U.S. Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho.

The threat of gun registration has long been a concern for U.S. gun owners, and for a very good reason: registration always leads to confiscation. Now, two U.S. lawmakers have introduced legislation to prevent any potential gun registration schemes in the future.

On January 16, U.S. Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, and Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas, introduced the “No Retaining Every Gun In a System that Restricts Your (REGISTRY) Rights Act.” Although its name is somewhat awkward, this legislation is commendable as it would prevent the U.S. government from establishing a federal firearms registry.

Among other things, the act would require the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to eliminate all existing firearm transaction records, permit federal firearms licensees (FFLs) to destroy transaction records upon going out of business and prevent the ATF from establishing or maintaining a firearms registry in the future.

The weaponized ATF’s overreach in implementing several new final rules under the Biden Administration was the impetus for the introduction of the measure.

“The ATF’s excessive overreach has gone unchecked for too long,” Sen. Risch said in a press release announcing the legislation. “Idaho’s law-abiding gun owners should not be subject to an already illegal federal firearms registry. The Second Amendment is not conditional to a list of guns in circulation and their owners. All law-abiding Americans have the undeniable right to keep and bear arms. My No REGISTRY Rights Act will safeguard this essential liberty for generations to come.”

Rep. Cloud, the measure’s sponsor in the U.S. House of Representatives, said that Americans’ right to keep and bear arms should not be subject to a government inventory.

“The Second Amendment is a cornerstone of individual liberty, and no administration—Republican or Democrat—should have the ability to compile a list of law-abiding gun owners,” Cloud said. “The Biden administration’s backdoor attempts to create a federal firearms registry are a clear threat to Americans’ privacy and constitutional freedoms. The No REGISTRY Rights Act will dismantle the ATF’s existing database and ensure such a registry can never be implemented.”

In April 2022, the Biden Administration issued a final rule requiring that FFLs retain all firearm transaction records indefinitely. Since 1984, federal regulations have permitted FFLs to discard records older than 20 years, as the “time-to-crime”—the interval between a firearm’s last known legal sale and its use in a crime—rarely exceeds two decades. 

Risch and Cloud were joined in introducing the No REGISTRY Rights Act by Republican U.S. senators Mike Crapo of Idaho, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Steve Daines and Tim Sheehy of Montana, Roger Marshall of Kansas), Pete Ricketts of Nebraska, Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi and 47 members of the House of Representatives.


    • But this will make it more illegaler, like super extra illegaler with a cherry on top!

      Unless we are willing to ban the ATF from possessing or accessing magnetic storage devices there is no way to completely prevent this other than doing away with the 4473 entirely. In the end, if no one is willing or able to enforce the law against the “enforcers” it is all just for show.

      Remembering all the clearly illegal actions of the ATF and remembering how the FBI went after Trump even before he took office the first time, and how they sat on the Hunter laptop for a year, who trusts any federal law enforcement? If you look at the civil asset forfeiture mess that has turned lots of local law enforcement into the modern equivalent of the stage coach robbers of the old west with no chance they will ever be punished.

  1. More performative Kabuki theater that won’t get passed, but in our Republic such is necessary to signal they still care what we think. However, Trump should most certainly cancel Biden’s April 2022 rule and return to the 20 year rule for FFLs, and should order the ATF to destroy all other records older than 20 years.

  2. This is just like all the antis legislation we mock for making things “illegaler”.

    There’s already a ban on a fed registry. Enforce it.

  3. The grade school near me used to have signs that said “15mph 8:00am – 4:30pm”. Now the signs just say “15mph”. The city stated they removed the listed times so that the speed limit would be 15mph in the school zone all the time for safety of the children. Thing is, the city (police) never enforced the speed limit before the change and they still don’t after the change.

    So unless the above legislation is enforced and individuals are actually punished for violating it, the above legislation is just dog & pony show entertainment for the masses.

  4. I’m waiting for someone in congress to pen legislation to abolish Gun Control like its sidekick Slavery was Abolished…Instead congress throws empty promises to gullible Gun Owners who stand for nothing and fall for anything.

  5. The whole forward trace system may have had benign intentions but the idea falls apart when you consider that almost no crimes are committed by the original legal purchaser of a firearm, and no-questions-asked gun ‘buybacks’ allow criminals to cash in crime tools with no need to fear them being used as evidence. I could dismiss it as just another pointless, poorly thought through government program, but given the relentless effort of the anti-2A crowd to enact and expand registries I’m suspicious.

        • Ahh come on, you really think a murderer is going to show up at a cop infused gun buy back?
          Them guns get shuffled back and forth between gang members and if they do get disposed of its deep sixed swimming with the fishes.

          • What do you think “no questions asked” means? These gang bangers may not be rocket surgeons but they know a dollar is a dollar, and the gun with a body on it that gets ‘bought back’ is one that will never get admitted as evidence. And the shooter can always send his baby mama or little brother to stand on line.

  6. Already illegal. still doing it under the premise of keeping transaction records for “tracing sales if guns are used in crimes.”

    • problem is when things are cotter illegal and the government does them there’s only civil consequences. Needs to be criminal consequences with jail time. At a minimum felony conviction with probation and firing from and prohibition from working for any government, or government contractor.

  7. Congressman closing in on ATF’s illegal gun registry with new bill – Paul speaks to (interviews) Rep. Cloud.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYnz_qE39s8

  8. PSA: If any of you are going to shot show 2025 > Announcements for Shot Show 2025.

    Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, gives you [their] entire Shot Show schedule so if you want to stop by and say hello … will have lots of guests so if you’re interested in meeting any of them you will have the schedule [in video]. Washington Gun Law will be at the Palmetto State Armory and Right to Bear booth, on Venetian Level 2, Booths 10371 and 10571.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdrpiCpmXRg

  9. Shocker: ‘First Black Lives Matter Mayor’ Accused of Spending Taxpayer Funds on Himself.

    h ttps://pjmedia.com/sarah-anderson/2025/01/18/countrys-first-blm-mayor-mayor-accused-of-spending-public-funds-on-himself-n4936122

  10. Biden: Hey, We Have a New Constitutional Amendment! National Archivist: Not So Fast.

    “Old Joe Biden showed us his autocratic side again on Friday, but his gambit has been swiftly exposed.

    I wrote here about how Old Joe Biden had suddenly decided that we had a 28th Amendment to the Constitution and was proclaiming it to be ‘the law of the land.’ Old Joe was trying to breathe some life into the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), a platform-shoed, bell-bottomed relic of the 1970s that angry feminists tried to resurrect in the late 2010s, as part of the now-moribund #MeToo movement.

    Old Joe noted that the requisite 38th state had ratified the amendment in 2020. The catch was that the deadline for getting 38 states on board was 1979, so the harridans and shrews pushing the ERA were only 41 years too late. Apparently seeing Biden’s statement coming, archivist of the United States Dr. Colleen Shogan and Deputy Archivist William J. Bosanko stated in December: ‘At this time, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) cannot be certified as part of the Constitution due to established legal, judicial, and procedural decisions. In 2020 and again in 2022, the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice affirmed that the ratification deadline established by Congress for the ERA is valid and enforceable.’

    Heedless of this fact…”, [delusional and stupid] …”Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-Planned Parenthood) rejoiced on Friday:

    President Biden just declared that the Equal Rights Amendment is now a valid part of the Constitution, and should be considered the law of the land. This is an incredible moment for reproductive freedom, and a historic day for equality – especially with Americans facing the further degradation of reproductive freedom as the incoming administration takes power. Now, women living in states with restrictions on their reproductive freedoms can – and should – file suits to overturn these unconstitutional laws that discriminate on the basis of sex. I know they will have ample support as they seek justice, and I promise to stand by their side in this fight.

    (note: The Biden admin also tried to force the Archivist to publish it in the federal register but the Archivist refused citing it was illegal to do so and no such amendment existed – according to other reporting….anyway, there ya have it, democrats making stuff up, committing and implementing unconstitutional and illegal/unlawful acts, lying, trying to overthrow the Constitution and country, and delusional to sum up and culminate the 4 years of the democrat party rule and Biden tyranny, complete with an attempt at ‘insurrection against the Constitution’ by rule-by-fiat via official tyrant decree by press release)

    h ttps://pjmedia.com/robert-spencer/2025/01/18/biden-hey-we-have-a-new-constitutional-amendment-national-archivist-not-so-fast-n4936108


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