courtesy Alabama Today

A bill allowing indefinite expulsion from schools for threatening behavior, including writing a hitlist or bringing a gun to class, passed late December in the Ohio Statehouse and was sent to the desk of Governor Mike DeWine, who signed it into law on January 8. Previous Ohio law granted public schools the ability to expel students facing behavioral issues for up to 80 days and up to 180 days or a full school year for bringing weapons to school, making bomb threats, or causing serious physical injury to another person, with permanent expulsion reserved only for students 16 years of age and older who were convicted in court of a serious criminal offense. 

Ohio House Bill 206, sponsored by Representatives Gary Click and Monica Robb Blasdel, enables superintendents to indefinitely expel students who pose health and safety threats to other students and school faculty while requiring clear instructions for readmission. Aside from bringing firearms and knives to school, making bomb threats and causing serious injury to others, students can be subject to the new law for creating hitlists or threatening manifestos and sharing menacing posts on social media. 

“This bill will put control back in the hands of parents, local school administrators and mental health professionals when dealing with the most difficult and stressful situations they encounter,” Blasdel stated.

HB 206 grants school superintendents the authority to extend an expulsion for 90 days at a time following the original 180 days without any limit on the number of extensions that can be applied. Clear reinstatement policies require psychological evaluation by a qualified psychiatrist agreed upon by the superintendent and the student’s parent or guardian. If not contracted or employed by the district, the cost of such an assessment will be referred to the student’s health insurance, however, any additional cost not covered by insurance will be paid for by the district.

“Mental health is an issue and there’s no time like the present to take care of it … So many times when there’s a tragedy, what’s the first question people ask? They say ‘Why didn’t you see the warning signs? Why didn’t you do something?’ Reality is that we’re not always permitted to do something,” said Click.

It is at this point that the superintendent, along with a “multidisciplinary team,” will decide while considering the psychological assessment whether the student has demonstrated  “sufficient rehabilitation” and should be reinstated. In addition, HB 206 requires the superintendent to produce an alternative list of educational options for the student in question.

Opponents of the bill include the nonprofit group The Juvenile Justice Coalition, who claim that “exclusionary” discipline results in worsening misbehavior and educational setbacks, an increased dropout rate and a greater risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Ohio was more worried about legislation granting too much power to the superintendent than the safety of the student body and faculty. 

Another opponent of the bill, Ryan Davis, an education attorney in Dayton, played the race card by complaining it could disproportionately affect certain racial and socioeconomic groups. 

“In Ohio, exclusionary disciplinary practices in our schools are already disproportionally impacting black, low-income and disabled students … The Children’s Defense Fund’s 2024 State of School Discipline in Ohio found that black female students are six times more likely than white female students to be suspended or expelled, and the trends are similarly staggering for black male students, disabled students and low-income students,” Davis stated in written testimony. 

Why is it that people like Ryan Davis always raise this concern out of order? Disciplinary actions don’t happen in a vacuum. They are typically in response to an external action. They never state that members of certain communities are perhaps so many times more likely to violate the law or act out violently or inappropriately, just that the disciplinary actions for their behavior are somehow disproportionate. This breed of morally corrupt obfuscation is a plague on society and should offend even the most moderately intelligent person out there. 

Click responded to detractors by expressing his intent to balance the power and prevent any manner of discrimination, inviting opponents to suggest language specific to their concerns, which he would include in the bill in an attempt to demonstrate inclusivity and bring all sides on board, but did not receive any response. 

“We’ve been as responsive as we can and if they want to participate, they have to take the initiative to say here is what would take care of these issues and keep students safe, and they failed to do that … The goal is not extra suspensions or longer suspensions, the goal is safety. … We don’t want any students unfairly targeted or discriminated against in our schools, and if they have any solutions or additions in the future, my doors are open,” according to Click.

It comes as no surprise that those who are likely on the front lines of making sure teachers are not armed and who generally support the leftist disarmament plan are willing to stand by and do nothing when it comes to the source of the problem, which is addressing mental health and criminal behavior. I do not believe for a second that opponents of such a bill care for school safety, and their reaction to HB 206 validates the hypothesis. Their true agenda is power through pandering, and any group that chooses to write off poor behavior as disenfranchisement is a perfect target for their lechery. 

HB 206 is a step forward in protecting students and faculty, however, I would suggest that actions to evaluate and treat students begin at the moment of expulsion, not during the reinstatement process. Exclusion never feels like a positive action when used in a disciplinary manner. The stigma can be easily overcome by using every moment and resource during the time to rehabilitate rather than punish. If that does not work, we must act responsibly by separating and monitoring bad actors to protect our communities, particularly those who are often most vulnerable, our children.


  1. Does this only apply to white children??? Because the Libertarians Liberals and the Leftists all complained that there were too many criminal black children, in the criminal justice system.

    So I guess they want to increase the number of white criminals. Just to make things more racially diverse.

    That was going on in Parkland Florida.

    • I’m still waiting on the push for more women to enter the fields of logging, tree trimming, roofing, and construction labor. I’ve worked around some major construction projects. The only females I saw were translators (Spanish) and inspectors. When you see them in residential construction they’re almost always paired up with a male. The equality/equity talk is completely illogical. It’s an excuse to get what they want.

      Yes, the Parkland thing was swept under the rug with the rest of their bad ideas.

        • If you oppose anything I said, then state your case. Your unrelated and juvenile personal attack makes it look like you have a very low IQ.

        • Holy Moly Deb, What in the world has you so jacked up? Maybe you can help us understand a little about where you are coming from by telling us what you do for a living. And let us know what Dude said that got your hackles up.

      • The equality/equity talk is completely illogical.

        In it’s current form, yes. There’s nothing wrong with equality of opportunity with the outcome based on merit.

        The reality is that this is a very difficult thing to untangle and, so far as I can tell, nearly no one has actually examined it significantly with an eye as to how it might be fixed.

        Revealing my inner Ron Paul (gasp!, Libertarians just want free stuffz!) I’d say that it has a lot to do with our currency system post 1931/1971 depending on how gold-buggy you are or how you define a currency vs. money.

        IRL, I think it’s a mix of that system and a perverse incentive system we’ve created that goes back to Bernays and his little proof-of-concept that made it socially acceptable for women to smoke.

        Trying to nutshell what’s probably a several volume book, so I’ll gloss over things like credit expansion:

        Companies (sellers) realized that there was a huge population that wasn’t buying a lot of things. Women made up about half the population yet were not present in whole areas of commerce for the most part in the 1920’s. “Making a market” could be easily done, doubling the pool of potential buyers by simply bringing women into the fold of buying [product]. This was particularly attractive in saturated markets.

        That’s running in the background when WWII brings women into the workforce in a new way. Post-war there’s a multi-fold scramble.

        On the one hand, companies want women working for two reasons, one so they have currency with which to buy [product] and because it doubles the labor pool and therefore reduces personnel costs.

        Which in and of itself isn’t the worst idea ever though it would require a stabilization period on both ends (business and personnel, meaning society ultimately) after it happens. However, constant inflation of the currency over time, which amounts to being on the wrong end of the compound interest formula has taken the “dual income” family from a relative rarity/luxury to a requirement for most people.

        If you think about this from a personnel statistics issue it’s going to create a very odd dynamic where companies can grow very fast on the steep part of a diminishing returns curve which necessitates hiring a lot more people. Thank God we doubled the workforce, right?

        At this point, because returns are so easy to be had, competence doesn’t much matter in the real world. It’s totally fine to staff HR to the gills and fill it full of people who are questionable. The money cycles through the system, right? Velocity!

        The issue is that as that curve starts to flatten out things are going to get tougher and you’re going to find that competence matters more, probably as an exponent or log of how fast the curve flattens.

        This is going to put you in an awkward position. You need more and more competent people to compete but you don’t have them. You have a ton of people who are highly paid due to a series of incentives to the company and to them personally and they’re not going to want to be fired. Nor are they going to want reductions in pay as inflation continues in the background.

        They will be incentivized to keep their jobs, obviously. And, someone’s going to be incentivized to provide them a mechanism to do that.

        And that’s your entry point for Leftist ideology in the world of business. Business wants it’s cheap labor pool, Leftists want power, people with jobs want to keep them and .gov wants to keep the wheels from coming off this system that’s basically built on a compound interest formula that has a breaking point.

        Which is exactly how you end up with a very high ratio people driving $200K RVs to the number of people who can rationally afford such a thing.

        Unlike other countries in history, our Golden Age was really rather artificial because it was, at root, unstable. “Woke In The Workplace”, or talk of “equity” is just slight of hand to try to keep the system going along the current lines without examining how to actually change the system to one that’s more stable. It’s not “plans within plans”, it’s incentives within incentives.

        Short term gains for long term costs. People suck at this. You’re seeing the symptoms of letting that kind of thing run for decades and decades without any actual oversight or thought put into it. Many of the social pressures are just that, social pressures. Morays that don’t really have an easily definable genesis because they come from a tangled web of incentive structures that no one discusses.

        • There was a movement to get more women into tech jobs a few years back. It was done under the guise of diversity, equity, etc. because it was a male-dominated profession. How often do you see women installing roof shingles? Shouldn’t they be working on diversifying that job? Liars.

          In the same vein, Dems told black people that white people were still oppressing them because white people were in charge. (They still use this.) Dems promised that things would change if they got black people (as long as they were Democrats) elected to political positions. So they began electing more black Democrats. Did things get better? We have historical data on that sort of thing. The good news is that people are beginning to notice the lies. It only took half of a century.

          • It was done under the guise of diversity, equity, etc. because it was a male-dominated profession.

            Go back farther and you’ll find that this isn’t true in the initial phases. There were older attempts at bringing women into science which were in no way based on DEI, but rather on things we learned from the Germans after the war.

            Larry Summers got run out of Harvard for referencing them in the context of modern (~2005) psychology and neurobiology and suggesting that the topic be revisited with modern tools.

            We have historical data on that sort of thing.

            I know, my comments are based on it.

            In that regard, DEI is being sold by some people and to other people for a specific purpose, which I elucidated above, but which can be condensed to the term “job security”. This is paid for with cash and then the debt is settled with “political capital”.

            When the Right figures out how “making a market” works, and that there are forms of capital other than money, maybe it will be time to have a discussion.

            Until then, it’s pearls before swine. But that doesn’t, and will not, change the fact that it’s all just products and markets. DEI is but one of them, a service rendered for a price. No different than the shitty education Americans have generally gotten since the late 1950’s, just a service with a price.

          • “…you’re going to find that competence matters more,…”

            With globalization, there are virtually unlimited reserves of cheap incompetents in India, China, Mexico, and countries we don’t even know the names of. Until those resources are exhausted, we (the industiral and financial engines) will continue to see the erosion of the established stores of value flow away from the competent.

        • “The equality/equity talk is completely illogical.”

          Equity is *not* equality, there’s a very good reason they are playing those word games, it’s meant to confuse and befuddle the masses.

          The good news is, they don’t yet fully realize the future impacts of the last election on their future political prospects for the next dozen years or so.

          Add to that the inconvenient truth that they have been drinking their own Kool-Aid on ‘climate change’ and are now reproducing at a lower rate than the general population, the issue will become self-correcting in the not-distant future… 😉

          • Equity is *not* equality, there’s a very good reason they are playing those word games, it’s meant to confuse and befuddle the masses.

            Not the least of which is that based on a normal curve, which does apply here, somewhere on the order of 50-67.07% of people are not particularly useful to a modern company but are useful to the overall economy and society.

            Again, velocity of money is something we’re dependent on because it’s what fuels “growth” via inflation in a system built on credit and inflation.

            While firing them would make the company much more competitive, the immediate economic disconnect caused by that rapid of a rise in the level of unemployment would probably cause a civil war.

            It would absolutely cause a systemic breakdown of virtually everything, which might actually be worse than a civil war.

            Silly employment programs and what might be termed “job security” policies have existed, demented as many were, for thousands of years because people know what happens when the plebs get restless.

            We’ve outsourced most of the decent jobs for normies and we’ve replaced them with BS, giving office jobs to people who are best suited for… well in many cases, janitorial work, frankly. On the higher end, they can stick things together on a production line that’s now in China. Today, they staff everything from management at [local mid sized business] to the DMV.

            That took decades to accomplish. You can build that system over time, but you can’t knock it down in a flash without… disturbances.

            You can see this pretty clearly once you realize that “woke” and “DEI” and “ESG” are just a more modern iteration of “PC” from the 1980’s. It is still what it has always been, a socially engineered job security program for people who basically can’t compete in the modern world on their own.

            But now they have the fallback of “You can’t fire/not hire me because I’ll claim discrimination” which keeps a decent percentage of these poorly educated people employed.

          • “Equity is *not* equality, there’s a very good reason they are playing those word games, it’s meant to confuse and befuddle the masses.”

            Isn’t it more likely the anti-America crowd is being clear and open with the use of “equity”? They use the term specifically to declare that equal outcomes are demanded, no matter the circumstances; effort, or no effort, everyone should have the same advancemet in outcome.

  2. There is a solution. We as a society discarded that solution in the 1960s, much to our detriment. Something to do with two bills passed in 1965, both of which have upended our entire civilization. Repeal those two bills to begin the recovery process.

    • johnnyboy…Are you saying you miss wearing sheets, carrying torches, cross burnings, church burnings, lynchings, etc? I hate to pee on your stupidity but you sick little ratbassturd are to the 2A what a drunk, farting gasbag is to fine dining.

      • Deb, those two bills did more to destroy the black community than you know apparently. The average black family was floreshing up until then. After that, the men got kicked out and welfare went through the roof. Planned parenthood came in to seal the deal. Learn some history.

    • Medicare and Medicaid reform?

      Black voter turnout for 1960 election: 68%

      *Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed*

      Black voter turnout for 1964 election: 70% (almost the same as before the Act)

      *Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed*

      Black voter turnout for 1968 election: 58% (much less compared to before the Acts)

      Black voter turnout for 1972 election: 52% (and so on)

      Black voter turnout for 1956 election: 59% – There was a higher turnout in 1956 prior to the 1957 Civil Rights Act (federal protection for voting rights), compared to 1968 and many subsequent elections. I wonder how many people realize this. An honest look at history will reveal that forcing racists to share their water fountains and buses did nothing to help black people. Some other things happened in the 60s that deserve scrutiny. Our society is still paying the price for those mistakes.

      • wonder how many people realize this.

        Fun story:

        Back in the 1980’s A&W wanted to try to dethrone McD’s by offering a 1/3rd pound burger for less than the famous Quarter Pounder.

        They failed. In the post mortem analysis they discovered that this was because most people thought that 1/4 > 1/3 because 4 > 3.


        Statistically, this country’s been dumb as f*&$ for a very long time.

        On the upside, once I discovered this I understood why men in their 70’s and 80’s would try to tell me why you can’t just remove the same number of zeros from both sides of two equations and get the same answers in a form that’s easier to notate in typed text.

        Ratios be hard, and apparently have been since at least the 1960’s.

  3. Great idea! Put juvenile sociopaths on the street without supervision.
    How about incarceration?

  4. Will the bullies who intimidate, assault, and rob with complete impunity still get a free pass? The teachers and administrators usually know who these disruptive types are but refuse to act “because that is their way” and “you must have done something to provoke them”.

  5. The fact that we live in a world where both “zero tolerance” and the sort of hyper-tolerance that permits actors like Nikolas Cruz to remain right up until he murders a bunch of people exist in tandem tells me everyone in these positions of authority is full of shit all the time and none should ever be trusted to walk your dog let alone run whatever institution they pretend to be running.

    • Hyper-tolerance is a perfect way to describe that. I mean it’s only murder, rape, assault, and theft. Now, wrong pronouns and conspiracy theories like a lab leak and a certain laptop? There will be zero tolerance for that.

  6. I feel like we used to have a solution to this.

    At least until we discovered that the whole thing was a giant grift.

    Also, congrats on TTAG no longer being a site dedicated to trying to sell me web dev tools, lol.

    • I’ve never been once pitched for dev tools, the TTAG back-end must know about you’re browsing habits…

  7. This site went down several days back, around 11:03pm Central time.

    It was replaced with a webdev set of ads, common for webhosts to put up on properties that they own but which are not currently in use.

    It was the same thing when I checked back the next morning. So… I wandered off for a few days.

    Generally speaking, I don’t see regular ads at all. I block those things.


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