With concealed carry legal in most of free parts of the country and more and more options for concealed carry pistols out there – we’re selling more small concealable firearms than ever. Here’s a rundown of a few of the guns we sell the most and what’s driving consumers to buy them.
SIG SAUER P365 Micro-Compact

My biggest seller right now by far and away is the SIG P365. After they worked out their initial issues, the guns seem to be very reliable, they feel great in the hand, and the availability of flat/larger base pads and magazine sizes in 10, 12 and 15-round capacities make the gun very tough to beat.
Most customers are carrying the 10 or 12-round magazine in the gun with a 15 as a backup. Or, in some cases, they’re using their P365 as a vehicle gun with the 15-round mag plus a spare.
The idea of having nearly the capacity of a GLOCK 17 in such a small package is a compelling argument for even the most opinionated gun owner.
Coupled with the option of getting a manual safety, which most of my customers who were former military are a big fan of – and the platform is something we sell quite a bit out of. With the 365 XL coming to dealer shelves soon to add some sight radius and barrel length to the existing platform that will already be very familiar to regular 365 owners, that’s sure to be a popular gun.
GLOCK G42 and G43

OK this section is more of a collection. But I’m combining them because they’re so closely related. While the G42 and G43 are still the second most popular concealed carry guns I sell, sales of these pistols have been hit hard…by newer GLOCK models.
Lots of buyers are gravitating towards the GLOCK 48 – which is GLOCK 19-sized, but a single stack. Or they’re going for the GLOCK 43X which is also G19-sized, but single stack and a little shorter up top.

The idea of having 10 rounds versus 6 is a big factor to many customers nowadays and we’re seeing lots of die-hard GLOCK folks who refuse to buy anything but GLOCK putting pen to 4473 on the 43X and the 48.

The only real complaints we had is that the G43X and the G48 don’t come in all black, but GLOCK recently released a production run of 100% black pistols so that will either assuage the GLOCK loyalists or infuriate them for making them buy another gun.
Only time will tell.
Smith & Wesson M&P0 Shield

My third biggest seller is a little strange – we’ve been getting a bunch of transfers from Palmetto State Armory with their Smith & Wesson M&P Shield Gen1 promo. For $250 (with or without a safety), they’re selling the original 9mm Shields (not the newer M2.0) which are still fantastic guns that we used to sell the hell out of until the P365’s stole the show.
Our bound book is filled with shields and many happy customers that like the M&P platform and want a sub $400 carry gun that don’t want to shell out the $500-550 out the door price of the Glock 43X/48 with night sights or the Sig 365.
Any gun is better than no gun, so for the value-oriented consumer, the Gen1 Shield has been a great find for them. It’s still a very reliable gun that packs a punch with a large aftermarket and S&W customer service to stand behind their product.
Hopefully if you’re shopping for a new carry pistol, this information is helpful for you and you can find something you like.
What are you carrying nowadays and what features were important to you in making that decision?
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
Got multiple P365s and a flat trigger on order. I’ll have two Sig P365XLs and a Romeo sight once the order comes up at my local gun shop. I’m stoked.
With the number and mileage you have on them, what’s your assessment of the 365 as a carry piece?
Funny, nobody ever asks me how my G43 is holding up after x rounds. With Glock the round count is a non-issue. With SIG, not so much.
Curb your ego, get the Glock, and enjoy life.
I already own two Glocks, one of them a first-gen G19 I purchased before many of the people who are Glock-uber-alles types were even born.
Man, I remember when I saw my first Glock. And that memory is now over 30 years old. Damn, I feel old now.
G19, no issues yet.
The reason no one asks how your G43 is holding up is because it’s fundamentally the same as the Gen1 G17 from over 30 years ago. Really, it’s a single stack G26.
Glock hasn’t really designed anything new since the Gen1 G17. It’s all just been size and caliber variations. That’s neither good nor bad… not fixing what isn’t broke is a legitimate business strategy, but many of their incremental generation improvements *have* been fraught with reliability issues.
Sig did create something new, and I don’t think it’s really a fair comparison point out how reliable the current G43 is when Glock worked out all the bugs *decades* ago when the system was new… especially considering how many issues seem to pop up when Glock does do an incremental improvement.
I agree – Glock has done very little in term of innovation in the last 30 years. The trigger pull isn’t terrible, but definitely isn’t great. I’m not a fan of the polygonal rifling which isn’t very accurate and yields lower velocities. Aftermarket parts abound, so that’s a plus.
That remains to be seen after about 2500 rounds. The latest versions have less primer swipe (not sure if that’s the technical term but I figure you know what I’m referring too). Sig has quietly changed the striker to a more robist design. I completely disassembled a brand new 365 built in April of 2019 and had a heck of a time reassemblying it due (tight parts and a near zero round count at the time).
My most worn out gun currently is a Gen 4 G23 converted to 9mm with about 35 K rounds needing new night sights, trigger, striker spring, etc. I night just sell it since Glocks are basically disposable. I may have argued that point with you once, and if so, I was wrong.
The 365XL reportedly has much less striker swipe due to the increase in slide mass and different spring setup. I’ll probably transition that to my primary off duty carry since I suspect it will have much better longevity than the 365 platform.
I’ve got about 10K rounds through the standard 365 platform, but I’ve been selling them to friends and such so the one with about 2.5K has the highest round count.
Although the 365 is +P rated I don’t use it.
Thanks for that information. I’ve been considering the 365 with the manual safety for a new CCW piece. The price is right, and several people with informed opinions (like you) have given it a qualified thumbs-up. I’ve heard other issues, such as the firing pin breakage, and I noticed the piece really needs the 12 round magazine to feel more comfortable in larger hands (same sort of deal as with my G36 CCW piece).
For the price that these are offered to FFL’s, I’m strongly considering one, as it’s light enough that I could put it into a holster in a cargo pocket in the summer and not be all that weighed down, as I would be with an all-metal gun. One other consideration was that the P365 comes with night sights, and that’s a $75 value right there.
The Sig X ray night sights are pretty good. Although the Sig works for pocket carry I do IWB with a nice Kydex holster and the 12 round mag, and another 12 round spare. My hands are medium / large.
I’m very excited with the XL version – hoping to ring steel at 100 yards with the Romeo sight.
Sure wish I had your knowledge when it comes to polishing trigger bits (i just diassemble and use Flitz), reloading, and making parts.
I’ll add that things are going well so far, but if I break something I will replace and fix it (I’m an armorer, not a ‘smith), and reevaluate at that point. Sig forums point to higher round counts, but also to issues. It’s an innovative platform, but definitely not the most durable.
I had a 43X that was decent, but sold it because I didn’t like the grip and a few other things.
I can’t make any suggestions as to how to slick a trigger on a 365, as no one has asked for such a thing yet.
Most striker fired pistol trigger jobs leave you saying “meh” in the before/after comparison. Every attempt I’ve made to make a Glock trigger better leaves me unimpressed at the returns for the effort.
I’ve yet to pull a Glock with an amazing trigger – Smith revolvers and 1911s are my guns with great triggers. I’m curious how many rounds you have through your original Glocks, and what, if anything you’ve replaced.
I’ve put a good amount of Federal HST, +P, Winchesr Ranger +P, and Underwood +P through my Glocks, and it definitely accelerates wear. Can’t say I’m broken hearted about wearing out Glocks, but I would be impressed to see an original out in the wild.
About 1000 thru mine with zero malfunctions. Did put a flat trigger (Armorycraft) on it and it shoots like a duty sized pistol. My new little friend goes everywhere now.
P365 XL with a manual safety and Romeozero red dot has future carry gun written all over it for me. Add the 15 round mag and light for home defense, and it’s the total package.
A couple myths that new concealed carriers need to get over.
1. The gun needs to “disappear”…
You’re not 007, in most states “printing” is not a thing, and most people are too stupid to notice that you’ve got a gun shaped bulge under your shirt. Carry the biggest gun you comfortably and legally can. A bigger gun is easier to shoot and you’re far more likely to get loads of practice with a Glock 19 sized package than with a pocket 9 that makes you regret every trip to the range.
2. I will never need more than X rounds.
Again… you’re not 007. Nobody has ever come out of a firefight complaining about bringing too much gun or too much ammo.
3. My .357 / .44 /.45 / 10mm will stop anything that moves.
For all the wheel gun enthusiasts out there, sorry, but my 21 9×19 rounds will do more than your 6 .357 Magnum rounds to stop an asshole. Just like in Zombieland, anything worth shooting once is worth shooting twice. Unlike the movies, bad guys don’t just drop or fly through plate glass windows the first time you hit them. There are two places on the body that will cause you attacker to immediately stop. Both are about the size of a PostIt note. If you think you can hit a moving target that small in the middle of a sphincter tightening adrenaline dump… well… I’ve got news for you.
Very true on all three counts.
Unless you live in states like NY, CA, etc. where printing is most definitely a thing, and can get you in huge trouble, and where magazine round caps are also a thing, and so the max round count and caliber matter a lot for various legal and practical reasons. I’m not saying this is how it should be (it isn’t), but I am saying that this is how it IS.
^^ This ^^ / ^^ This ^^
Double THIS ^^
In CA, you most definitely do *NOT* want to print under any circumstances, even if you live in a county that issues CCWs. Too many areas don’t issue permits, so cops will pin you for carrying and overreact accordingly, and figure out that you’re “legal” afterward. Hopefully you won’t be pressed against the wall, or publicly embarrassed in the best scenario.
No doubt all that ammo is a good thing, but it comes at the cost of weight. Not everyone wants to carry around a boat anchor. These little guns weight half as much. Moreover, tiny little guns don’t gouge your rib cage every time you sit in a chair with arm rests. (Which I spend most of my day doing.) And last but not least, not everyone has paws big enough to wrap around a double stack mag well.
Hence the popularity of these three little guns.
If you need 21 rounds you’re probably in over your head.
If you need one round you are likely in over your head… the average person isn’t as built for go as they would like to believe they are… hence why a big gun with lot of bullets isn’t a bad idea.
Even if you’re not into training, which is perfectly fine, a force on force class or hand to hand sparing/combatives training will humble 99% of people, as it gives them a reality check on their true capabilities and performance.
Most people think they’re John Wick, when in actuality they’re John Candy.
So….im stealing that last line.
Fair enough. I’ll take John Candy:
The Cowboy: Slim, I ain’t never seen a handgun that big before.
Frank Dooley (John Candy): Yeah, it’s a 50 caliber. They used to use it to hunt buffalo with… up close! It’s only legal in two states. And this isn’t one of them.
The Cowboy: You’re somthin’ else, Slim.
— Armed and Dangerous (1986)
(Yes, I know the line is BS, but it’s one of my favorite John Candy moments)
“Most people think they’re John Wick, when in actuality they’re John Candy.”
What you talking about, Willis? 😉
When you’re right, you’re right, and you, you’re always right!
Guilty as charged.
To me this is kind of like say “If you need a gun you already fucked up”.
If you need the gun it’s already a very bad day and given the way things work I don’t see any particular reason to assume that it’s not about to get worse because that Murphy dude is a bit of a dick.
This is one place where I think Clint (of Thunder Ranch) splits the baby about right when he says that running a gun til it’s empty isn’t in and of itself a bad thing but it means you’ve found yourself in a big fight and you should reload.
That said, realistically I think the best choice is something you’re comfortable with and shoot well. Where you can, within reason, improve the capabilities of the setup for a relatively low “cost”, that’s something I’d suggest be seriously considered but how you do that is entirely up to you.
We tend to get bogged down in mantras that reflect an extreme. “Two is one, one is none” on one side and “concealed means concealed” in this case. Neither takes into account situational nuance, risk analysis of the specifics of the situation, capabilities of the carrier etc.
Ultimately every choice is a compromise on something and therefore a value judgement. Personally I like to keep as many options open as I reasonably can and keep those options available as long as possible but YMMV. Sometimes that “reasonable” variable limits me to an LCPII for a bit, sometimes it takes me to a G19 or a .44mag. Usually I find it’s a USP and a spare mag but sometimes that just doesn’t work and I change things up to meet the criteria of that situation.
To paraphrase GarandThumb; the mission dictates what capabilities you’ll need and what gear you can rationally expect to bring to bear on the objective. It’s up to you to figure out how to rationally carry and imploy that gear within the parameters that reality has set out for you. As situations change, you need to adapt but your overarching loadout selection should try to cover as many reasonably foreseeable possibilities as it rationally can without bogging you down.
In partial agreement, the tool needs to fit the purpose. I love my chainsaw but I don’t use it to try to cut rebar any more than I would try to use a sawsall to cut down trees.
I also get tired of law enforcement and military trainers giving what might be good advice to uniformed LEOs and military personnel to the average civilian concealed carrier. For them much of the training and advice is pretty much misleading and often ends up with bad results. The situations civilians encounter are usually very fast and very close range against a single adversary. The tools and tactics should reflect that.
There is often some very dangerous legal direction being given. Civilians should not be running toward danger unless it involves loved ones in danger. They also should not normally be emptying 10+ rounds into anyone. Civilians are far too often charged murder and running towards danger and pumping multiple rounds into an alleged aggressor will certainly increase the chances of being so charged. I find it hard to believe that anyone who has ever actually shot someone as a civilian would be so cavalier about these possibilities.
Please reference the study that supports the notion that a significant number of civilian defensive gun uses consumes more than 3 or 4 rounds.
If we go by “most” we wouldn’t be carrying guns at all.
I hope your truck gun, is belt-fed, like a real operational operator would have. 🙂
My point is that risk tolerance for pretty much all of us is rather arbitrary when it comes down to it. If there is even a one in fifty million chance that you’d benefit from carrying >20 round mags why don’t you carry them? The chance is much greater that the first shot of a shooting you’d be involved with would be the attackers into the back of your head. Why aren’t you wearing a ballistic helmet so they can’t do that? What you actually carry seems reasonable to me, but so does what the guy that carries a J-frame with no reload does. More important to me is the context of what we carry. I live in the WY sticks myself and just don’t think 9×19 is enough cartridge for dealing with the most likely threats (500-1000lbs) I live near. Might be great where you live though. The three neighbors I see occasionally all open carry 10mm or larger and it is not because they are too stupid to conceal a 9mm.
Shorty AK or MP5K depending on what else is rattling around the back of my Wrangler at the time. I have an “ANTI-ANTIFA” bag set up if by some random chance I get stuck in one of their terrorist attacks.
Plate carrier
Bump helmet with ear pro
M50 with spare filters
Smoke, CS, and training sonic grenades (couldn’t get my hands on any legit flash bangs but I do have a line on something that would be close enough for my purposes and not liable to get me a decade at club fed.)
It’s not “operator” stuff, just enough for me to kit up and extract myself from the middle of an angry communist mob if necessary. Basically, vehicle gets stopped by mob. Bag comes out from under passenger seat. 45 seconds to kit up, a CS and/or sonic grenade goes out the window, I extract as far away from the crazy commies as possible.
Best part is, nobody gets shot if I do it right.
On a side note, I was strictly speaking in terms of 2 legged threat defense. If four legged threats are likely, I can see an argument for stepping up. To that end, I am a strong advocate for open carry provided you do it in a way that your gun can’t get grabbed.
Exactly. Most LEOs retire without ever having fired a shot in anger. The odds are you’ll never even have to present your weapon, so carry whatever you damn well please. And if you’re going to get worked up over all the tactical BS hypotheticals, I’d recommend you have your cholesterol checked and maybe invest in a racing helmet and wear it whenever you drive your car because the odds of you dying of heart disease or due to head trauma in an accident are far more likely than your life depending on having a 7th bullet in your gun.
Unlike the movies, bad guys don’t just drop or fly through plate glass windows the first time you hit them.
That’s why my EDC includes a plate glass window.
Defenestration…it’s fan-tastic!
Except the .357 magnum 125gr@1500fps is the best one-shot manstopper of all time statistically. Which is why the .357sig was developed…to try and replicate that .357 mag loading.
158gr hps @ 1500fps are even better.
Do you mean “herpes per sleepover”?;-)
Or hollow points. Either way.
I’m always so perplexed why the 9mm crowd is so utterly obsessed with it and it’s mediocrity.
In the time it takes you to fire two of those antiquated legacy rounds, I’ll drop six 9mm hollow points into center mass. Betcha getting hit by 6 bullets is more effective than getting his by 2.
And in that time I can “pump 20 million .22lr rounds into center of mass”. I bet that will be even more betterer than those way too powerful 9mm rounds you’re wasting your time on.
Kel-Tec PMR-30 is the most bestest handgun because 30 rounds of .22 MAGNUM is insane. Way better than 9mm and .357. If my math is correct, and it always is, just two (two!!!) .22 magnums rounds is equal to .44 magnum. Unbelievable.
I think four of them would be…88 magnum! Wow…
And you think 9mm is so great.
Setarip, it might have to do with the fact that the majority of us are pretty mediocre. Mediocre round for mediocre people. Makes sense.
Isn’t Marshall and Sanow’s study is over 27 years old now and the data set just not large and complete enough for a high degree of confidence in the results. Don’t get me wrong, I myself carry a .357 with 125g bullets (when my gun is not loaded for bear), but I am not certain that the 125gr .357’s margin of effectiveness per shot is still so high, if it ever was. Bullet technology has changed quite a bit since the shooting in that study. I suspect that the margins may have also shrunk between the most popular cartridges. It is hard for me to imagine that the 10mm has not mostly if not entirely caught up. I could be wrong though.
What every wheel gun enthusiast forgets is that quantity has a quality all its own. I doesn’t matter is your bullets do 50% more damage if I can put three times as many on target.
Their “study” is provable fraud. Besides the esoteric statistical analysis, there are rounds that would have needed more than 100% ratings between their first and second releases. What is that, one shot that takes out 2 guys?
‘…my 21 9×19 rounds will do more than your 6 .357 Magnum rounds to stop an asshole.’
That depends. If your asshole walks on 4 legs, maybe not. If your asshole is on top of you and you attempt a contact shot, probably not. If you don’t have time to get off more than 6 shots (highly likely), definitely not. Not many cases where you can get off a full mag dump without either getting shot or in serious legal trouble.
Now with multiple assholes who are willing to take a bullet or two to see you dead, your 21 rounds might come in handy.
The contact shot thing is a myth. One of the advantages of a WML is that it gives a slight standoff effect if you jam in into your target.
Weapon Mounted Light?
I’ve often wondered why nobody makes their barrels protrude out passed the slide, ala Beretta 92. My thought was that a 3″ CCW would be just as easy to conceal if the barrel stuck out an extra 3/8″ and with short barreled pistols that little extra is huge when it comes to consistent bullet performance. However now that you mention it, the 92 would be about impossible to push out of battery on a contact shot. I guess anything with a threaded barrel as well.
I’ll give you a freebee – when at rolling around in the mud distance, if the bad guy gets his hand on your slide you’ll only be able to shoot once without racking the slide again, however if he gets his hand on your cylinder the gun won’t fire until you persuade him to let go.
There are some needs for a gun that disappears. I’ve heard third hand from medical professionals that ER staff in some of the higher crime areas of the state are ABSOLUTELY carrying a gun on duty in violation of the law (when most of your patients are impatient, roided up gang bangers, why wouldn’t you?).
I’ve chatted with some ER people who I’ve met who work(ed) in major urban areas.
When I’ve mentioned how absurd it is that hospitals post “no gun” signs in Wyoming, and if a CCW carrier is strapped when the bus bring them in, WTF are we supposed to do in the ER? Make a major scene?
A couple of MD’s from a major urban hospital I met just got rather quiet, shrugged their shoulders in an almost Gallic fashion, and gave one of those smiles that says “hospital admins can be dumb…”
Ref. hospitals/clinics in Wyoming. Don’t ask, Don’t Tell seems to work.
My primary care doc and I talk guns whenever I see him. Unless he just got back from a fishing safari in africa. Then it’s fish.
9mm is for feminist girly men. It was invented by a German for god sake. Yuk.
And .45 acp was invented by an American at the request of military commanders whose soldiers could not handle testosterone laden Philippine natives with .38 Special. No one to my knowledge went back to see if .45 acp is any more effective against rampaging natives since that conflict had ended. However, .45 acp had great stopping power against pig carcasses in a meat processing plant, thus it was adopted by the military. Turns out Browning got some insider tips and switched his pistol from .38 acp to .45 acp just in time for military trials.
Yeah… because the Germans never invented anything good…
Cruise missiles
Assault Rifles
Tanks that don’t have gigantic white stars over their magazines…
The British had the first real jet fighter, the Russians had the first real assault rifle, and superior tanks to the Germans, and to call the V2 (while quite a feat for the 1940s) an “icbm” is just silly. And if you’re going for the fast/small/capacity argument for handguns, 7.62×25 is far superior to 9mm.
Ok… where to start with this stupidity.
1. The first operational fighter jet to see combat was the Me262 the brits didn’t have their operational until after the war.
2. The first Soviet intermediate cartridge select fire rifle was the AK47, developed almost half a decade after the MP43/MP44/Stg44 which has all the key checkmarks for being the word’s first modern assault rifle.
3. At no point during the war did the Russians have better tanks in full production than the Germans. The IS3 never saw combat, the IS2 was a piece of shit compared to a Tiger II, the KVs were a joke compared to Tiger Is, and the T-34/85 was a poor counter to the Panther. Had Hitler invaded in 1942 instead of 1941, that might not have been the case as the T-34/76 would have been in full production, but in 1941 the number of operational T-34s in the Red Army was a joke.
I cannot disagree. Good post.
So I read some place that quoted FBI data….(for what that is worth).
You have a .91% chance of ever using a firearm to defend your self, as in less than 1%. If you pull a gun, just pull it and not shoot it, there is a greater than 90% chance the bad guy will simply run. If you have to shoot the weapon 98% of gun fights are over in 3 rounds or less and not from hitting/killing someone but from them running away and the shooter missing.
I have a carried a lot of different guns in my time, from full size guns to smaller guns (carried a Glock 19 for 10 years) and now I carry a M&P 2.0 shield in 9mm with the 7 round mag in a cross breed mini tuk. I carry the spare 8 round, most of the time. In my hands the shield is the perfect size. Big enough to properly grip and pull from concealment, and big enough to not be snappy. I tried a Glock 43 but it was too small and a bit snappy for my taste. I wanted to get the P365 but at the time it had all those issues so I went with the shield, which feels better in my hand anyhow.
Although interesting, statistics don’t apply to individuals.
“You’re not 007, in most states “printing” is not a thing, and most people are too stupid to notice (blah blah blah)”
The people who advocate printing as though it’s a fun lifestyle really need to get over themselves. Very few people worry about printing because of the law. “It needs to disappear” generally is a matter of carrying in non permissive environments where discovery would be awkward. Think friendship- or career-limiting.
I don’t advocate printing, I advocate straight up open carry. Sadly, it’s completely illegal off of my own property in Illinoisistan
Did Sig ever get around to fixing the reoccurring problem with the 365 breaking firing pins?
It looks like it was resolved with the 365XL. Hopefully they have the fix in the main 365s.
The main P365 was fixed years ago. Mine is a few years old and has had tens of thousands of rounds through it without any problems. In fact it is much more reliable than my Glock 19 if you base an analysis on malfunctions of any kind (0 for SIG P365 vs. 1 every 500-1000 rounds for the Glock). Along with my SIG P320, my P365 is the firearm I own with the fewest malfunctions. I don’t fire the S&W .357 Magnum often so it doesn’t count. The next most reliable are my SIG M400 and Russian Tula SKS. I own SIGs, Colts, Glocks, Berretas, S&W, Rugers.
The P365 came out in early 2018.
Years ago? Really?
Yeah it is not even 2 years old. They even stopped making it for 2 months because of the issues. If you go to the Sig Forums…some still complain of issues and they supposedly have the fixed versions. It does not inspire confidence to say the least.
All solid choices, although the 365 has my concern still from their earlier fiascos. We shall see how they develop over time.
Only buy a new Sig product after the public beta testing phase is over.
Yep, my wife almost got me one but then heard about the problems. Got a Glock 26 instead but will buy a 365 next year.
I like the Shield. It has a proven track record and is half the cost of the others on the list.
Are many of these people who want a G43 with more capacity buying a, you know, G26? I love my G26. It’s the littlest big gun I own. The thickness of the grip helps me have more of a hand on it than the little single-stacks. It’s a really soft shooter, and the magazine compatibility is awesome. At the range I usually have a 31-round magazine hanging (way) out the bottom, and I’m sure lots of people carry a 17-round magazine as their backup magazine (I just stick to a second 10 myself, personally. 21 rounds seems fine).
I have a 26 and it was my primary carry until recently I picked up a Shield 2.0. After rolling with the Shield, the 26 feels like a fat brick on my waist especially in the summer with shorts.
I get the more rounds and the Glock mag support form the 19/17 but I just do not think I will need more than the 7 round/8 round spare of the Shield. If I do then I am way in over my head.
The whole package (loaded gun plus spare) is just so much easier to carry G26 vs Shield 2.0.
Hmm. Been thinking about a Sig P320 subcompact in .40 S&W myself.
Great thing about the P320 platform is if you want something different buy the X-Change kit and swap the fire control group over and you can have a full size 9mm. They tend to be hit or miss finding them in some configurations. Also early mag base plates don’t work in later grips. I think the public beta testing period is over, but we’re talking Sig so you never know. Shame they don’t pay us to be testers vice us paying them to figure out what needs to be fixed.
Walther PPS M2 has been very popular in my neck of the woods. $299 for the LE model
While small guns are nice. I own a few myself. I prefer to carry the biggest gun I can fully conceal.
So my daily carry is usually a 1911 Officers size. in 9mm or 45acp. Caliber isn’t what it used to be.
Or if quantity is an issue. I carry my PPQ with 15 rounds.. Always a 7-15 round reload too.
All that said. When its finally in the local stores. I will have to take a look at the 365XL.
As I said in the 1st sentence. I have 2 small guns both Sigs. Both the most problematic guns Ive ever owned.
So no hurry on the 365 anything for me.
250 USD for a Shield?
Where? It’s twice that around here.
Reading is a thing, he said Palmetto State Armory.
After buying my 3rd G43 I’m looking for something a bit different. I was considering a kimber micro 9 but with announced sig 365XL I might go in that direction IF the firing pin problem has been resolved. If not, S&W shield is my next choice.
There is no “one best” gun for self-defense. Scenario is important. As a Detroiter, my biggest threat is a solo parking lot mugging, or a solo car-jacking while driving. For either of those scenarios, a simple 5 shot snub nosed revolver is adequate. Hiking in the wilderness, that gun would be inadequate. For home defense, have multiple options. For those who “need” 30 rounds as a concealed carry- why? Spray and pray in a crowded city, where you are accountable for every round, is frightening from a legal standpoint. Get good with whatever gun you use, think ahead of time about different scenarios, work out your response (during and in the aftermath of a defensive shooting). This can go a long ways toward settling nerves and preparing for a worst-case scenario. Your mind is always your best weapon.
I have some sad news for you, Dave: You’ll never make it as a gun writer. You’re expressing far too much common sense and logic there.
+1 Makes a lot of sense to me too.
Guess I’m part of the pleabian masses.
First Glock that I kept was a 43, then I bought a 48 (love that gun!).
Also looking at a P365 of some flavor.
Never thought about a Shield….never like hinged triggers.
I was looking at a G48 yesterday, I think it will conceal better than my 19.
I tried a 19 but the 48 is the gun I wish Flock had made in the 80s.
Been carrying in a Tauris OWB high ride holster made for Kahr k9. ,
It also carries well in Desantis Thimbreak mini slide for a glock 43.
I tried the 2.o shield at my lgs. It was actually too slim for my hand. I couldn’t adjust my hand to the gun. It felt awkward.
I like S&W. I just couldn’t make the 2.o fit. For now my j frame will have to do the pocket gun duty.
The 2.0 feels a little better to me than the original but the grips feel oval and a little awkward to me. Wish the 48 had more aggressive texture though.
I agree with you on the G-48 grip not being aggressive enough. I put talon grips on mine and it did help.If Glock came out with this model 20 years ago,I would only own 3 Glocks instead of 6.
It’s still new gun time, and am looking for recommendations :
I’m narrowing my choices on a compact pistol that will be carried (at least some of the time) AWIB.
I’m not yet fully recovered from the crush injury on my right hand I got in last December’s airborne ‘adventure’, so for the time being, the Ruger LCR is on ‘hold’ for awhile.
So, it’s looking like a reliable, compact 9mm in DA-SA. DA for at the least the first shot is a requirement, because of appendix carry, and I’m a natural spaz. So, a long, heavy first-shot is a must.
What’s out there?
Walther P99 if you can find one.
Great gun- it’s my go-to piece. But the P99 is a long, long way from being a compact.
They made a compact about the size of a Glock 19 or even a bit smaller. The standard version is a bit bigger, but still easily concealable.
Not everyone is built for AIWB. Put a gun there and then try sitting down. For me, the barrel goes straight into my inside thigh, right over the femoral artery. PA. Frr a heavy first shot, there are a number of DA/SA pistols available. Right off that would include Sig and FN. OR there are DAO pistols like the Kahr series. The kahrs come in various sizes, flavors, and cost, but they all have the same trigger. I have a CW9 that I like, they run under $400 and sometimes close to $300, There is an even less expensive one that carries one fewer round and has a half inch shorter barrel (3.1 vs 3.6) that my CW. Yes, the trigger takes some getting used to, and it is not as fast as a SA.
x2 on one of the Kahr models. The 9mm offerings seem to run the most reliably, at least from what I have read. I have put perhaps 1000 rounds through my k9 model with zero hickups. Skip the all stainless model that I have and get a poly framed one. The stainless is nice but super pricey compared to their other offerings.
Thanks all, for the suggestions so far. Tested appendix ‘fit’ with a CO2 Walther PPK/S, and ‘crowding’ doesn’t seem to be an issue.
Two more – The Cz 2075 Rami bd (de-cocker instead of safety), and the Sig P290.
Pro, con, something different?
As you may have noticed from my earlier rants, Glock 19 is about as small as I recommend going. Beyond that, you’re trading a very slight improvement in practical concealability for severe drops in controllability and performance.
rami. solid little ingot.
290 is blowback, no?
Beretta pX4 Compact…..about 19 sized.
The carry model is slimlined and has a decock only.
DA pull is smother than my 92.
Check out the CZ 2075 RAMI or the Beretta px4 subcompact.
Springfield (IMHO) has hit the sweet spot with the Xd mod 2 subcompact .45. Ten rounds of .45 in a very concealable package with a 13 round spare mag or 2 gives me plenty of potent rounds for lots of different scenarios. Yeah, yeah…the grip zone gets a lot of grief but it is a very comfortable pistol to shoot and carry.
The sweet spot was really the XD/m compact but that has been discontinued. People want tiny guns now. I have a 9mm and a 45 auto XD subcompacts. I shoot the 9mm well but am marginal with the 45. I have a tiny 9 but it is a niche gun for use on the golf course or when I make a Red Cross call and I am not supposed to be carrying.
The tiny guns have become popular because no matter what you read in the comment section of any gun blog is most people who EDC don’t quite believe they will ever use it and go for convenience over effectiveness. Well, nobody expected to actually use nuclear weapons but we built the Triad anyway. I don’t really expect anybody to come into my church knitted up in level IIIa body armor but I bring my 10mm anyway. (See Paul Harrell’s body armor video to understand why) I don’t carry because I expect something to happen. I carry because I don’t. If I expected something to happen I wouldn’t go there. Nobody expects Pearl Harbor or 9-11 but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for it.
XD9 Mod. 2 subcompact with a Powder River trigger job may be the best handgun I have ever owned. It points naturally, and it’s easy to control with double stack grip and the ever-popular “Grip Zone.” I also like my XDs 9 Mod. 2 as well for summer, but that one needs a trigger job really bad. Maybe in the fall…
I retired my CC weapon of 25 years, a Walther PPK/S in .380 ACP just a few months ago for a Sig P365 Micro. Nearing 60, my eyes were having trouble picking up the PPK’s sights in low light conditions. While I have some special prescription glasses for shooting at the range, I don’t wear them anywhere else. The PPK has no laser available that won’t require significant alteration by a gunsmith and the same goes for changing the sights. I was looking for something when my gun dealer handed me the P365. Dimensionally, it’s very close to the size I’d been used to, but the standard night sights just grabbed my eyes immediately. Add in the 12+1 capacity and an increase in power .380 +P to 9mm +P and I was sold. Went to the bank, pulled the cash and returned for it the next day. So far, it’s performed wonderfully at the range and in drills. I chose the model without the manual safety and don’t regret it. I may upgrade the trigger now that the flat one’s been released sometime in the future.
Anybody that has been around for a long time observes firearms Trends. We had double stack Nines log before it caught on in the “Wonder years”. Then 10mm was an blooming but like the S&W 29: it was too much gun for most of the people and depts that bought it. The down to .40S&W, same hole, less power/recoil and only gave up 1-2 rounds. “NEW” Magic Bullets forgo an 100% minimam hole size for magic that may or may not work. Go back in time to single stacksand possibly sub power BECAUSE YOU CAN’T CONCEAL A 1/4 WIDER handgun (even though you did so for decades)? Trend was buy “small” but then add +1 or +2 mag ext. Next step Mfr makes “taller” larger capacity single stacks guns.
Whats next? Most CCers didnt jump on board with mounted ligkts or lasers but reflex Dots are catching on with Mfrs offering cut/mount options. These Red Dots units are going to get smaller while the Dot MOA gets bigger, and they will fit those skinny jean .380/9mm.
Give it rwo years and most sensible CCers will be bact to double stacks while the staunch 1911 folks will stll be shaking their heads. Lol
I hope they are all training with their new guns.
To all those who would slam the 365 without ever actually shooting one, I say – Keep your mouth shut.
I am and have been a Glock and 1911 fan for years. Every centerfire pistol I own is some variation of those two. As someone who likes to carry a single stack gun, my last hold out was my Kahr P9. Which was replaced by the G43 two years ago.
Well, I recently was offered a P365 for a great price courtesy of a major US distributor going Chapter 11. So I took it.
I knew if I hated it I could sell it.
Nope. I’m not selling it. I just got back from our first range trip and put 150 rounds through it. I was able to keep rounds on paper with .35 second splits point shooting the little guy. It was actually kind of amazing how well this thing shoots.
Conversely, with a hard focus on the front sight, I was able to consistently clear 6 for 6 on a 6″ plate rack at 50 ft, shooting as fast as I could.
It recoils less than my G43. Shoots better, holds more and is smaller than the 43.
The only questions in my mind are if I sell the G43 AND the G26 or just the 43.
For the budget conscious, also check out the Taurus G2C! It’s a great, very reliable 12+1 with an excellent grip and comes with 2 magazines.
Been hearing good murmurs about that too.
I’m keen to try one out.
I’m going to post something about all the guns I carry, that way the entire internet will be convinced I’m a real man, and not to be trifled with.
Works every time.
I don’t even have to own a gun.
But I do.
And they’re all better than yours.
Been carrying my 9 shield with spare extended mag since 2014. I need no other. At the same time I like the safety on mine.
PSA Also has the Taurus G2S for $169.99, shipped. That gun shoots as well as the Shield 1.0, and is a steal at that price.
Learned nothing from the article, and that’s OK. It makes sense how and why these are the top sellers.
Caliber does not matter! Two in the Heart and one in the head is not going to get any complaints about caliber size from the bad guy you shot! If I remember correctly the .38 spl was not produced until the Moro wars were over. A .38 Super is a good round, sort of like a hopped up 9mm. (think .357)
70’s era Marine Officer…, so, 1911 is my gun with a manual safety and a de-cock. I’m not particular about the make.
People who buy guns other than glock need a serious brain transplant the end!
When ur family gets raped & killed cuz ur gun jammed just go ahead & blame ur dumb arse.
If u carry that massive fail 365 make sure u carry all ur pockets full of rocks…at least a rock may save ur life after the mim firing pin breaks.
BUT<BUT…..yep ur a butter
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