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Kalashnikov (courtesy

“In the old days [Kalashnikovs] were made with the thought that they would be used in a land war between great powers, that is, that they would kill Americans. Now, since they are being brought into this country, the odds are great that they will indeed kill Americans. But only those scary ones who want to destroy all we hold dear. Or, more likely, assorted adolescents in a classroom or a movie theater.” – Marilynne Robinson in Fear [via]

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  1. “A “civilian” Kalashnikov can easily be modified into a weapon that would blast a deer to smithereens.”
    Really? Come on.

    • I’ve shot a deer three times with a civilian Kalash (sanctioned agricultural culling) at about 10 yards and the damn thing ran off and we couldn’t find it.

    • Well was it an American deer? I mean the IDS of you killing a Russian dear with the rifle are pretty slim.
      “…come borris we get moose later by importing the people’s rifle to his home town let rednecks get him for us hehehehe”
      Honestly the odds of any gun killing a human in the USA are pretty slim

    • Well, I read this woman’s stupid article. For anyone else tempted to do so, I suggest that your save your eyesight and temper. This women wants us all to know how superior is her knowledge of moral issues so she goes on and on schooling us about her knowledge of moral issues. But, basically, she’s just writing typical gun-controller twaddle. At it’s core, this is just another gun controller, I’m-so-afraid-of-scary-black-rifles-why-do-they-make-things-that-scare-me lament. Despite the moralistic hand-wringing, these kinds of arguments inevitably run up against the hard practicality of armed protection. When the Really Bad Thing is happening, a good AK with 30 rounds of 7.62/39 is a nice thing to have around.

  2. Good name for a book…. Fear…. except you should fear the government that is trying to take your freedoms away. Most especially freedom of choice.
    Is it just me or are these morons getting even more outrageous every day?

    • Exactly!

      She wrote: “Or, more likely, assorted adolescents in a classroom or a movie theater.”

      “More likely” implies a mathematical analysis of actual shooting related data.

      So, Ms. Robinson…where’s your data? Show us that AK’s are “more likely” to be used to shoot adolescents in classrooms or movie theaters.

      Personally, I’ll accept either:

      (a) “more likely” than any other weapon to be involved in those kinds of shootings, OR

      (b) “more likely” than any other use of THAT rifle.

      Put up or shut up, lady. Your fantasies don’t matter in the real world.

    • Yep, sounds like wishful thinking to me. If only Liberalgressives would verbalize their violent fantasies for the rest of the country to see…

  3. Please tell the people of Mozambique that one of the symbols on their flag is a tool for killing Americans. In most cases, the AK is used the way that Kalashnikov intended. As a tool for the oppressed to throw off their oppressors.

  4. So many words and nothing said.
    Looking through the other articles of that journal those authors have some serious hang ups and issues. I imagine they’re all paranoid agoraphobics who are shuffled quickly from dinner party to dinner party by their drivers and aides.

    • Certainly press the “Irrelevant” button, but as has been said before, we ignore stuff like this at our own peril.

      They WILL not go away; if they are not countered, their message ‘gets out.’ Do you REALLY want mindless drivel like this becoming meme and being ‘accepted knowledge?’

      • “They WILL not go away; if they are not countered, their message ‘gets out.’ ”

        Why we had better start countering the lie that gun crime is ‘skyrocketing’…

        The bad news for us is that the lie contains a small grain of truth, in big cities crime is rising, thanks to Baltimore and Fergeson.

        Our rights are in peril.

  5. So much fail….

    “Since everything is economics these days, what would it cost a store in terms of trade if word got out that he frequented it, with his loyalty to the Second Amendment on display? Or possibly concealed? I’m betting he could put them out of business, because when people see weapons, they have every reason on earth to fear the worst. ”

    Really? I seem to remember Kroger doing pretty well even though they backed 2A supporters…..

    “So, concealed carry. The gun lobby has made its product socially acceptable by putting it out of sight, issues of cowardice notwithstanding.”

    Ah…so now we are cowards because we concealed carry…But I though I was a gung-ho macho-man cowboy vigilante for carrying concealed? They really need to get their narratives straight.

    • their narrative IS straight. They will manipulate EVERY possible word to attempt to make any supporter of individual firearms rights seem like the worst possible kind of person. Since the entire premise is false, they have no need for consistency in logic or fact. As long as they are consistent in “message”…

      • @BurleyOleBear: You are exactly right. The average person has NO idea that these are illogical fantasies. And the more they hear this kind of propaganda, the more they are apt to start to believe some of it is true. Our challenge is to discredit them while also showing the positive aspects of gun ownership. Like the (approximate) number of times guns are used in self defense every day and the (approximate) number of lives saves. I say approximate because the real count of crimes that don’t happen because of a DGU are hard to prove and to tabulate. Another good tactic is to show how many lives are lost every day to things like cancer, heart disease, auto accidents (and the subset of distracted cell phone users), non-gun related accidents and so on. Those kind of statistics tend to put the death rate from gun related deaths more into their proper perspective. IOW your chances of being killed with a gun, in most areas of the USA are FAR smaller than your chances of being killed by a dozen other things.

  6. Yeah… okay… an American gun would never do that. So, buy American made AKs. Any Americans breaking into my house I’m kinda okay with shooting, though. Just sayin’.

    • In another TTAG article’s thread, a Swiss citizen made a comment about the possible usage of his militia-issue SiG SG 550 assault rifle against a home invader.

      He said the perpetrator would encounter “ballistic resistance.” 🙂

  7. Guys, guys, you understand that Progressive Statists are CONVINCED that guns actually cause evil, that they have a talisman, personality and evil aims of their own? In their warped little minds, the people who commit atrocities have nothing to do with the evil deeds they commit, it’s the gunz. If we could just BAN the guns, everything would be Unicorns and Rainbows. I can’t understand how supposedly educated people can say this stuff with a straight face.

    • “Progressive Statists are CONVINCED that guns actually cause evil, that they have a talisman, personality and evil aims of their own? “

      I don’t think they are convinced of that…not the hard core among them. They know better. They just use that line as propaganda.

      Gun control about is about “control,” not the guns.

      What the Progressive Statists are REALLY miffed about is that we won’t lie down and do as we are told by our “betters” (ie, them)…that we DARE to stand up and say “Nope; no matter how much smarter you like to think you are, we are not doing what you tell us to do.”

      If we turned in all our guns and no guns existed, they would use something else as their bogey man. Like soda pop, for example. Ooops; been done, and by the same Statist a-hole Progressive that is spending big bucks fighting gun ownership.

  8. The author makes very good points about our Nation and its addiction to fear.
    Then she goes sideways about guns. She didn’t seem to realize that that national fear, extends by some to guns. Since french fries kill so many Americans, I’m going to open carry one on my back.
    After that detour it’s a good read. She gets back on track for the rest of the article.

  9. Spinning “well regulated” to mean within regulations. smh
    It’s obvious to me that the founders meant that regulators were welcome to form militias.

    Ball is in your court, grabbers.

  10. You’ve been warned! I can attest to the danger that these commie guns represent. Just last week I caught my SKS and AK plotting against me. I’ve separated them but is that enough? Never let your Russian guns near ammo unless you are supervising them.

  11. Never mind that the design of the AK wasn’t motivated for hate of Americans, but for love of country, and response to the German war machine. Next time you see an AK tell yourself that “this machine kills fascists.”

    • Russia suffered so much loss in.WWII because of the Red-Brown Fascist alliance that was created by the Molotov-Ribbontop Pact. Stop repeating Stalinust propaganda.

      • I didn’t know that Germans burning down villages, mass-murdering Soviet citizens, taking them for slave labor or attempting to starve entire cities was Stalinist propaganda. I fail to see how a non-aggression pact somehow caused this.

        • I see you are a first order thinker.

          They got to do all that because the alliance gave Hitler a free hand in the West. Without the alliance the Polish campaign would have taken a lot longer and the Germans would have taken more losses.

          [The French might even have gotten off their duff and taken the Ruhr against weak opposition ending Hitlet’s reign in 1939. One of the reasons they just sat their was Communist agitation in support of three alluance.]

          They would have had to leave substantial forces in the East when they turned West. They probably could not have attacked France for another year by which time the French and British rearmerment. would have made a quick victory impossible and have increased German losses to the point where they could not move against the Soviet Union.

        • Stalin was actually trying to make a deal with both Axis and Allies in 1939, to be able to pick whichever one looked better. The Allies disappointed him, however, and at the same time he trusted Germans too much when they said they’d hold up their part. The French were interested in an alliance, but the Brits basically said that they would be unwilling to sign a treaty that would force them to take part in hostilities if Poland were attacked (ironic, given that they have made just such a guarantee later), and Soviets didn’t want to be a part if responsibilities weren’t even.

        • That is the official reasoning but it doesn’t change the fact the Alliance was the key factor that allowed Hitler to take care of business in the west and then turn on his Ally in the east. Had Stalin done nothing at all it would have forced Hitler to conquer and occupy all of Poland and leave a sizable force there to protect his rear making a decisive offensive in the west an uncertain gamble.

    • The AK didn’t make an appearance until after WW2. You might make the argument for the SKS that it killed Fascist, since it was issued in small numbers during the drive to Berlin.

      • True, but the Soviets were working on an assault rifle in response to the German’s StG44, not out of hatred for Americans. That it wasn’t finished until after the war was well over is a different matter. I said the motivation for the creation was this.

  12. “Now, since they are being brought into this country, the odds are great that they will indeed kill Americans.”

    “Brought into this country” equals “imported”, so she’s clearly speaking of AK’s that would be considered foreign-made under 922r. It follows from her claim that lame AK’s with single-stack mags and thumbhole stocks are endangering the lives of America’s youth. Yet another reason to choose a good domestic AK like Arsenal over sporterized imports!

  13. Guys come on now! The progs may have something there with an Ak my have a mind of its own. I swore up and down to my wife that I have no memory of buying my Ak at the gunshow last month. It must of just hopped in back of the Subaru I told her!☺

  14. People like this convince themselves that their fantasy speculation is fact.
    It’s mind numbing to think about how they perpetuate the insanity of their debate.
    Im a realist and keep my feet in the real world.
    How do we help them to open up their eyes and minds?
    I’m at a loss on people like this.
    Really? Have they simply not paid attention to daily news or history?

  15. Well, I read this woman’s stupid article. For anyone else tempted to do so, I suggest that your save your eyesight and temper. This women wants us all to know how superior is her knowledge of moral issues so she goes on and on schooling us about her knowledge of moral issues. But, basically, she’s just writing typical gun-controller twaddle. At it’s core, this is just another gun controller, I’m-so-afraid-of-scary-black-rifles-why-do-they-make-things-that-scare-me lament. Despite the moralistic hand-wringing, these kinds of arguments inevitably run up against the hard practicality of armed protection. When the Really Bad Thing is happening, a good AK with 30 rounds of 7.62/39 is a nice thing to have around.

  16. Blah, blah, blah…

    And meanwhile, anybody want to take bets on who’s most likely to be doing the murdering if one of these does end up being the chosen tool? Personally, I think it’ll be one of the progressives’ cherished victims of oppression. But which one? That’s the real question.

    Maybe it’ll be a follower of those ISIS militants who are so busy being oppressed by children in the US that they totally don’t have time to build an entire economy around raping and enslaving women.

    Or maybe it’ll just be another progressive/liberal/Marxist injustice collector whose minimal mental faculties have been overwhelmed by the #blacklivesmatter #yourlifedoesn’t movement.

  17. People like this re lie (he he) on hollywood for ballistic information and historical facts.
    In their world, history will be reflected by movies that show AR’s that shoot heat seeking rounds that cause massive fireballs and A team like explosions.

  18. The “common” AK47 here is the states are NOT AK47’s. The AK47 was designed and built with full auto ONLY. The common AK47 here are semi auto only. Thus they are NOT “real” AK 47’s. They are knock offs. Maybe made in Russia but still,,,,,,,,,

  19. Get the facts straight dear Marilynne Robinson. With millions of this design available all over the world, since 1947, the only typical deaths we find are in warzones. A correlation of number of units in existence and what original design was intended does not evoke causation.

    Marilynne Robinson, you are a fear monger, you are wrong, you are debunked.

  20. Funny thing is that she is almost on the right track, she just has no idea how close she is to an actual point.

    In the old Soviet days, the Soviets would not only sell the AKs but set up factories in trusted ally countries so that they could pump them out under license. Of course, they didn’t trust the Chinese, but that didn’t stop the Chinese from reverse engineering a pretty damn good AK. But back on point, these days the Soviet has been replaced with the profit motive.

    In the same same way the soviets provided AK’s to North Vietnam, so now the Russians are dumping AK’s on the American market. But this time, they get to make money off of arming the primary enemy of Washington DC, which would be the black rifle culture in America. They even get the benefit of studying the American gun market from the inside to cherry pick for their own small arms development. So overthrow your enemy and make money off the deal – the Russkies have the DC beat because DC is usually out quite a bit of money when they do this.


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