As if things weren’t already screwed up enough in the Windy City, gang banger crooks are apparently so hard up for a target to inflict violence and theft upon they are now trying to rob, of all things, a garbage truck? WTF?
In proof criminals really are THAT dumb, early morning bandits approached a garbage man on his route after he stepped outside of his truck as it was parked in an alley. But the driver, a CCL holder and as the news had to point out in the Peoples Republic of Illinois, also a FOID card holder, as in Firearm Owner’s Identification, which “allows” a gun owner in the state to practice their constitutional rights, wasn’t having none of that.
According to NBC 5 Chicago, “the suspects displayed a firearm and announced a robbery.” The sanitation worker let his own gun do the announcing and went OK Corral on the two losers, shooting one 42-year-old suspect in the head, killing him on the spot, and popping a cap into his 20-year-old accomplice’s neck, putting a prompt end to said robbery. The latter was transported to a hospital after the melee and was last listed in critical condition.
Two weapons were recovered on the scene and detectives are still investigating, NBC 5 reported. The incident took place in the early morning hours of Friday, Jan. 31.
The garbage truck driver was taken to a hospital for evaluation and last listed in good condition according to Brietbart news.
When asked how he felt, the sanitation worker told local news: “It’s just all in a day’s work. Taking out the trash is what I do.” Ok, not really, but that would’ve been a cool quote.
For what this situation is worth, however, the score did end Garbage Man 2, Violent Criminals 0, proving when it comes to violent outcomes one man’s trash really is another man’s treasure, and this is one story defensive minded gun owners can treasure.
they’ve been after utility workers ’round these parts as well. gentrification places a man in some sketchy areas. carry and survive, lose your livelihood in the process. conundrum. first responders enhances straight to felony; they still don’t care.
took out the trash indeed. cool.
“… wasn’t having none of that.”
Using a double-negative makes you look like a simpleton. Such an error draws the reader’s attention away from your intent. The line should be “was having none of that” or “wasn’t having any of that.”
As for NBC 5 Chicago, I suppose firearms can be “displayed,” but a better word would be “brandished.”
There is a sci-fi novel titled “The Diamond Age.” Published in 1995, the author, Neal Stephenson, postulated in the future the population was so dumbed down simple pictographs were the only written text it could understand.
I give it another thirty years, max.
to be fair, it is in keeping with that locales stylized speech pattern. did you see the gal at the dnc (no, not the singing one)? the caption actually spells out axe. unfortunately, she wasn’t being pacific.
but that double (and triple) negative thing is now fairly universal.
“oh, so you are having some of that?”
And so we come to that oh so delicate point that can be hinted at but not stated out loud. Everyone knows who and what the issue is, but we cannot boldly declare the problem because of empty rhetoric and cowardice. That empty rhetoric and cowardice prevents us from following the truth to solutions, and so, ultimately, the problem festers and metastasizes until a destructive wave overcomes society.
Such as we saw in 2020.
The movie Joker was horrible, but it had one very good line — “You get what you deserve.”
… the latter was transported to the hospital after the melee – ” by mamblance ” and was last listed in critical condition.
I’d have used the logical conveyance the perp was already lying near.
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And what is your Final Solution to the problem? Cowardice is not coming right out and saying it.
Appropriate application of the law and incarceration with respect to the crimes committed without race, gender, or other irrelevant factors taken into account.
I agree with that. But you ain’t leblanc. Let him speak for himself.
Eh mine is probably more racist than anything he will come up with according to our respective states.
“did you see the gal at the dnc (no, not the singing one)?”
That video was truly jaw-dropping, when everyone on that stage raised their hand when asked if racism was the reason Kamela lost the election. A glorious sight to behold, they are so stupidly clueless.
(BTW, the 2 SNL guys have been doing that joke-swap bit on the Christmas show for a few years now, each year getting more and more rude. I can’t wait for the retaliation next Christmas after how brutal the last one was! 😉 )
you didn’t even mention misogyny.
we were always an sctv crew, snl has been mostly dead for 50yrs.
that exchange you shared was good. i’ll seek the holiday version out until newscum gets in. right back to no fun allowed then.
“you didn’t even mention misogyny.”
Busted, search on YouTube SNL Caitlin Clark, and you’ll see her hit right back in good form :
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that was good.
In the 1980’s, IRS Publication 17, when dealing with Schedule A “Medical Deductions”, actually had a triple negative sentence. Marvelous…..
As Tsbhoa.p.jr correctly perceived and pointed out, “ain’t having none of that” was written on purpose, not as proper English, but as colloquial language. Sorry that went over your head. I’ll try to dumb it down better for you next time.
I like it as dumb as I is… 😉
peculiar a.n. vernacular.
I was fine with it, Doug! You keep your apostrophes and commas under control, and that’s most important to me!
He was speaking “Jive” man! Or as they teach in school today “Ebonics”.
All these years of wondering and your comment just cleared it up for me.
Y is sometimes I
Is that rasist?
at least the irish named gal who replaced kkimm ffoxx isn’t a soros dipshite. and a couple lenient judges have been relocated.
Would only be mildly surprised if Chicago cleans up before NY.
Chiraq is the only city that I’m aware of that has it’s own homicide tracker.
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i was gonna link to his “walkie talkie on a stick” tee but it must be sold out.
Baltimore Sun also does a pretty neat homicide tracker map. Breaks it down by weapon, and you can filter and sort by all kinds of dates and stuff. Google ‘Baltimore Homicide Tracker’ or try
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thanks. senseless wagering is fun.
the pools on weekly/ monthly/ annual over/ unders are brutal.
“who had wealthiest man dies on mars?”
No mention of race? Come on man, we all know the two preparators were. It’s Chicago, so that’s a given! Not being racist, just being statistical!
they was preparatin’ to get ventilateds.
“Come on man, we all know the two preparators were. It’s Chicago, so that’s a given! ”
sooo…sanctuary city illegal aliens.
It didn’t mention how many shots the victim used to take out the trash, but one in the head and another in the neck- nice shooting!
Yeah, that’s what I thought!
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There REALLY needs to be an award for successful use of your firearm in self-defense. Perhaps a shiny trophy along with a supply of ammo.
A convenient place to dispose of the body.
Shoot, shovel and shut up.
Would anyone have noticed if the deceased and near deceased were loaded into the truck and dumped into landfill?
Were our two mensa members going to hijack the garbage truck or rob the sanitation worker of his lunch money?
“Would anyone have noticed,,,”
Would anyone have cared.
And that might be part of the problem, throw away lives , murders and crime.
awww… don’t get soft. compassion starts at home in the family.
it’s cold enuff here to prevent rot. wafting eau de champipple n skrimps.
I wrote daddy letters every week and on the 2 Tuesday of the month mommy got to visit him.
did he rob a garbage truck?
I asked Siri for good places to hide a body. She said, “There are 11 good places not far from you.”
Then she highlighted places where I currently lived, AND some places near the address where I USED TO LIVE, which was in another state…and was at least 8-10 years before even the first iPhone came out.
I appreciate her diligence, but I’m quite sure that it’s kind of dodgy to transport a body across multiple state lines!
I also know that if anybody is going to successfully off me and make it look like an accident, it’s going to be Siri.
Check your facts. Are you certain that t this robbery of a garbage truck didn’t occur in Warsaw rather than Chicago?
Was the robbers after the truck what was in the back, or the money on the sanitation worker.
A big ole trash truck would come in handy for certain crimes.
I remember reading a few decades ago there is a market for stolen garbage trucks. They are very expensive and there is a demand for them. New York reportedly loses a few every year. One was found in a small town in flyover country doing it’s rounds.
Well I’ll be.
Never would have thought of stealing a trash truck to haul trash.
Yackity Yack
There was a couple caught red handed using a fire truck they bought at auction to loot burned out neighborhoods outside of LA.
That might even be more evil than Satan himself.
i know several reasons why a garbage truck would be a wanted item