll do OKđIndoor Point Blank so I’ll test my LPVO later.
âI see no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weaponsâ
– Ronald Reagan
He supported and signed legislation prohibiting the open carry of firearms when he was governor of California. And his views on gun control didn’t change.
Ronnie supported banning machine guns in 1986, background checks in 1991 and banning assault weapons in 1994.
He also screwed the pooch on illegal immigration, yet Republicans worship him to this day.
What he accomplished with the economy was magic, I still don’t understand how that happened. Especially after what Carter left him with.
” What he accomplished with the economy was magic, I still donât understand how that happened ”
It’s pretty simple, really, and hardly magic. He just whipped out the national credit cards and spent like a drunken sailor.
People make Trump into the gun guy he isnât. People see what they want to see.
The basic fact that gun control laws do nothing to deter violent criminals is just plain old ordinary common sense. Those who promote and sponsor gun control laws aren’t being honest about why they want gun control. Gun control is all about people control. It always has been and it always will be. It’s really that simple. A disarmed society’s freedom is always in peril. Our 2nd Amendment is the foundation that all of the other Amendments and our Constitution rest. The 2nd Amendment puts teeth in our Constitution.
Keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and pycho’s does indeed make us safer. All civilized nations thoroughly vet gun applicants with mental tests and background checks and safe storage laws and of course training in state laws and gun safety. Civilized nations have much lower accidental deaths and much lower homicides because of the success of their gun laws and we have failed catastrophically because of our almost total lack of laws especially with the sale of second hand guns that get sold to anyone who wants a weapon.
As I have said many times before the more sensational mass murders we have along with the rising deaths due to criminals using weapons when committing crimes only make the public call for draconian gun laws and who can really blame them. The Far Right are the greatest asset that the anti-gun crowd could ever wish for.
And how’s that workin’ out for ya, dacian the dim??
Lotsa REALLY EFFECTIVE new ‘common sense’ gun control laws being passed? Nope.
Lotsa states adopting Constitutional carry? Yep.
Record gun sales, multiple months in a row? Yep.
Sucks to be an idiot, uneducated, fascist/Leftist clown, dunnit, dacian the dim???
It only sucks if he’s self aware enough to realize what a parody of a human being he is.
To lamp that went out in his head
quote—————Record gun sales, multiple months in a row? Yep.
Sucks to be an idiot, uneducated, fascist/Leftist clown, dunnit, dacian the dim???————quote
The only uneducated dufus doddered is you. This week the news media has stated that gun homicides and crime rose astronomically along with the rise in gun buying proving that Robert Reich was correct when he said that numerous studies on rising gun ownership and crime coincide with each other. Its doubly more dramatic in Capitalvania because we do not vet second hand gun sales and a new gun can be resold with no paperwork the day its originally bought by the original owner and often is.
There is a new term called THE IRON PIPELINE that runs guns from southern eastern states up the east coast to northern eastern coastal states and law enforcement verifies that hundreds and even thousands of guns are being shipping in from southern states with lax gun laws into northern states with sane gun laws making their laws totally ineffective. Now even a dufus doddered like you should be able to understand this simple example. We will not include Jethro WM he lives in his own fantasy world.
It is not possible to actually be that stupid. You are pretending.
Where, and among what demographic cohort, did those increases in crime and violence occur, dacian the dim?? I’ll give you a couple of hints: First, places like Chiraq, Seattle, Minneapolis and Portland, and other large, Dimocrat-run cities (MOST of them with extensive, useless, ‘gun control’ legislation); second, hmm, looks like the majority of the increase is among . . . urban ‘persons of color’.
Now, don’t you feel even MORE stupid, dacian the dim?? Nahh, you’re too ignorant and fact averse to even be aware oif those facts. Hie thyself off to the theological place of eternal punishment, you ignorant, ungrammatical, illiterate, ahistorical punk thug of a Leftist/fascist lout.
By the way, dacian the dim,
A couple of quick “pro tips” for you:
Citing (and, frankly, not even ‘citing’, simply making an unsupported allegation) Robert Reich as an authority on guns or public policy (or ANYTHING, for that matter)? Not a good look (except, perhaps, to a half-wit Leftist/fascist such as yourself); and
Citatations and links to these “studies” you claim support your idiotic claims, or . . . it didn’t happen. Shannon Watts and her imbecile “Moms Demand Action” liars produce “studies” like locusts – all of which are statistically and/or methodologically flawed, and none of which support the propositions for which they advance them. Surely, if these “studies” exist, were properly conducted, and support your alleged point, citing and linking them should be child’s play, no? “Child’s play” is about the right level for you, so it should be easy.
To quote Dean Wurmer: “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, boy!” Although, in your case, it is probably your only option. Just another intellectually lazy, brainwashed, “credentialed”, “educated”, Leftist/fascist idiot, with no idea what he’s talking about. But, DAYUM, do you have those Leftist talking points memorized? Kept your notes from your “Oppression of the working class by the capitalists” class, did you?
No, Larry, unfortunately, dacian the dim not only CAN be that stupid, he IS that stupid. He proves it on this blog on the daily. He CLAIMS he has a degree (and he appears to be stupid and brainwashed enough that I am inclined to believe him), but he’s obviously nothing but a “credentialed-but-uneducated Leftist/fascist idiot”.
If guns are the problem, why aren’t there rampant shooting in the areas where the guns are being shipped into the NE US from. đ¤
Seems like something else may be the root cause.
To the lamp that went out in his head
quote—————-Where, and among what demographic cohort, did those increases in crime and violence occur, dacian the dim?? Iâll give you a couple of hints: First, places like Chiraq, Seattle, Minneapolis and Portland, and other large, Dimocrat-run cities (MOST of them with extensive, useless, âgun controlâ legislation); second, hmm, looks like
the majority of the increase is among . . . urban âpersons of colorâ.
Now, donât you feel even MORE stupid, dacian the dim??——————quote
To Dufus Doddered.
As I have tried to drill into that thick cranium of yours many times before. Local and State gun laws are useless because states with lax laws ship in guns to states with tough laws. And Dufus the Iron Pipe line has been discussed before BY LAW ENFORCEMENT so now you are telling us DO NOT CONFUSE ME WITHTHE FACTS I REJECT THE TRUTH.
And as usual you imply that gun crime is the all the fault of blacks. You can always count on a Far Right Neo Nazi Storm Trooper to place the race card. Big cities have large populations of unemployed and underemployed people and all races get caught up in the drug trade to try and make enough money to put food on the table. Bringing race into it only shows what a sick mind people like you have. You do not look for the causes of violence and crime rather you blame violence and crime on race. Only an uneducated dufus doddered would result to such racist rants.
Next you will be telling us the solution to all the problems in the U.S. is gas chambers so than only Anglo-Saxon Protestants will be allowed to survive and live here. You are really sick, sick, sick.
In other words, shorter dacian the dim: “Yes, vastly disproportionate amount of “gun crime” is committed by ‘persons of color’, but I can’t admit that, because it wouldn’t be politically correct.”
Also dacian the dim: “Yes, most guns tend to flow from places where there are more guns per capita to places where there are fewer, and given that ALL of the major blue cities that supposedly suffer from an influx of guns already have gun laws which make at least one end of the transaction illegal, it would be stupid to assume that another law would stop this traffic – but I can be as stupid as I need to be to maintain my narrative (that I totally invented on my own, not copied from the college sociology professor), so I’m going to pretend that it is some deep, “Right Wing” conspiracy, that can be solved with just ONE MORE stupid law.”
Just keep f***in’ that chicken, dacian the dim. You are a legend in your own mind.
BTW, dacian the dim, the Waco ATF bozos did not use a flamethrower tank. The DID use a BORROWED armored vehicle to deliver smoke grenades, which are believed to have started the fire. So, you’re lying about that, too.
Do you even know HOW to tell the truth, dacian the dim??
to the Lamp that went out in his head
quote—————In other words, shorter dacian the dim: âYes, vastly disproportionate amount of âgun crimeâ is committed by âpersons of colorâ, but I canât admit that, because it wouldnât be politically correct.â
Also dacian the dim: âYes, most guns tend to flow from places where there are more guns per capita to places where there are fewer, and given that ALL of the major blue cities that supposedly suffer from an influx of guns already have gun laws which make at least one end of the transaction illegal, it would be stupid to assume that another law would stop this traffic ———–quote
You know nothing about the illegal gun trade. Guns are not just coming in from one state but from many that have lax gun laws to states with lax gun laws and flow into states and big cities with tough gun laws.
Now duffus doddered lets give you an example on the 3rd grade level so even you can understand it. If we have a rural state with 100 guns to every person the amount of crime will be less because of the population size and even lower if the people of that state have higher employment and even lower yet if wages are also higher.
Now contrast this to big cities that have large surplus populations where because of the volume of people wages are low (remember unions are only a fraction of what they once were) . When we often have millions of people in just one city with high unemployment and underemployment we because of greater numbers and poverty have more crime, but guns make the situation worse because of all the homicides made so easy with guns.
In conclusion screaming that rural states with high gun ownership have less crime (insinuating a master race) and cities with high populations that have more crimes with guns (insinuating a sub-human race) is the mentality that led to gas chambers in Germany during WWII. Congratulations you just received your storm trooper arm band.
Also dacian the dim: âYes, most guns tend to flow from places where there are more guns per capita to places where there are fewer, and given that ALL of the major blue cities that supposedly suffer from an influx of guns already have gun laws which make at least one end of the transaction illegal, it would be stupid to assume that another law would stop this traffic ———–quote
How many times do we have to go over this and that is that states with lax laws are to blame for sending in second hand guns into states/cities with tough laws. NOW EVEN A 3RD GRADER COULD UNDERSTANT THIS. You just proved that yes you are a dufus doddered.
Dear (demented) dacian the dim,
First, I notice you’ve carefully ignored my challenge to actually CITE SOME ACTUAL RESEARCH that supports your (unfounded) allegations.
Second, You are basically agreeing with me that guns flow from places of greater supply to places of lesser supply (basic economics, ANOTHER subject about which you are wholly ignorant). And then you carefully elide over the fact that this entire “Iron Pipeline” nonsense results in (according to you, we have not seen the studies to verify your so far unsupported claim) those guns ending up in BLUE cities with strict gun laws. I realize actual ratiocination is probably beyond your meager to nonexistent capacity, but perhaps you would be willing to concede that it is ALREADY illegal for a “prohibited person” to purchase a gun. Illegal under federal law, illegal under state law, and triply illegal under the laws of all of these BLUE cities supposedly suffering from this influx of illegal guns.
You obviously missed the part about these transactions ALREADY BEING ILLEGAL. Please explain exactly how one MORE law is going to deter this supposed illegal traffic in guns, when the participants are ALREADY ignoring multiple state, federal and local laws???
Dacian the witless, there are ample studies out there demonstrating that the majority of guns used in crime are acquired either by theft, or on the black market. BOTH of those things are ALREADY illegal. How, exactly, is another law going to change that??
Or am I correct in inferring that you are hopelessly stupid?? Oh, and how’s that whole “War on Drugs” working out for ya??? And why do you presume that a “War on Guns” will be any MORE successful? IF you possess the simple skill necessary, look up Einstein’s definition of insanity. By his definition, you are clearly insane . . . in addition to being noticeably more stupid than the average planaria.
Find it ironic the article uses Reagan as an example. He hated guns like most Republicans but at least he was a little more honest than most.
I think the logical inference from that is that ALL persons in positions of power hate private ownership of guns. There is nothing in the universe that threatens their ability to maintain and consolidate that power so much as individuals owning guns. No, republicans TALK a good game (mostly) about the 2A, but when they are in power, they do nothing or worse. Dimocrats we don’t even have to talk about; they hate guns in private hands.
Part of the reason I refuse to join or support either party. Comes voting time, I may be forced to pick the “lesser of two evils” – usually from one branch or the other of the uniparty – but I do not have to give them either my money or my allegiance.
Gun control, confiscation, bans and restrictions have never had the desired effect the politicians claim to want. All the anti gun laws do is disarm the very people who are not the problem to start with. We heard much the same foolishness about the cheap handguns commonly called “Saturday Night Specials” back in the 1970″s. Anyone care to point out how well those laws have done in reducing crime?
Lets start with the Firearms act of 1939. Also known as the National Firearms Act.
Written in a hurry over crimes that would have occurred with or without the laws in place. Clyde Barrow stole his automatic weapons from a National Guard Armory. Dillinger stole his machine guns from a police dept. Only a very few machine guns were ever sold on the civilian market and fewer were actually used in crimes. Mainly against other criminals. RE the St. Valentine’s day massacre.
Short barreled rifles, Sawed off shotguns are to this day seldom used by anyone and are easily cut down from available firearms with a $5.00 hack saw.
Silencers, or suppressors, do quiet the report of a firearm. But, do not silence a gun. The only time such reduction in the report of a gun being brought down to a spit or cough is in Hollywood movies.
The feared “Assault Rifle” or ” Assault Weapon” is another fallacy hyped by popular entertainment and the media. A century old lever action rifle would be just as lethal in an enclosed area as the newest scary black rifle on the market. And can be reloaded on the fly very quickly. But, because of the hype, and they resemble military weapons, the uninformed are frightened by them.
Something being ignored by the anti gun folks, and by the media supporting them, is the fact that crime in the US is on par with crime in other industrialized countries. And don’t allow yourselves to be fooled. 2/3’s of all gun deaths are suicides. But suicide rates in the US are lower than some industrial countries and about average for industrial nations.
Just something to think about.
The single most underreported / overlooked / censored / carefully ignored aspect of all:
Organized Crime Wants You Disarmed.
There is a very simple reason why so many big city politicians / councilmembers tend to vote for whatever organized crime would want: That is who they must work with & for if they want to get and stay in any kind of local elected office for long! Without local organized crime funding and even local street gangs willing to “get the vote out”, many local politicians would never even make it into any kind of local elected office to begin with, much less stay there for long. THIS is why you see so many big city officials suicidally voting to defund police and disarm the law abiding, and other such impossibly stupid policies. They are simply doing what their organized crime benefactors want. Organized crime is of course uniquely capable of expanding it’s reach and power into the vacuum left as law & order is defunded and ordered to retreat, so our enemies put a fair amount of resources into making this happen. Unless and until a lot more people fully grasp the vastly well funded organized crime aspect behind so much that is wrong in our biggest American cities today, we are simply wasting a lot of time and bandwidth. Obliviously swallowing camels and yet choking on flies, so to speak.
Organized Crime Wants You Disarmed.
For those few out there that haven’t yet seen this lonely old rare example of what real investigative journalism used to look like, I once again leave you with the following article which explains the roots of how so many big blue city politicians came to be so closely associated with organized crime. While this article was obviously very specific to Chicago, the same general overarching theme applies – at least to some extent – to virtually every major American city today:
Gangs and Politicians in Chicago: An Unholy Alliance
LAWBREAKERS, LAWMAKERS: In some parts of Chicago, violent street gangs and pols quietly trade money and favors for mutual gain. The thugs flourish, the elected officials thriveâand you lose. A special report.
DECEMBER 13, 2011, 5:48 PM
– – – –
As long as we continue pretending that the immensely well funded power and influence of organized crime does not exist, we will simply continue to blindly stumble around oblivious to much of reality today. We will continue allowing our precious unique-in-all-the-world liberty to be forever destroyed, in the process of losing a war against organized crime that we don’t even seem to know that we are supposed to be fighting, much less know we are losing and losing badly.
The Prohibition Era’s “war on booze” gave us the original rise of organized crime known as the mafia. The “war on drugs” has done the same and in spades today… it is impossible to separate illegal drugs from the nationwide organized crime networks that import / create / make illegal drugs available everywhere in the country and at bargain prices. As long as we keep ignoring those BILLIONS of yearly dollars and all of the corruption those yearly literal thousands of millions can buy, we will keep on LOSING and BADLY.
Organized Crime Wants You Disarmed. This is probably the biggest single most devastating open “secret” in our country today, and the proof lies in that simple fact that you virtually never even see it mentioned. That kind of silence does not come cheap.
No News At 11.
Know what is as annoying as all hell? To have some self appointed troll sociopath cut and paste quotes and then make his inane comments on them. It is a very rude thing to do, no matter what junior college may say. Once that little tactic is employed, there is zero chance of swinging an opinion over to your side.
But then you know all that. Thats why you do it.
All true, but . . . MinorIQ, enuf, and dacian the dim provide us with endless free entertainment. With each comment thread on this blog, I make a private bet with myself as to which of our persistently brainless trolls will (i) comment first, and (ii) come up with the stupidest “take”. Doesn’t matter whether I ‘win’ my bet or not, the result is often entertaining, and I get to mock and make fun of the mentally deficient trolls that persist in showing their @$$es, and vie with each other for the stupidest “take”.
The truly sad part is that there ARE internally intellectually coherent arguments that can be advanced in favor of gun control – they are wrong, ahistorical, and not persuasive, but they at least have the virtue of not being self-contradictory. None of our trolls seems to have the ability to make any of those arguments, which means we get to deal with brainless ‘strawman’ arguments, of dubious to non-existent historical accuracy.
Comments are closed.