(Travis Pike for TTAG)

Last year, I completely missed the Lipseys booth, and they ended up showing off the UC revolvers. The 432UC ended up being my favorite gun of 2024, so this year, I made sure to swing by and check out their exclusives. This year was a big year for Lipseys exclusives and a big one for revolver guys and gals. This year, it’s all about the wheel guns. 

The UC Lipseys Lineup Update

This year, we saw two new UC models. The first and most commonly known model is the new titanium cylinder model of the 432UC. This trims three ounces from the .32 H&R Magnum cartridge. I always thought the TSA was the only people who cared about 3 ounces.

3 ounces makes a big difference (Travis Pike for TTAG)

Yet, holding both guns side by side showed that ounces count. The new 432UC Ti is also coming with the Hamre Forge AFR Undercover grips. They are smaller and lighter than the VZ grips. 

The gold bead sight is an awesome addition to the UC lineup (Travis Pike for TTAG)

Lipseys is also doing a very limited run of the UC Lineup as a collaboration with the Special Operations Association. These models will be black, with green VZ grips, a gold bead front sight, and the MACVSOG logo. The number is limited to 200 models, which I assume is broken up between the 432 and 442 models. 

Lipseys partnered with the Special Operations Association for 200 of the special edition UC (Travis Pike for TTAG)

The Mountain Guns and Lipseys

It’s been over 20 years since S&W produced the Mountain Gun series. Lipseys and S&W are bringing the 629 and 686 Plus back and doing it without those dreaded locks. 

Look at this beaut (Travis Pike for TTAG)

These large frame, stainless steel revolvers have adjustable sights and beautiful wood grips from Tyler Gun Works. They are walnut Bear Hug grips and cover a round-butt frame. 

It’s good to see the Mountain Guns make a comeback.

The Ruger LCR .32 H&R Magnum 

Lipseys partnered with Ruger to bring another .32 H&R magnum to the market, but this time, it’s the more affordable, easy shooting and easy-carrying LCR. This exclusive model features a two-tone frame that mixes FDE with black for a striking appearance. 

Ruger gets a .32 H&R Magnum option (Travis Pike for TTAG)

Ruger has made a .327 Federal Magnum for quite some time, so why go with the .32 H&R Magnum? Weight. The .32 H&R Magnum weighs 13.9 ounces, and the .327 Federal weighs 17 ounces. Remember, ounces matter. 

Ruger Vaquero 7.5 Inch 

Another Ruger and Lipseys collaboration is the return of the Vaquero with the long 7.5-inch barrel. This will be a .357 Magnum revolver and features a bright stainless finish that’s almost mirror like. It’s nice to see the big Vaquero back in action. 

The big boy makes a comeback (Travis Pike for TTAG)

NAA Rule 1

Our final Lipseys exclusive comes from NAA, and it’s known as the Rule 1 gun, as Rule 1 is have a gun. The NAA Rule 1 Lipseys exclusive is a .22 Magnum, single-action revolver that’s outfitted with the Hamre Forge Mini Hook Grips. 

Rule 1 is have a gun (Travis Pike for TTAG)

These grips provide an actual grip on the gun rather than the micro-sized grips these guns usually come with. Additionally, the grips have a hook on them that allows you to easily attach the gun to your pocket for a convenient carry method. 

Lipsey Exclusives and the Future 

It seems like Lipseys is on a roll, making things happen that people are really wanting. These exclusives are giving customers the guns they want, and hopefully, they will continue to team up with major manufacturers to bring us awesome exclusives. 


  1. I quite like LCRs for carry, glove boxes, tool boxes and tackle boxes. You can treat them like a Glock and never give a second thought to banging one up or dropping one overboard. I’d prefer a 3″ LCR, but this would make an excellent companion. I’d rather have this than the .327.

    • I’d rather have the .327. That way if I choose to load it with .32 H&R Mag then I can. The reverse cannot be achieved. I’m a big fan of options.

      • If it was a 3″ I would also rather have .327. As a snubbie, H&R is superior. Unnecessary blast and flash from .327, for no gain. I feel the same about .38/.357. I’ll buy a .357 in 3″, not in 1.85 or whatever.

  2. Are the Smiths still the tensioned barrels? I mean I totally think it’s awesome they got some without the Hillary hole in them. Hopefully that becomes main stream. Maybe they’ll remove them in honor of the Clintons when they pass.

    • These are one piece barrels. Lipsey has a video on the tube that covers these guns better than any blog has so far. I would put a link but it will get moderated. I searched lipsey exclusive mountain gun video.

      I hope these do well and smith goes back to this type of revolver manufacturing even if it makes the guns expensive. I used to collect smith revolvers. I have bought exactly one new smith wheel gun since the lock was introduced. The no lock 442.

  3. I don’t know of any company that provides moon clips in 32HR magnum. Also don’t know of anyone who cuts a 32HR magnum cylinder for moon clips. And I’ve looked.

    • Can’t limp-wrist a wheel gun!

      And if double-action, fastest recovery from a misfire. Just pull the trigger again.

  4. Wow. Good article. I have a 442 in my pocket now. It has Spiegel Boot Grips on it. Sorry. I like VZ Grips. I’ve been a little while, but I’ve taken John VanZyke hunting on the farm a few times. Anyway, I also have an early 4″ Mountain Gun in .44 Magnum. Pachmayer Professionals round butt is the only choice. Who would put square butt grips on a round butt revolver? That’s a palm slap waiting to happen.

  5. I’m a S&W dealer. They should bring back the 3.5” 386 scandium L frame .357 and the 3” 360 scandium J frame 357. We sold a bunch of those years ago.

  6. Um … shouldn’t “Lipseys” have an apostrophe? As in “Lipsey’s,” since the name denotes possession of a business? Go to their website; there is an apostrophe.

  7. No doubt the mallrat ninjas won’t be happy about that.

    No mention of the 4.2″ Redhawk in .45 Colt. It looks identical to my 2014 vintage .45 Colt Redhawk #5027. This is a pretty useful revolver. I carry it in a Simply Rugged Sourdough pancake holster and everything I’ve shot with it expired fast and I don’t remember having to shoot anything twice with it.



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