The [Bruen] ruling by the court’s conservative majority appalled Democratic leaders across the country who said it would lead to more gun violence.
In response, New York lawmakers scrapped the parts of its gun-license laws the court found unconstitutional and created a long list of “sensitive locations” and “restricted locations” that turn many places into gun-free zones, including big chunks of the Adirondacks.
Having any kind of firearm in these places will be a felony crime after Sept. 1. California, New Jersey and other states are watching closely as they draft similar plans. Powerful gun-owners’ rights groups see any infringements on Americans’ most newly affirmed right as targets for lawsuits.Â
“It pretty much means I’ve got to leave the firearm at home,” said Rick Bennett, who sells guns and fishing tackle from his store in the hamlet of North Creek.
The Supreme Court ruling had allowed for gun bans in limited sensitive areas, such as schools or courthouses. The New York law went much further, adding hospitals, bars, concert venues, and also parks. Bennett’s house is in the middle of the largest park in the contiguous United States: Adirondack Park, a mountain range covering a fifth of the state’s landmass. It is larger than several U.S. states, and home to 130,000 people and countless bobcats, beavers, muskrats and cottontail rabbits. Bears patrol the hiking trails.
People who run summer camps, which in themselves are a new sensitive location, wonder if popular riflery courses for children are now a crime. Up at Mount Van Hoevenberg, a former Winter Olympics venue inside the park, it is unclear how the annual biathlon, a sport mixing skiing with target shooting, can proceed. It will be a felony to have a gun at sports venues.
Jeffrey Dinowitz, a Democratic assembly member from the Bronx in New York City, said the bill he co-sponsored was a reasonable response to what he called a wrongly decided opinion by “highly politicized, right-wing justices.”
— Jonathan Allen in New York gun bans alarm residents of upstate bear country
What else do you expect from these unconstitutional communist retards?
African slaves once had to follow the drinking gourd. Time for red blooded Americans in blue blooded states to do the same. It’s not tucking tail, because the only other options at this point are either hurry up and wait to die while all this crap languishes in court, or go to war against the commie bastards (sounds more fun than court, doesnt it?). Time to get busy living in whats left of free America.
What Nathan said. I understand some people can’t, due to their particular situation. “Staying and fighting” is a romantic worldview. It’s time to turn the purple states red and strengthen existing red states. That’s how we retake control of the country. It might be the only way.
“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes,” Attorney General Eric Holder CSPAN 1995
P.S. Same Eric Holder who illegally sent 2000 weapons to the Mexican cartels which killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in the Arizona desert and many Mexican citizens.
““What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes,” Attorney General Eric Holder CSPAN 1995”
A damn good thing Hollywood continues to glorify the ‘Almighty Gun’.
In movies, guns save lives, right the wronged, and get the girl, and overall save the day. It makes them *billions* of dollars annually.
It warms the very cockles of my cold, black heart to see how they love capitalism, that it trumps their poisoned, twisted and sick Leftist Scum ™ ideology they claim to worship.
“America, what a country!” : Yakov Smirnoff 🙂
Exactly the response we expected all along from “highly politicized, Left-wing politicians.”
Angry ny democRats who lost a court case thought up ways to get at those thinking about carrying a firearm anywhere. This all happens while the thinkers are escorted everywhere by armed security. Anyone in law enforcement who enforces these knee jerk unconstitutional laws on the behalf of angry hypocrite democrats is no different than a nazi. If democRats want to enforce their sleaze tell them to do it themselves.
Carry. Get busted. Sue.
Carry. Get busted. Go to prison. Lose everything. Sue. Go into debt on legal fees on lawsuit lasting years. Die an ex-con felon.
Cluck off, mother-clucker.
Sorry, had to do it. 🙂
Jeffrey Dinowitz and assholes like him are going to get people killed. I hope these laws are struck down sooner rather than later.
The folks who are still New Yorkers are dead inside already, so really, it doesn’t matter.
I believe you are correct and unfortunately the walking dead are slowly killing their children too. Shooting sports are one way to get kids to think differently about guns and liberals are destroying that too. Evil evil people.
I kid the New Yorkers but I know several people who live there and hate it. All they do is scheme on ways to get out.
Too bad there aren’t roads or something going OUT of the hive.
Bankruptcy can be a bitch to deal with but yes it is an option to consider.
*slow clap*
He threw a hissy fit at the Bruen decision and wanted to get revenge by using lawfare.
I will laugh my ass off if it ends up St. Clarence Thomas (ever blessed be his name!) ends up dictating the few places where gun carry can be prohibited.
‘Bruen’ was a clear warning that they do *not* want Thomas making that decision for them.
(But I *really* hope they are that stupid and arrogant. Wait, they’re democrat-voting Leftist Scum ™, brain-damage and arrogance describe them to a ‘T’… 🙂 )
The NY law is really just begging for a SCOTUS reprisal and it would be well deserved.
Keep doing what you’ve done and keep getting what you’ve got… The only way to change NY is to change the assholes making the laws but that won’t happen and come Jan you’ll see the same faces in Albany (including Miss “Nancy wanna-be”) and they will continue to fuck you all because that’s what you asked for. Deal with it or move to a free Red State where you can unleash your ignorance anew. I have no sympathy for anyone who continues to fuck themselves while complaining how much it hurts, the cure is simply checking a different box on the ballot but that’s too simple for those “intellectuals” in the “Empire State”, meanwhile the rubes in the “add on” states go about their business hoping their “betters” never find out about life outside the “Colonies”
Thank God safe from those murderous Bi-atheletes all hopped up on steroids waiting to massacre innocents with their precision rifles wearing those skin tight outfits.
Born in the Bronx. Early years split between Brooklyn and Staten Island. Some grad school courses at Fordham (Manhatten). Frequently went into NYC to visit family and for entertainment. Our very best friends live in Warsaw (outside of Buffalo).
Nowadays, we NEVER go into NY state, except when I have to take my wife into CT to see her specialist.
NY: repressive, corrupt, hates it’s own people. Criminals are the good guys and patriots are terrorists.
It is a shame. Upstate NY is God’s country. Some of the most beautiful country side in this nation.
A-yep. From Potsdam. Move to Iowa 11 years ago as their bullbutter drove out all the reasonable jobs. Thank the Lord I did, as I really like guns and really don’t like stupid laws.
Hey, TTAG!!! Would you, please, free my comment from the moderator’s gulag?
Thank you!
Give it a couple hours. Or forever. It’ll show up. Or it won’t.
Most every post I make gets held for mods.
I’ve even seen posts get removed a few day after making them. I’ve reposted comments on the topic of 10mm after seeing they were removed.
Seems like TTAG overlords are becoming content not-Zs.
I’ve mentioned it many times, including twice more yesterday. I don’t think Dan’s interested in fixing the problem.
The result is that I visit TTAG less than half as much as I used to, and skip over entire articles completely without so much as even clicking on their pages. Others here have mentioned they do the same, and for the same reason of “why bother?” because it’s now a 50/50 chance that our comments will be moderated or even blocked entirely. And for reasons nobody knows…
A more robust comments section would result in more visits, and more eyeballs on articles and ads (for those who view those ads). I myself have clicked on an ad or two to get more information on the displayed product…
Eh, Dan?
TTAG sucks hugely compared to what it was before the Canadians bought it. Robert where are you?
“And for reasons nobody knows…”
The reason has been explained. It’s software TTAG uses to filter bot comments. They’ve said, without it, the comment section would be flooded with bot links. Whoever wrote the program may have intended to also moderate certain political comments. That’s my guess anyway. Why else would it moderate So_shall_ism or vaxxination?
Maybe there’s a better bot control program available? An alternative would be some sort of sign in account, which would blow. I think this is the last site on the net that doesn’t require that.
MADDMAXX August 13, 2022 At 11:53
Your comment is awaiting moderation
Your comment is awaiting moderation
MADDMAXX August 13, 2022 At 11:51
Your comment is awaiting moderation
The reason has been explained. It’s software TTAG uses to filter bot comments.
Fuks a bot got do with WORDS like SOSHULLIST Ver-GI-NA? Or why I get moderated for correctly spelling soshullist and someone else does NOT. Changed spellings twice, STILL moderated EXPLAIN?
Madd, it’s simple:
There is nothing wrong with your
television setcomputer. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity.MADDMAX, you think it could be that TTAG is lying?
“I don’t think Dan’s interested in fixing the problem.”
I doubt Dan runs WordPress, Haz.
It’s likely he can suggest all day long, but what they elect to do about it isn’t Dan’s ‘circus’.
Although the TTAG Chimps making the comments are the TTAG’s ‘Monkeys’, (so to speak)… 🙂
Bah, took 14 minutes this morning to find an exit Cloudflare wasn’t blocking ad infinitum. Wasting blocks my time because I choose anonymity & privacy is offensive and un-American.
Rarely get the ghosted comments thing, but they’re usually on the stick and get that resolved in less than a couple of hours on an active comment thread.
Liberal extremist “Jeffrey Dinowitz, a Democratic assembly member from the Bronx in New York City, said the bill he co-sponsored was a reasonable response to what he called a wrongly decided opinion by “highly politicized, right-wing justices.”
Thanks for my laugh for the day.
They have no shame.
“highly politicized, right-wing justices.”
Unlike Sotomayor and Kagan and the newest idiot Katanji.
The media is so polarized the same story in the news is unrecognizable.
But I watch different things to keep me paying attention, to try to see the facts among the editorialized mess.
I like to view the source and draw my own conclusions.
Like RT explaining the Crimean air station blew up due to a cigarette, then immediately sweating revenge.
They’re not even trying.
The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association has claimed it is looking into filing a lawsuit. I’m not holding my breath.
Parts of the CCW law have been challenged by GOA:
Thank you, Mark. I am joining GOA-NY as we speak. If NYSR&PA will not do something to protect our rights, I see no alternative but to join GOA-NY.
While I generally don’t like reddit is a pretty decent summary of most of the current lawsuits. NYSRPA probably has some fundraising to do after Bruen to catch up unless the NRA is looking to foot the bill on the next (dozen+) challenge.
“Parts of the CCW law have been challenged by GOA:”
I’m not good at decoding legalese.
What parts are being challenged, please? for a summary that is awaiting moderation in another post.
When are people going to wake up? We need to rid our country of Democrats, they are no good for anything they destroy everything they touch.
Talking about final solutions doesn’t help.
That’s all there is is talk, there is talk about everything out there and nobody does a thing to fix anything. All the criminal politicians are still out there doing what ever they want.
Maybe they will succeed
This is what California’s “sensitive places” bill looks like (that will probably pass and be enacted):
How does this certainty sit with you: under existing law, holders of CCWs were exempt from the GFSZA 1000′ exclusion zone except for being on a campus of a school or university. The new law as amended narrows the exemption as follows:
(4) When the person holds a valid license to carry the firearm pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 26150) of Division 5 of Title 4 of Part 6, who is carrying that firearm in an area that is not in, or on the grounds of, in any building, real property, or parking area under the control of a public or private school providing instruction in kindergarten or grades 1 to 12, inclusive, or on a street or sidewalk immediately adjacent to a building, real property, or parking area under the control of that public or private school, but within a distance of 1,000 feet from the grounds of the public or private school.
As I read this, it is a public offense to drive past a school on the road while lawfully carrying a concealed firearm. So even if you have a CCW, you will have to give every school or university a one-block buffer zone where you cannot lawfully enter when armed unless your firearm is unloaded and in a locked container (I assume). So get out your maps and good luck! (P.S. you are not supposed to have any luck. If your place of residence is anything like mine, most of the high schools and many of the elementary and junior highs are located on major transportation routes. Both colleges on the edge of town would require a diversion literally for miles to avoid the exclusion zone.
And here is the list of “sensitive places” where you can only go if your gat is restrained in a locked container lest it jump out and start shooting people:
26230. (a) A person granted a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person pursuant to Section 26150, 26155, or 26170 shall not carry a firearm on or into any of the following:
(1) A place prohibited by Section 626.9.
(2) A building, real property, or parking area under the control of a preschool or childcare facility, including a room or portion of a building under the control of a preschool or childcare facility. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the operator of a childcare facility in a family home from owning or possessing a firearm in the home if no child under child care at the home is present in the home or the firearm in the home is unloaded, stored in a locked container, and stored separately from ammunition when a child under child care at the home is present in the home so long as the childcare provider notifies clients that there is a firearm in the home.
(3) A building, parking area, or portion of a building under the control of an officer of the executive or legislative branch of the state government.
(4) A building designated for a court proceeding, including matters before a superior court, district court of appeal, or the California Supreme Court, parking area under the control of the owner or operator of that building, or a building or portion of a building under the control of the Supreme Court.
(5) A building, parking area, or portion of a building under the control of a unit of local government, unless the firearm is being carried for purposes of training pursuant to Section 26165.
(6) A building, real property, and parking area under the control of an adult or juvenile detention or correctional institution, prison, or jail.
(7) A building, real property, and parking area under the control of a public or private hospital or hospital affiliate, mental health facility, nursing home, medical office, urgent care facility, or other place at which medical services are customarily provided.
(8) A bus, train, or other form of transportation paid for in whole or in part with public funds, and a building, real property, or parking area under the control of a transportation authority supported in whole or in part with public funds.
(9) A building, real property, and parking area under the control of a vendor or an establishment where intoxicating liquor is sold for consumption on the premises.
(10) A public gathering or special event conducted on property open to the public that requires the issuance of a permit from a federal, state, or local government and sidewalk or street immediately adjacent to the public gathering or special event but is not more than 1,000 feet from the event or gathering, provided this prohibition shall not apply to a licensee who must walk through a public gathering in order to access their residence, place of business, or vehicle.
(11) A playground or public or private youth center, as defined in Section 626.95, and a street or sidewalk immediately adjacent to the playground or youth center.
(12) A park, athletic area, or athletic facility that is open to the public and a street or sidewalk immediately adjacent to those areas, provided this prohibition shall not apply to a licensee who must walk through such a place in order to access their residence, place of business, or vehicle.
(13) Real property under the control of the Department of Parks and Recreation or Department of Fish and Wildlife, except those areas designated for hunting pursuant to Section 5003.1 of the Public Resources Code, Section 4501 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, or any other designated public hunting area, public shooting ground, or building where firearm possession is permitted by applicable law.
(14) Any area under the control of a public or private community college, college, or university, including, but not limited to, buildings, classrooms, laboratories, medical clinics, hospitals, artistic venues, athletic fields or venues, entertainment venues, officially recognized university-related organization properties, whether owned or leased, and any real property, including parking areas, sidewalks, and common areas.
(15) A building, real property, or parking area that is or would be used for gambling or gaming of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, casinos, gambling establishments, gaming clubs, bingo operations, facilities licensed by the California Horse Racing Board, or a facility wherein banked or percentage games, any form of gambling device, or lotteries, other than the California State Lottery, are or will be played.
(16) A stadium, arena, or the real property or parking area under the control of a stadium, arena, or a collegiate or professional sporting or eSporting event.
(17) A building, real property, or parking area under the control of a public library.
(18) A building, real property, or parking area under the control of an airport or passenger vessel terminal, as those terms are defined in subdivision (a) of Section 171.5.
(19) A building, real property, or parking area under the control of an amusement park.
(20) A building, real property, or parking area under the control of a zoo or museum.
(21) A street, driveway, parking area, property, building, or facility, owned, leased, controlled, or used by a nuclear energy, storage, weapons, or development site or facility regulated by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
(22) A church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship, including in any parking area immediately adjacent thereto, unless the operator of the place of worship clearly and conspicuously posts a sign at the entrance of the building or on the premises indicating that license holders are permitted to carry firearms on the property. Signs shall be of a uniform design as prescribed by the Department of Justice and shall be at least four inches by six inches in size.
(23) A financial institution or parking area under the control of a financial institution.
(24) A police, sheriff, or highway patrol station or parking area under control of a law enforcement agency.
(25) A polling place, voting center, precinct, or other area or location where votes are being cast or cast ballots are being returned or counted, or the streets or sidewalks immediately adjacent to any of these places.
(26) Any other privately-owned commercial establishment that is open to the public, unless the operator of the establishment clearly and conspicuously posts a sign at the entrance of the building or on the premises indicating that license holders are permitted to carry firearms on the property. Signs shall be of a uniform design as prescribed by the Department of Justice and shall be at least four inches by six inches in size.
(27) Any other place or area prohibited by other provisions of state law.
(28) An area where firearms are prohibited under federal law.
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a licensee may transport a firearm and ammunition within their vehicle so long as the firearm is locked in a lock box, as defined in subdivision (y) of Section 4082 of Title 11 of the California Code of Regulations, and the lock box is a firearm safety device, as defined in Section 16540, that is listed on the department’s Roster of Firearm Safety Devices Certified for Sale pursuant to Sections 23650 and 23655.
(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), except under paragraph (21) or (28) of subdivision (a), a licensee prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm into the parking area of a prohibited location specified in subdivision (a) shall be allowed to:
(1) Transport a concealed firearm or ammunition within a vehicle into or out of the parking area so long as the firearm is locked in a lock box.
(2) Store ammunition or a firearm within a locked lock box and out of plain view within the vehicle in the parking area.
(3) Transport a concealed firearm in the immediate area surrounding their vehicle within a prohibited parking lot area only for the limited purpose of storing or retrieving a firearm within a locked lock box in the vehicle’s trunk or other place inside the vehicle that is out of plain view.
(d) Except in the places specified in paragraph (14) of subdivision (a), a licensee shall not be in violation of this section while they are traveling along a public right-of-way that touches or crosses any of the premises identified in subdivision (a) if the concealed firearm is carried on their person in accordance with the provisions of this act or is being transported in a vehicle by the licensee in accordance with all other applicable provisions of law. Nothing in this section allows a person to loiter or remain in a place longer than necessary to complete their travel.
(e) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the carrying of a firearm where it is otherwise expressly authorized by law.
The proposed law is so similar to NY’s (and was drafted so quickly) that one necessarily smells a rat in the woodpile. I believe it even has a name: Bloomberg.
“This is what California’s “sensitive places” bill looks like …”
This is what creating criminals out of law-abiding citizens looks like.
Grew up in Woodlawn Heights which is unfortunately his district. The neighborhood is heavily cops and firemen. Bet he didn’t get many votes there.
“His loaded Kimber 9mm pistol was tucked as usual into his waistband as he drove through the mountains…”
This shows the misconceptions when mainstream media writers describe the ordinary practice of being armed while going about one’s everyday business:
1) Of course it’s loaded, what use would it be if it were empty?
2) It’s almost certainly protected by a holster that’s securely affixed to the inside of his waistband, not just tucked in there to fall out while he’s playing basketball in the schoolyard down the block.
not just tucked in there to fall out while he’s playing basketball in the schoolyard down the block.
Or break dancing at a Miami Nightclub…
I honestly believe that the leftists really don’t care, you know, decrease the surplus population.
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