From the NSSF . . .
NSSF, the firearm industry trade association, rejects Mexico’s allegations that U.S. firearm manufacturers participated in negligent business practices. All firearms sold at retail within the United States are sold in accordance with federal and state laws, with an FBI background check and forms completed. Allegations of wholesale cross-border gun trafficking are patently and demonstrably false.
“These allegations are baseless. The Mexican government is responsible for the rampant crime and corruption within their own borders,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “Mexico’s criminal activity is a direct result of the illicit drug trade, human trafficking and organized crime cartels that plague Mexico’s citizens. It is these cartels that criminally misuse firearms illegally imported into Mexico or stolen from the Mexican military and law enforcement. Rather than seeking to scapegoat law-abiding American businesses, Mexican authorities must focus their efforts on bringing the cartels to justice. The Mexican government, which receives considerable aid from U.S. taxpayers, is solely responsible for enforcing its laws – including the country’s strict gun control laws – within their own borders.
“The American people through their elected officials decide the laws governing the lawful commerce in firearms in our country,” Keane added. “This lawsuit filed by an American gun control group representing Mexico is an affront to U.S. sovereignty and a threat to the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms. A right denied to the Mexican people who are unable to defend themselves from the cartels.”
Less than 12 percent of the guns Mexico seized in 2008, for example, have been verified as coming from the U.S. In 2008, approximately 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals in Mexico. Of these 30,000, only 7,200 (24 percent) were submitted to the ATF for tracing. This is because only these firearms were likely to have come from the U.S., a determination made by the presence of a U.S.-mandated serial number and the firearm’s make and model – requirements under federal law as part of the Gun Control Act of 1968. Of the 7,200 firearms submitted for tracing, only about 4,000 (13 percent) could be traced by the ATF of which roughly 3,480 (12 percent) came from the U.S. Although 3,480 is approximately 90 percent of the firearms successfully traced, it is hardly the mythical 90 percent of the total firearms recovered.

Even the more accurate 12 percent figure overestimates the true number of firearms from the United States. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Mexico Institute) points out that many of the serial numbers submitted for tracing were submitted to the ATF multiple times, some as many as five times each. The ATF has noted that more than 20 percent of the firearms submitted for tracing are duplicates. With such errors distorting the statistics it is clear that even fewer than 12 percent of these firearms originated in the U.S. And of the small number that did come from the U.S., many did not come from retail firearm sales.
Furthermore, of those firearms successfully traced, on average they were sold at retail 14 years earlier and following an FBI background check. This dispels the notion often repeated by the press that there is a flood of recently purchased firearms heading into Mexico from the United States.
The U.S. government also sells firearms directly to the Mexican government. Mexican soldiers continue to defect to work for the drug cartels, taking their American-made service rifles with them. In recent years the number of defections has soared to more than 150,000. According to U.S. State Department cables, the most lethal weapons used by Mexican cartels come from Central American arsenals. Additionally, according to a 2006 report by Amnesty International, China was actively supplying arms to Latin American countries, which have subsequently been seized in Mexico.
Does that include the fast and furious guns “walked ” into Mexico by the ATF, or are those now to be forever forgotten ? Now is the time to not only say eff-no to the Chipmonkey appointment, but to remind people of shit like this and abolish the ATFE or turn it into a convenience store chain.
“turn it into a convenience store chain”
All Types of Firearms.
I got 20 bucks that says our DOJ furnished them with a few attorneys, any takers??
Sorry, spent my last twenty on a box of .22 !!
“These allegations are baseless”
“you don’t understand mr. reardan. you’re the one with something to loot.”
“The American people through their elected officials decide the laws governing the lawful commerce in firearms in our country”
the elected officials are becoming outnumbered by the installed officials.
The response is in no way surprising, but it is good to see it made.
And JoHo will be cheering on this frivolous lawsuit …
So Mexico is going to help build that wall now right?
Who was the “American gun control group representing Mexico”? That would be good to know.
Bloomberg’s probably, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. They have been griping about this going on in Mexico since 2010 and tried doing the same basic thing before in 2013 with the same type of false “logic” but Mexico didn’t file a lawsuit.
as a side note of interest: There was the the “Fast & Furious” and “Wide Receiver” programs run by the Phoenix BATFE office, to facilitate the export of new American guns to Mexican drug trafficking organizations.
Ok, I was wrong, its antigun group Brady United representing them.
This lawsuit is a violation of American Sovernty, go fuck yourself Mexico.
Hey Mexico! You’ve got the wrong people, YOU want Obummer and his “Wingman” Holder… They are the ones who directed the ATF to run operation “Fast and Furious” sending hundreds of firearms “illegally” into Mexico and THEN losing track of them… Obamas got deep pockets now, get you some of that 12 million dollar, 29 acres he’s holding on Marthas Vinyard, sorry it’s too late to get an invite to the “Birthday Bash” but maybe Sunday Brunch is on the table…
Those aren’t the criminals you’re looking for.
Then we should sue Mexico for all the illegals swarming across the border, many infected with Covid.
They’re probably suing for more than the $30ish M that gutless Remington was willing to settle. Hopefully, the defendants will fighting enough to get pro-PLCAA verdicts. Mexico will have to pay for everyone’s legal bills and won’t be able to cry bankruptcy.
Will Mexico offer to pay the debt in cocaine, heroin, and meth?
I see this as evidence that the Mexican Govt is working with the Biden admin to assist in its “gun control” efforts; the only questions are what exactly is the quid pro quo, just how corrupt is it and what does “10% for the big guy” amount to?
Exactly. They’re working with foreign governments and multinational corporations in order to deprive us of our rights. I haven’t heard in awhile…Who’s the traitor again?
Here’s a crazy idea, so just keep an open mind. Our government works with the Mexican government to fully control the border. We both decide what comes in and out of our countries, and we stop this charade about not being able to control it.
Meanwhile Sig Sauer is planning to finalize a big contract with Mexico.
They should cancel it in response – but we know they won’t, CEO Ron loves money.
One of the lead attorneys is from the Brady bunch (not the show).
Just to remind people, this is not about the money: The goal is to get the Biden admin to enter into a consent order which weakens of the Protection for Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and furthers gun prohibition – A consent order that imposes regulation that they could not accomplish via Congress or authority. The Biden admin will intervene, claiming the federal law and foreign policy is implicated, then bam enter into a settlement. They have done this in other areas like environmental regs.
So stay frosty.
That would be fairly easy for the right US circuit court to toss. Challenge in Texas and it won’t stand for long.
And they claimed that Trump was a despotic dictator. Just about any time a progressive accuses someone of something bad, rest assured the progressive is the guilty party and just trying to divert attention.
Mexico has a history of failed governments. Every Mexican Administration has been corrupt to the core. The current one is no different, and is only advertising their failure.
In truth, we should have just annexed the country in 1848. It would have solved/prevented current and past problems.
And the southern border wall with Belize and Guatemala would be much shorter and easier to secure than our current southern border.
“…The Mexican government is responsible for the rampant crime and corruption within their own borders,…”
Yup, that’s it right there.
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