Doug Howlett Photo

An anti-gun measure introduced in the Pennsylvania legislature by a Democrat lawmaker from Philadelphia is—like most anti-gun legislation—simply a solution in search of a problem.

Pennsylvania Rep. Amen Brown introduced former HB 1563 in the state House of Representatives on January 9. This measure requires anyone attending a gun show in the state to present identification. The gun show owner must keep a copy of the ID for five years and provide it to the state attorney general, any county prosecutor or any municipal police department upon request, with no limitations on the reason.

According to Brown’s memo detailing the measure, he is advocating for the legislation to help tackle what he perceives to be a “ghost gun” issue in the state.

“‘Ghost guns’ have become a very real problem in Pennsylvania,” Brown wrote. “These guns often begin as DIY gun kits that can be legally purchased without a background check, feature no serial number, and when constructed, produce fully functioning firearms. Having seen firsthand how easy it is to purchase a ghost gun kit at a gun show, I recognize that we must take legislative action to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals.”

The issue with that claim, according to a report at, is that no 80% kits have been sold at any gun show in the Keystone State since the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) passed its final rule against unfinished frames.

“Even though there was an injunction against the rule, SCOTUS stayed the decision until they could rule on it in the Vanderstok case,” John Crump, NRA instructor and constitutional activist, wrote in the report.

According to Crump, Rep. Brown has long opposed gun shows, even persuading Eagle Arms to stop any displays at shows by JSD Supply, owned by Jordan Vinroe. Vinroe later undermined Brown’s plan by purchasing the gun shows, renaming them Eagle Shows, and once again starting to display his products there.

Now that Brown has launched his latest attack on gun shows, Vinroe is calling him out for violating various aspects of the U.S. Bill of Rights.

“Such measures will infringe on First Amendment rights by deterring lawful assembly and participation in constitutionally protected activities,” Vinroe told AmmoLand News. “The requirement to scan and store attendees’ identification will violate Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, as it imposes an unwarranted intrusion into personal privacy. Additionally, the broad discretion granted to law enforcement to access these records raises Fourteenth Amendment concerns regarding equal protection and potential misuse of data, further threatening civil liberties.”

The pro-freedom group Gun Owners of America reports it is tracking nearly 40 anti-gun bills already introduced this session. This suggests a busy session for GOA and other pro-gun activists who will be opposing punitive 2A legislation.

Incidentally, while Democrats hold a slim one-vote majority in the state House of Representatives, the State Senate maintains a strong pro-gun majority, according to the GOA. As a result, it will likely be an uphill battle for gun control advocates to get any of their measures passed and sent to the governor for consideration.


  1. “‘Ghost guns’ have become a very real problem in Pennsylvania,”

    Hmmm… noooo.. stupid democrat legislature politicians have become a very real problem in Pennsylvania.

    What if ya want to attend a protest or political rally, in a place open to the public – but to do so you have to show ID, have a record of it made, and then for the next five years worry about that record being required to be provided to the state attorney general, any county prosecutor or any municipal police department upon request, with no limitations on the reason.

    This is why we have the Fourth Amendment, to protect against such unconstitutional abuses. It covers such abuses of ID also.

    This is a blatant move to ‘chill’ exercise of a constitutional right.

  2. How would this help solve or stop crimes? That isn’t the point, is it?

    Amen Brown looks very shady. He tried to steal a property by forging documents. He claimed to have purchased this property for $15k. The problem was that the owner who signed the deed over to him had been dead for some time. Brown said he paid cash!! Oops, sorry. No record. People don’t hand over paper bills for a real estate deal.

    h ttps://

  3. If a venue is open to the public then the tyranical democRat Ratbassturd can go pound sand. Obviously the Rat has his panties in a wad over PA voting TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

  4. Haven’t been to a gun show in at least 13 years after I was sold bad ammo at the Crown Point ,Indiana thing. Ditto Kankakee gun show since 2011. At least I sold an ancient revolver to a guy I knew since the 70’s. With the ILL annoy 3 day wait it’s pointless in any state. Used to go to the Kankakee,Ill gun show as a kid in the 60’s with my dad. Little did I Realize😕.

  5. having to show id to go to a gun show is one thing. the owner of the show having to keep copy of every id one there is ridiculous, not to mention time consuming and expensive.

  6. I went to Pennsylvania once. Philadelphia. Independence Hall. Saw the chair that George Washington sat in. All of the Founding Fathers for that matter. The King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute. I had a great time. I also dismissed their firearms restrictions out of hand.

    • Honestly Philly……. maybe Pittsburgh would have been the only areas most cops would have given a damn especially for an out of state leo.

  7. Come and take them. It ain’t like I’m 20 anymore, I ain’t afraid to die. Come and take them. My children are already grown, my grandchildren are graduating high school, I don’t care if I die. Come and take them. I also don’t mind if you die. Come and take them.

  8. I agree we need a law. maybe “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Nope, not woring Man surely smarter than God. Try Murder 1, Murder 2, and 23,000+ anti-gun laws Nope, not cuttin’ it. But, surely Amen Brown is the smartest one in the crowd, and his bill will do it…..NOT! Maybe, ole Amen should pass a law….Kid does the crime, mom’n’dad share the time. Now, that’s a bill I could support.

  9. If it’s not the police running the ID check, would it be legal to give a fake ID to the employee working the copier? How would they know my name isn’t Suggon Deeznuts?


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