A recent report by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which is part of Johns Hopkins (Michael) Bloomberg School of Public Health, conflates private gun ownership with armed insurrection in order to advocate for expanded gun control.
The 32-page study, which is titled “Defending Democracy: Addressing the Danger of Armed Insurrection,” not only revisits and revises the Jan. 6th protest – even though no protesters were armed and the only casualty was 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by Capitol Police – it resurrects actual armed insurrections from American history, such as Shays’ Rebellion of 1786, the Whiskey Rebellion of 1791 and the American Civil War.
The three authors, who are all attorneys with a history of paid anti-gun activism, clumsily raise the insurrection boogeyman to push for additional regulations for carrying firearms, tactical training prohibitions, additional gun-free zones, expanded Red Flag laws and the repeal of state preemption statutes, which has long been a major goal of the gun ban industry. Preemption laws prevent local jurisdictions from enacting their own gun-control regulations, which would result in a patchwork of gun-free zones.
Their authors’ warped message is to be expected, especially when you consider the biased nature of their backgrounds, their sponsors, their sources and Michael Bloomberg’s school itself. (If you type “gun violence” into the school’s internal search engine it will yield more than 1,000 results.)
The Center for Gun Violence Solutions admits it uses a “public health approach” to identify gun-control solutions, even though a gun is an inanimate object, not a disease, ailment or disorder. The school further claims it uses “rigorous scientific research to identify a range of innovative solutions to gun violence.” However, the authors’ rigorous scientific research turned out to be nothing more than false claims gleaned from biased stories from the legacy media and other anti-gun organizations that masquerade as actual news websites.
The authors used stories from CNN, ABC News. CBS News, NBC News, PBS, NPR, VOX, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Associated Press, PolitiFact, Politico, Slate and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They even used stories from two dedicated anti-gun groups, Giffords and The Trace – the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control empire.
Biased authors
The report was written by Tim Carey, Kelly Roskam and Joshua Horwitz. Carey is the law and policy advisor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health. According to his bio, he is responsible for “Drafting legislation, regulations, legal reports, legislative testimony, fact sheets, and other advocacy materials.” Before moving to Johns Hopkins, Carey was the law and policy staff attorney for the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.
Roskam is the director of law and policy at Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. Prior to joining Johns Hopkins, she was the general counsel and legal director for the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Roskam’s bio also states she interned at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Horwitz is the co-director for the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. Before joining Johns Hopkins, he too worked at the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, serving as executive director.
Biased report
The authors claim their report is both an examination and a warning about the threat that “armed insurrectionism poses to democracy in the United States.”
“The growing presence of firearms in political spaces in the United States endangers public health, safety and the functioning of democracy,” the report states. “Far from being an outlier, the January 6th insurrection at the United States Capitol was part of a long line of events in which individuals have sought to use political losses to justify violence or threats of violence to disrupt our government and limit civic engagement.”
As stated, the policy recommendations presented by the authors are merely longstanding goals of the gun-ban industry, which would help propel them toward their ultimate goal of total civilian disarmament. The only difference is that now their policy recommendations are presented as necessary to “address the dangers of armed insurrectionism.”
Biased sponsors
“We would like to thank the Joyce Foundation and the Morningstar Foundation for supplying core support for this report,” the authors wrote.
The Joyce Foundation is firmly committed to gun control. According to their website, the Joyce Foundation seeks to:
- Advance and implement federal, state, and local policies and practices that reduce easy accessibility of guns to those at risk of violence
- Support policies to reduce easy accessibility of guns to those at risk of violence
- Reduce the next generation’s exposure to gun violence through education on the risks of gun ownership
- Litigate to defend evidence-based gun policies and challenge extreme gun rights policies and practices
The Morningstar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1982. In fiscal year 2017, the Morningstar Foundation reported $16,533,591 in revenue and $14,476,618 in expenditures, which included grants to many left-of-center organizations.
Some of the recipients include:
- Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence
- The Southern Poverty Law Center
- States United to Prevent Gun Violence
- Violence Policy Center

The Bloomberg Effect
In 2001, Johns Hopkins University renamed its School of Hygiene and Public Health to the Bloomberg School of Public Health. The change came after Michael Bloomberg donated more than $100 million to the university – the largest cash gift in the school’s 125-year history.
“I’m grateful and proud to have my name linked with the world’s greatest public health school,” Bloomberg said in 2001. “I’ve always supported Johns Hopkins just because it gives me great personal pleasure to be associated with faculty, researchers, and students who do such tremendous work on issues that really matter. This honor is really icing on that cake for me.” – Lee Williams, Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project
The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project wouldn’t be possible without you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support pro-gun stories like this.
A lot less liberalism in government and society will likely avert this war the Bloomberg sycophants think is coming.
The problem is that the liberalism is GROWING and not getting LESS..
Quite frankly, I’d as soon like to see Civil War 2.0 get up and done with as I’m sick and tired of seeing the slow motion disintegration of this once great country!
“Quite frankly, I’d as soon like to see Civil War
2.03.0 get up and done with…”FIFY.
The American revolution was a civil war.
Whatever you call it, Civil War 2.0 or 3.0, it ain’t gonna be your great-great-granddaddy’s civil war.
Think neighbor against neighbor, house-to-house and block-to-block fighting. And that’s just the start.
NOPE…….Big cities will be cut off from Water, Electricity, Communications and Sewer. Collapse will occur within weeks.
Rural areas will be fighting to keep crats cooped up in cities.
Long pig will become the staple food of big cities.
A you or yours stay in a hospital can be along the lines of leaving defenseless children beneath a Gun Free Zone Sign.
If you are void of medical knowledge in a hospital it can be detrimental. Arm yourself with being a full power of attorney for a loved one or have a knowledgeable person assigned to be your full medical poa. And have a good malpractice attorney on hand, obtain all written reports and x-ray cds, take photos, record dates time, etc. A hospital may be perceived as a safe zone but it is only as safe as you make it for yourself or a loved one.
In other words…John Hopkins et al has no podium.
The War Between the States was not a civil war. A civil war consists of two (or possibly more) factions fighting to control and enforce power on the other and the territory. All the South wanted was to be left alone and maintain their Confederacy. The first “civil war” as noted was with England. The Marxists used to Democrats are attempting to create another civil war #2 without the war.
We aleady had CW2. We are getting close to CW3.
When an unfair and oppressive government tries to make societal changes by force, you get a civil war.
Let’s jump in a time machine and go back to when Gun Control was used to control Blacks, Catholics, Indians and others viewed as misfits. The same Control that permeates from yesterday’s Gun Control is alive and well in today’s Gun Control. Today’s Gun Control zealots simply erased Blacks, Mulattos, etc. and inserted, “Gun Owners.” Make no mistake about it Gun-Owner is equivilant to the N-word spewed by the military wing of the democRat Party know as the kkk…even the democRat darling lbj spewed it as if ordering pizza.
Gun Control zealots know they can get away with demonizing Gun Owners and the Second Amendment simply because Gun Control zealots know full well the vast majority of Americans are clearly Gun Control History illiterates. And that ignorance circles back to zipped lipped Gun Owners who sat on their behinds and allowed such Gun Control ignorance to flourish in America. Until Gun Control is viewed as no different than its sidekick mr. noose expect to see more of the same Gun Control propaganda and less of your 2A Right.
A very true and coherent comment, I think I’m in love with Debbie….
You must not hang around much
Do you live in a bubble? Do you think Colin Noir or officer Tatum or Charles Payne of Fox business is black America? Black America is George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Joy Reid.
rodless and aq are to The Second Amendment what drunk farting gasbags are to fine dining.
paul…you silly bubblehead. Your narrow minded bigoted view is setting yourself to be a batch for some sneaky lily white perp.
If you don’t support me, then you ain’t black!
Good luck…400M+ guns out there…more likely 600-800M all told.
Trillions of rounds of ammo and plenty of reloading supplies.
Gun control works as well as prohibition did and as well as drug banning did. Not at all.
The bad guys ALWAYS find a way to get what they want. Legal or not.
Real gun control would be targeting gang members, criminals and their family and friends and then searching their cars and residences and places of business on a regular and random basis.
Even libs would disagree with that I bet.
We can’t keep illegals from crossing our borders and we can’t keep drugs out of a supermax prison. Even if government could ban all the guns and round up all the ones in circulation, there is no way to keep new guns out of the country.
The cartels would be more than happy to run Chinese made AK-47s across our southern border to fulfill demand.
Not armed? Clubs, fire extinguishers, fists and feet, chemical spray? And Babbit was not the only casualty. LEOs were also injured.
Ashli, who was unarmed, was KILLED.
And any injuries “suffered” by LEO”s were MINOR!!!
Washington DC is a crooked as a dogs hind leg and those that hold office there don’t give a damn about this country or the American citizens that inhabit it!
Stfu you dumb cunt
Lets break it down Missy. Clubs ?..yeah a very few. Fire extinguishers ? 2 or 3 on every wall on every public building in the country. Don’t recall in all of the selectively chosen vids showing any of these admittedly misguided protesters luggin big red cans. Fists and feet ? C’mon Missy, we all have them. Chemical spray ? Ashli Babbits family wishes that she just got sprayed. She was murdered by Capitol “Police” for breaking a window. There were 140,000 people there that day. Approx. 1400 people ( 1% )have been hunted down, charged and sentenced for what happened yet not a single firearm was recovered on Capitol property. Almost sounds like the old “peaceful protest” media mantra to me. Something tells me that you’re a little left of my opinions, I’ll bet you hate “rich guys” too, unless it’s the Bloomberg cabal….
“Fists and feet ? C’mon Missy, we all have them.”
No shit, Sherlock.
Yet hands and feet combined kill more people annually than all semi-auto rifles combined.
Should we be required to register such lethal weapons?
A guy said his hands were registered and he couldn’t fight me, so I cut them off.
“Approx. 1400 people have been hunted down, charged and sentenced for what happened yet not a single firearm was recovered on Capitol property.”
And each was charged with “insurrection”, right? What? None were charged with “insurrection”. You don’t say.
‘Tis a puzzlement.
Praise be the glorious police officers injured on Jan 6.
Fuck all those pigs who got caught outside during the summer of mostly peaceful love though.
ACAB. Except for the blessed heroes of Jan 6.
Actually reads like something that moron, MajorLiar, would write, except (i) you didn’t cite Slate, or Salon, or CNN as “authoritative sources”, and (ii) you didn’t make some dipsh*t comment about how it’s “all the right wing’s fault” and how proud you are to be a Leftist/fascist, America-hating POS. Other than that, well done!!
I’d give it a B+, maybe even an A-. dacian the demented is easier to emulate, “Pigs, stupid hillbillies, I’m educated and you’re not, Capitalvania, ARGLE BARGLE RAAR!!!”, but almost impossible to parody (he is his own parody, just by existing).
Excellent effort.
Dang, this forum REALLY needs an up /down vote add-on..
Thumbs up, in this case!!
“And Babbit[t] was not the only casualty.”
Correct! Rosanne Boyland was clubbed by a DCPD goon while she lay unconscious on the ground.
BTW — the correct word is “murdered.”
Two guys died that day also, believe they were hit by either concussion or flash bangs. Heart attacks followed.
Missy. You got to get your facts straight. You must have the Jan 6 folks confused with the BLM rioters who took over city blocks of Seattle, who burned federal courthouses and police stations AND WERE ARMED. Even with that as background, there is still no justification for calls to disarm the American people. THAT KIND OF BULL IS WHAT LEAD TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION against a tyrannical government the first time and it will lead there again. This is not about a civil war, this is about cancelling a government that is non-responsive and corrupt. And even the founding fathers recognized when such a condition exists, it is our responsibility and right to dismantle the government. No cop was beat with a fire extinguisher. None with clubs. That is just big media myth and you are propagating it. SMH
Fists and feet are not “arms”, genius. 🙄
Fists are attached to arms, dipshit.
LOL Just a brilliant discussion!!! This made my day!!
Missy for all the right reasons there is a $30,000,000.00 lawsuit based on the murder of Babbit. I hope they get every penny and so should you.
Anyone else note the sudden internet trolling seeking to define Jan 6 as an “insurrection”. To date has mostly just been the MSM, prog/swampies and their sycophants. Looks like they have turned their pathetic horde of paid trolls loose to parrot the demtard party line. It’s all about them loosing the election.
You are ignorant.
Missy12, fortunately you can also use your sixth grade social studies assignment for extra credit in math, too. Just show a copy of your posting to the teacher and tell him/her/it that 12 is both your age AND the year you were born in…. instant genius.
No one is claiming the she was the only one harmed. She was the only one killed.
LOL meaning what exactly?!?!?!?!?!? That the protestors deserved it?!?!?!? Look, Pelosi made sure there were no guard troops to prevent the tragedy. The left wanted something to pin on Trump. Wray refused to answer the question if the FBI had agitators in the crowd. Who provoked the crowd?!?!?!? Listen I was a leftist provocator once. It’s easy to incite a mob. Was antifa there, who enjoys creating violence, of course! When Antifa was rioting in Seattle, pallets of rocks were positioned in the streets before hand. Who did that?!?!?!? C’mon think!!!!!
Well, read between the lines. There’s a reason Dumbocrats insist there was an attempted insurrection at the last election. They fed this political reasoning to the medical field. And, Bloomberg took it and ran with it. Of course, Bloomberg is a political creature, so why not? He doesn’t know, doesn’t care about medical issues, so he’s happy to subvert a medical institution for his political purposes. Pelosi and all the rest are quite happy that they could do this nation such a disservice with their accusations.
The only consolation is, Trump’s Supreme Court is slowly beating back the attacks on the Second Amendment.
I really don’t like Trump, but I would love it if he got re-elected, and appointed two or three more Supreme Court justices.
Careful with the ” Trumps Supreme Court”. That could change you know.
Letting 9 robes dictate our rights is wrong
“Letting 9 robes dictate our rights is wrong”.
How should questions regarding natural, human and civil rights be adjudicated (outside of armed conflict)? An appeal to an executive agency, or a congressional committee?
yes, the courts are vital, just wish there were more effective ways to remove or correct judges who ignore the law in favor of personal ideology. But there can be and are often legitimate questions to be resolved, and there has to be a peaceful mechanism to do so in a stable society. I haven’t seen anyone propose something better yet.
quote———–even though no protesters were armed———-quote
Total falsehood. People on Jan 6th were caught with handguns and the Proud Boys had an entire 2 room hotel room stacked to the ceiling with arms and ammo. Two live bombs were planted as well.
Far Right Racist Stormtrooper groups like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and KKK have been filmed training with assault weapons in hopes of one day taking over the U.S. Government by force, establishing a Trumpite Dictatorship, and stripping all rights from anyone not White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant Christian and turning the U.S. into a Christian Caliphate.
These Far Right nut case groups are no different than Hitler’s SS racist stormtroopers and would gladly build modern day gas chambers to liquidate all political rivals and all minorities in the U.S. This is how dangerous these Far Right Jackbooted groups are. Some have already pushed to establish “all white states” and also convince Texas to secede from the Union to establish an all white utopia.
Stripping modern day weapons of mass destruction from these groups is not only a good idea but a mandatory one before it is too late and the nation is plunged into armed insurrection which they almost achieved on Jan 6th under the leadership of Herr Drumpf (the Donald) a modern day Hitler if there ever was one.
Leftist paranoid deluded idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, your information seems to be slightly WRONG! According to NPR, one of your favorite sources, “But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs.” Please note the absence of firearms?
According to the Washington Post, the Oathkeepers had teams “guarding a cache of arms incase they were needed”? Well, when the riot began to fall apart, how come that “cache of arms” was not brought to the Capitol? Seems that this so called cache is a fantasy concocted by the prosecution to try to bolster their charges. Where did these “cache of arms” disappear to?
The tell us Walter the Beverly Hillbilly about the rioters that were sent to prison for carrying handguns. Now try and lie your way out of this one.
Why don’t you tell us about the “rioters sent to prison for carrying handguns?” Prove it — name them.
DUNDERHEAD, it seems that NO ONE was convicted of any gun charges in connection with J6. Want to try again, DUNDERHEAD?
Once again Walter is caught in bold face lies
Jan. 6 rioter who brought guns onto US Capitol grounds sentenced to 5 years in jail
OMG, ONE protestor had a gun. (And the charge was dropped — look at his conviction record.)
Just imagine — what if all of them had brought guns?
As it was, it was the worst “insurrection” ever.
Hey IDIOT!!!! Pelosi and your leftists planned it all and set it up with agitators in the crowd to pin it on Trump. Insurrectionist?!?!? Yea, it’s your side, you ignorant idiot!!!
DUNDERHEAD, seems he was not convicted on the gun charge. So I take CNN’s nonsense with a humongous grain of salt. If he had the so called gun as CNN’s ninnies claim prosecutors would have gone for that one too.
CNN has been known to lie like a rug, but then so have you. You’re best at repeating yourself. But not much else.
DUNDERHAD, must I remind you that fascism has it roots in socialism? I guess you forgot, conveniently, I might add about the guy, Giovanni Gentile who ghost wrote Mussolini’s Manifesto? Now who are the real “fascists?” And I seem to remember your ANTIFA and BLM thugs wearing black shirts and emulating fascist tactics of Hitler’s Nazis and Mussolini’s thugs.
Sounds good to me. Id rather be under a Dictatorship that cared about the country then a Dictatorship that supported foreign ones.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
–Thomas Jefferson
Anyone referencing “defending democracy” is just code language for against the constitutional republic. Remember Ham-ass was voted into power. then elections ended.
Does that include Trump’s campaign spokesman Steven Cheung? “Make no mistake, these partisan election interference efforts are a hostile assault on American democracy.”
Middle East democracy. One MAN, One vote, Once only, or until the right outcome is reached.
Where the progs actually mean = “democrat party”
The poorest excuse for an insurrection (what revolutionary stays behind the velvet rope?) or a fed setup it doesn’t really matter because we’re here today where half the country quite literally believes with full conviction that the other half is out to destroy their way of life. It doesn’t matter which half you align with or think the other half is because this is where we are.
Self-serving politicians pulling around culture war ideologues to get what they want all supported by a media filled with wannabee elites paying to play so they can sit at the cool table.
Nothing short of foreign military invasion, alien visitation or a plague with a 30% death rate will stop the coming balkanization and cross border conflicts we have coming.
Just remember all the assholes who got us here will still be protected elitist rich fucks while the rest of us are fighting, starving, freezing and dying for nothing real.
I think you’re right about balkanization. It seems like the logical response to an unresponsive government. It’s also inherently democratic in nature. People act like the U.S. has the right to exist into perpetuity, unlike every other massive overstretched empire that outgrew its ability to effectively govern its own subjects and territory. An organized dissolution is preferable to a union that maintained though fear and violence. See the case of the abused wife who felt like she couldn’t leave because…
LOL Ok let’s all give up and fragment!
Why not? All we get from the Fed is threats, theft and coercion.
Anyone not wanting dissolution is just a social security sucking boomer worried about losing their payola.
“Ok let’s all give up and fragment!”
Already happened; now it is just piling on.
“People act like the U.S. has the right to exist into perpetuity, unlike every other massive overstretched empire that outgrew its ability to effectively govern its own subjects and territory. ”
That’s how the Romans became Italians.
LOL You can sit back, bitter about the country and resigned that the neo Marxists have won, but I’m not interested in going there!
TRUMP 2024.
First of all leftists don’t believe in democracy!! Don’t believe it? Ok they are all elitists who feel their way is the right way and nobody else’s ideas count. Sounds democratic?!?!?!? Oh and when trump was elected rather than accepting the majority of Americans voted for him and that was the will of the people, they attacked him mercilessly and turned the FBI against a sitting president investigating him for crap they knew was false and asking the courts for wiretaps based on information they knew was false. The last 4 years has been filled with fake investigations and recently indictments based on bogus information and even are unlawful. You can’t take a misdemeanor and change it into a felony. The NY judge on a case said he was guilty even before the trial started and wouldn’t let him wage a defense because he’s already guilty. Basically IF ANY GROUP will wage an insurrection it is already the intolerant undemocratic tyrannist socialist un “democratic” party. OF COURSE they want to get rid of guns, BUT the constitution is in the way WHICH they don’t give a rats ass about. They disrespect and ignore the constitution daily WHILE waving it in the air!!!!
We need more reasons not to have a civil war. Kinda like school vouchers that are such a controversy. If they fixed the problems at public schools so people didn’t even want vouchers then the issue is moot.
Just how long do you think it would take to un-fvck the education system when it is controlled 99% by the people who did the fvcking up? Even if there was a command decision from above to fix the problem the 4 years of Trump illustrates that the deep state education system will just stall until they can get their next socialist president to counter the command.
Parents with kids don’t have time for that. If parents care about their kids their only real choice is home schooling or vouchers to go private (and even then there are plenty of stories where private education is going woke also).
Just how long do you think it would take to un-F the education system when it is controlled 99% by the people who did the original farqing up? Even if there was a command decision from above to fix the problem the 4 years of Trump illustrates that the deep state education system will just stall until they can get their next socialist president to counter the command.
Parents with kids don’t have time for that. If parents care about their kids their only real choice is home schooling or vouchers to go private (and even then there are plenty of stories where private education is going woke also).
Hate, un f’ing up the education system begins with parents getting involved in their local school districts. Parents don’t have the time? Well, they damn well better get the time.
They keep saying the quiet parts out loud. This is, ultimately, what the govt. is afraid of: losing their power. I don’t think there is any grand scheme to go all authoritarian or whatever (though one could argue that is already the case), but they are certainly afraid of losing what they have. And when all the seedy underbelly of politicians are really exposed, well, it’s probably going to look very French around here, if you get what I’m laying down…
Dims already started an uncivil war in ILLannoy. Gunz for thee & none for me(us). With a carve out for cops n special dims. Meanwhile the ILL supreme court is weighing whether smelling pot in yer vehicle is enough to arrest you while driving. You know the same kangaroo court where a certain corpulent billionaire bribed 2 gals with a million +. Bloomie is gonna spend his pile of dough irregardless🙄
We have needed an insurrection against the feral entity on the Potomac river since Mr. Lincoln raped the Constitution of These United States. Our Sovereign States existed before that entity was ever created and will continue to exist once it has been replaced by a government which is a true Union of Consenting States and NOT a general government ruling OVER the Sovereign States. http://www.freefloridafirst.org
john…You managed to rape History like pritzker raped the Land of Lincoln…The democRat Party applauds you. Look ahole if buttspew propaganda is all you have then stfu and take up knitting.
Oh Debbie again, LOL. You certainly have a mouth on you. Actually Lincoln solidified and strengthened the federal government and set dangerous precedents to where we have the mess we have today. This has to be looked at, addressed and remedied.
Debbie the dipsh*t,
Abraham Lincoln was:
1. Objectively a fascist authoritarian (a legitimate argument can be had over whether his fascist authoritarianism was “justified” or not, but the FACT that he was a fascist authoritarian is incontrovertible);
2. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation for one reason, and one reason only – to damage the warmaking capacity of the Confederacy (READ the actual Emancipation Proclamation and find out what it actually PURPORTED to do);
3. Lincoln, personally, was highly ambivalent about “freeing the blacks”. He was, in fact, one of the major proponents of sending the freed slaves back to Africa;
4. Hmm, lessee – the draft (clearly NOT authorized by the Constitution), an attempt at an income tax (without benefit of the execrable 16th Amendment), suspending habeas corpus, allowing the rich to “buy out” of conscription. Lincoln was, objectively, a fascist authoritarian.
Learn some history, child.
At this point I do not believe we can avoid a civil war. In fact I believe we are already in the opening stages.
When it is done we can hold trials like Nuremberg.
It’s NOT a shooting one.
I think we do have to examine and reverse the damage done to this country by the strengthening the federal government at the expense of the states. Unfortunately the South wanted to maintain a slave based economy, and that did have to change at some point. They just did not want to let go of it. Most soldiers who fought for the confederacy did not own slaves but fought for loyalty to their state. Whether or not states should be allowed to succeed is debatable. The fact that we remained united was best for the country. How it was done has led to an excuse to abuse the powers of government by a heavy handed Federal government. The tendency of a group of fanatics like the antislavers has been a part of our history. Their next crusade was anti drinking which lead to prohibition with criminal gangs and the evolution of federal and large state police forces, which since then have only grown larger. Lincoln was a good religious man who did what he thought was best. You’re right about his wanting the slaves to go back to Africa, and it sounds like it might have been a viable solution. Quite frankly, about at least 50% now have no love for this country nor fit into our cultural values of making an effort to achieve something. They certainly fit in better before the democraps created a black welfare handout system!
“The school further claims it uses ‘rigorous scientific research to identify a range of innovative solutions to gun violence.’ However, the authors’ rigorous scientific research turned out to be nothing more than false claims gleaned from biased stories from the legacy media and other anti-gun organizations that masquerade as actual news websites.”
BIBO (Biased In-Biased Out) is not “rigorous scientific research”.
A friend sent me a meme a couple of years ago. About the time this second civil war thing started to get some traction. It had a graphic and referenced an upcoming civil war. It said something about one side having 14 trillion rounds of ammunition and the other side not knowing which restroom to use. That was funny!
I’ve heard estimates of up to 60 trillion rounds of ammo stockpiled.
That reminds me, I need to check prices on crated 7.62 NATO surplus.
If you have time and equipment about half the cost to load your own. Large rifle primers are the main bottle neck but they are trickling back in.
Unfortunately, the loading equipment I have access to is located on a friend’s property in west Texas.
Seems whenever I get out there, we shoot.
Gotcha yeah that doesn’t work well for stacking. Could pick up a lee turret press fairly cheaply for an intro set but space and startup equipment could be more than it’s worth. Well around a dollar a round is the low end I have seen for 308 I can get my hands on for purchase (probably a bit lower online) but my state makes things silly all around.
johns hopkins:
1 to prevent the next civil war
2 we have to take away everybodys guns
3 which was the reason for the revolutionary war
right on man
right on
like they had any credibility left anyway
Yes – find the “advice” coming out of the despicable joint in 2020 re: the Chicom flu. total bought/paid for swampies
We have been in a cold civil wat since the Democrats refused to accept the election results when Bush ran against Gore.
When Gore refused to concede and then gathered a crowd of supporters and sent them to the Capitol to block certifying the EC vote count???
That didn’t happen. And it didn’t happen on J6, either.
Certainly was a step forward in the undemocrats not accepting a democratic process. AND the Bushes didn’t get how monumental that was and became all buddy buddy with the undems. Makes no sense unless they are part of the uniparty tyranny conspiracy.
More gun control will not stop any “civil war”. It will just make more law abiding citizens criminals.
The only people who are really talking about “civil war” are Leftists.
2nd attempt to post
Total falsehood. People on Jan 6th were caught with handguns and the Proud Boys had an entire 2 room hotel room stacked to the ceiling with arms and ammo. Two live bombs were planted as well.
Far Right Racist Stormtrooper groups like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and KKK have been filmed training with assault weapons in hopes of one day taking over the U.S. Government by force, establishing a Trumpite Dictatorship, and stripping all rights from anyone not White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant Christian and turning the U.S. into a Christian Caliphate.
These Far Right nut case groups are no different than Hitler’s SS racist stormtroopers and would gladly build modern day gas chambers to liquidate all political rivals and all minorities in the U.S. This is how dangerous these Far Right Jackbooted groups are. Some have already pushed to establish “all white states” and also convince Texas to secede from the Union to establish an all white utopia.
Stripping modern day weapons of mass destruction from these groups is not only a good idea but a mandatory one before it is too late and the nation is plunged into armed insurrection which they almost achieved on Jan 6th under the leadership of Herr Drumpf (the Donald) a modern day Hitler if there ever was one.
You already posted it you deluded sicko ahole!
Wow…you are definitely the gift that keeps on giving. FYI this site is called TTAG, not LTPBS, (Liberal Trolls Posting Bullshit, just made that up, so sue me). Go back to your mom’s gunfree utopian basement and stfu.
dacian the demented,
Posting absolute male bovine excrement twice does not alter the fact that it is absolute male bovine excrement. NONE of the things you are claiming are demonstrated by actual evidence. In fact, NOT ONE of the people arrested in the Capital were in possession of a firearm – NOT ONE. The allegation about the Proud Boys’ “cache of firearms and ammunition” has not, to date, been presented in ANY COURT (including in the trials of the two people convicted).
Y U always B lyin’, dacian???
to The Lamp that went out in his head who is a damn liar.
Jan. 6 rioter who brought guns onto US Capitol grounds sentenced to 5 years in jail
He wasn’t arrested “in the Capitol.”
dacian the demented dipsh*t,
Wow, in addition to blatant lying, your reading comprehension sucks, too.
i very clearly state “not one of the people arrested IN THE CAPITOL”. There WAS one arrest, alleging gun possession on the Capitol grounds – but as somebody about already pointed out to you, the arrest record seems to show that the gun charge was either never pursued (and why would THAT be????), was dismissed, or was overturned.
Show me the arrest record, or other court documents, that show “the Proud Boys” arrest for a “cache of guns”. Doesn’t exist, you imbecile. That was an ALLEGATION published (without evidence) in one of your “accurate and unbiased” Leftist propaganda rags.
You remain too stupid to insult.
Alien you idiot you cannot see the forest for the trees. All the weapons I mentioned both from the Proud Boys and the man arrested at the Capitol were to be used to kill people to take over the government by force. And lets not forget the two live bombs which the Far Right Terrorists brought and planted.
Now lets see you make up another slick lie to avoid all this evidence.
Just be man enough to admit you are a Nazi and want a one party state and a Herr Drumpf appointed dictator for life.
Why’d you address that response to me?
“All the weapons I mentioned both from the Proud Boys and the man arrested at the Capitol were to be used to kill people to take over the government by force.”
Well, they certainly did a totally crappy job of it, didn’t they?
“Worst insurrection evah!” If those weapons were supposed to be used to take down the government — why weren’t they used?
“And lets not forget the two live bombs which the Far Right Terrorists brought and planted.”
Remember Those J6 Pipe Bombs? New Video Shows Capitol Police Knew Right Away There Wasn’t a Real Threat — https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2024/01/20/watch-tucker-carlson-reveals-troubling-report-about-those-j5-pipe-bombs-n2168966
“The video shows a man approaching law enforcement parked outside the DNC building at around 1:05 p.m. on Jan. 6. Beattie claims the man is telling them about the pipe bomb that is feet away. Kamala Harris was supposed to be visiting there as well. People walk by including children, but the police make no effort to stop them. An officer approaches where the bomb is and takes a picture of it. The police subsequently call in a “bomb-safe robot” to diffuse it, Beattie says.
“So among the questions Beattie raises and the video raises are why do they initially appear lackadaisical and unconcerned? Why wasn’t it found before this if Harris was supposed to be there, shouldn’t they have done a sweep and wouldn’t that have found the bomb if it had been sitting out there for 17 hours from the night before? Why didn’t anyone else find it before that? Why didn’t Harris milk the fact, as you might normally think she might? And who is the guy who told them this information, right around the time the riot is kicking off at the Capitol?”
“Now lets see you make up another slick lie to avoid all this evidence.”
I like big butts — I cannot lie.
“Just be man enough to admit …”
You? Lecturing me on how to be a man?
Fuck you and the horse that you’ve been fucking.
DUNDERHEAD, how come no one has been found guilty of having a firearm on J6? You are claiming the sky is falling? You claim to be a firearms expert, but can’t tell us the firing sequence of a cartridge. According to you and your “studies” if someone owns a firearm they are prone to suicide. I think you need your head examined by a competent psychiatrist. Maybe your name and identifiers should be listed in NICS to keep you from buying a firearm?
Funny enough, i’m pretty sure gun confiscations are one of the two certain ways to start an actual civil war. With elections that aren’t trusted by half the population being the other…
Sumter 1861
Agreed. That’s why they want to confiscate them.
My mom used to say “ignorance is bliss”. Man do we have a blissful nation.
Us gun folks should consider every attack on gun rights as hate speech.
One cannot expect anything less than a bunch of anti-gun garbage from the likes of Bloomberg.
Those talking civil war may want to stop and think about how the country is divided. As with the 1860’s war it is Dem and Rep. Thing is the divide isn’t as geographic as it was then.
The Dems. control the major population centers/cities. While the majority of the outlying areas, and rural areas are more right/Repub. leaning. How quickly will the cities destroy themselves if the rural communities choose to stop shipping food, fuel, energy supplies into those cities?
Blow a few bridges, cut power supplies/electric lines, bugger a few pipelines, tear up a few miles of rail and the cities burn and destroy themselves in a few days to weeks.
Sure, we have a powerful military etc. That will be mostly paralyzed if fuel and electricity get cut off. Do the leftists think they will get their followers to arm up and actually fight any real resistance should they try scrounging food in the hinterland? Or be willing to hand unload ships if the power supplies are cut to the ports? How many of the rank and file enlisted personnel will jump the fence if ordered to attack the very people they grew up with?
As I’ve said before on here, no one wins a civil war. You only survive it.
Something else I’ve noticed about the Marxist/Progressive/ Leftist/Socialists. They always want to tear down and destroy what exists, with no plan on how to rebuild afterwards. Always wanting power and control but no thought to actually making things work or building anything.
“They always want to tear down and destroy what exists, with no plan on how to rebuild afterwards.” I am reminded of a quote attributed to Jerry Rubin in an interview.
“Mr. Rubin, What will you do once you have destroyed everything?” “I don’t know, man, just sit around and groove on the ruble.”
3rd attempt to post in 2 days
Total falsehood. People on Jan 6th were caught with handguns and the Proud Boys had an entire 2 room hotel room stacked to the ceiling with arms and ammo. Two live bombs were planted as well.
Far Right Racist Stormtrooper groups like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and KKK have been filmed training with assault weapons in hopes of one day taking over the U.S. Government by force, establishing a Trumpite Dictatorship, and stripping all rights from anyone not White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant Christian and turning the U.S. into a Christian Caliphate.
These Far Right nut case groups are no different than Hitler’s SS racist stormtroopers and would gladly build modern day gas chambers to liquidate all political rivals and all minorities in the U.S. This is how dangerous these Far Right Jackbooted groups are. Some have already pushed to establish “all white states” and also convince Texas to secede from the Union to establish an all white utopia.
Stripping modern day weapons of mass destruction from these groups is not only a good idea but a mandatory one before it is too late and the nation is plunged into armed insurrection which they almost achieved on Jan 6th under the leadership of Herr Drumpf (the Donald) a modern day Hitler if there ever was one.
Your 3rd posting of your delusional ranting BS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get back on your pysch meds ahole!!!!!
DUNDERHEAD, that is a lie. NO ONE was “caught with a handgun” at the J 6 riot. Let’s see these videos of the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and the KKK training with “assault weapons” in hopes of taking over the US Government by force” and “establishing a Trumpite Dictatorship”? There are plenty of vids of your buds, ANTIFA and BLM taking over US cities during the summer of 2020.
You are a damn Liar Walter the Beverly Hillbilly they were indeed caught with handguns and prosecuted over it.
Nope — he wasn’t convicted of any gun charge.
LOL CNN, COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK. NO WONDER you’re clueless!!!! It’s all well planned purposeful anti American propaganda, DORK!!!
DUNDERHEAD, seems he was not convicted on the gun charge. So I take CNN’s nonsense with a humongous grain of salt. If he had the so called gun as CNN’s ninnies claim prosecutors would have gone for that one too.
CNN has been known to lie like a rug, but then so have you.
dacian the demented dipsh*t (and proven liar – you and MajorLiar have that, and your afternoon circle jerks, in common),
Your third attempt?? Why? The other two attempts to post these LIES were successful, so all you accomplished was to sound REALLY STUPID and dishonest, three different times. Nice job, Mr. Mensa!!!!
Several of us have already explained to you why your LIES are just that . . . LIES. I won’t bother to do it again.
You remain too stupid to insult.
Lamp, DUNDERHEAD, has a problem with understanding what an attempt is?
I have a hunch, he was repeating the same lie over and over in a attempt to get some poor sucker to believe his nonsensical lies.
The methods the left have used to destroy the unity among citizens of a once great United States of America will lead to who knows how many factions fighting for power at first but as the battles rage on the fight is for survival. And guess what bloomburg,your ass will be cold just like the rest of us.
Bloomberg will be living it up in a Swiss chalet while we’re suffering the consequences of his ideas. The global elite aren’t dumb enough to let themselves be done like Nickolas the 2nd.
“Bloomberg will be living it up in a Swiss chalet while we’re suffering the consequences of his ideas.”
“Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America”
Article also linked to “New World Order” details.
Ha Ha Ha… The very thing that they call for to prevent a War, is exactly what caused a War. By the way…There is no such thing as a civil war. War is hell and meant to be that way. So as to show one’s enemies, what will continue to happen. If they continue to fight.
“Civil Wats” tend to be the dirtiest wars.
No matter who wins, the people still lose the most.
We of the US (largely history illiterates) think the 1st US Civil War was the 1st/only ever. For a truly nasty look at Eurp or Britian in olden days.
Many are not even aware of the Spanish Civil War which happened just before WW2.
Yet, if fought with courage, determination and selflessness. For a cause worth fighting for. Freedom will take the day. As was the case with our nation.
I’m buying another gun this week end, fuck them!
So Gun Control inc. wants to get rid of the RKBA to eliminate exactly the reason it was included in the BOR in the first place. That is, the people should have the power to overthrow the government if need be.
Seems to be about par for the course. A little too obvious to be effective, though. “Hey all you gun nuts, we need to take your guns away so you don’t use them for what they are for,” may be a bit too on the nose.
Report comments on the OKC bombing, but makes no recommendations on stricter fertilizer sales. Notes death threats against poll workers, but no recommendation on stricter laws against such threats. Apparently gun control is so effective at reducing violence that it even stops violence that has nothing to do with guns.
Did they ever find out where all that fertilizer on the train disappeared to? Some tarror cell got them some big boom dust.
Texas Begins ARRESTING Illegal Immigrants, Directly Opposing Federal Govt, CIVIL WAR FEARS GROW.
Fails to explain how concealed carry intimidates protesters, voters, etc. and thus needs to be restricted.
Kelly, Roskam and Horwitz.
Three more names to add to the list of inserectionist.
I don’t know when our government is going to put a stop to these people who try to tear down America.
I suppose freedom of speech and all, but golly.
Just because one holds an advanced degree does not mean that one is intelligent, more gun control is most likely to spark the second Civil War.
At the risk of being repetitious:
An educated idiot is still an idiot.
These people are scared to death of the middle class, specially the white, conservative middle class.
The middle class owns a lot of guns and guns are like potential energy, they give the middle class a means to resist – if the middle class ever shook itself out of its lethargy, got organized, and decided to resist. Guns in ordinary people’s hands are a threat, and guess what? That’s what was intended by the Founders.
The elites in this Country are doing everything that can to take power away from ordinary citizens. They demonize us and call us deplorables or Nazis or worse. They shove arbitrary and capricious anti gun ownership laws on us. They’ve created a surveillance State to spy on us, State controlled media to propagandize us and to control the flow of information and to censor us, an “education” system to indoctrinate our kids, and a “Justice” system that uses armed agents of the government to threaten and intimidate us into compliance.
The fascist pigs who wrote this screed of a “study”don’t care about the violent Antifa and BLM mobs who actually perpetrate violence, they only care about controlling YOU.
Your guns are a threat to THEIR monopoly on power…and they’ll never stop trying to take them away from you.
The constitution, as amended, and federal law are at loggerheads.
The Second Amendment was designed to ensure govt does not have military superiority over the states, and “the people”. Federal Law prohibits anything related to overthrow of government.
Not the constitution but certainly the reasoning behind the constitution as articulated by Jefferson and Madison. Then it certainly contradicts the spirit of the declaration of independence. However there has always been tension between the establishment and protesting mobs, some armed some not, ie Washington’s dispersal of the whiskey rebellion in 1794 and Hovers dispersal of the Bonus army remnants in 1932. Theoretically the constitution calls for an armed militia patterned on the Swiss model, but it has never been implemented, why? Because an armed populace is great in theory but has always been unsettling to the government, which is why we have gun control, and the issue has NEVER really been addressed.
They must want ants. That’s how they get ants.
the lawyers obviously aren’t educated in the US Constitution, that is EXACTLY why the 2nd Amendment is protected .. stimulus fkn’ commie libetards.. they haven’t seen an insurrection yet.. but it’s fkn’ coming..
They’ve already started it when they cheated their way to a 2020 national election win, and when they weaponized the DOJ and FBI against Trump!
The area around john’s hopkins University Hospital is a combat zone. Doctors have been killed, robbed, attacked, and their private property stolen.
These guys and gals, need to man up. Put on their big girl panties. And start carrying a gun and get some training
“Whatever you call it, Civil War 2.0 or 3.0, it ain’t gonna be your great-great-granddaddy’s civil war.”
I think that is true; it will not be fought house-to-house, block-by-block. It will be fought through cyber means, deception, social credit, electronic prison.
Preparing for the last civil wars will prove hugely ineffective.
Exactly! freezing our bank accounts will be used as well as throw us in prison like with the Jan6 folks.
Great point!!! Reminds me of the story of Chamberlin HAVING to declare war on Germany after Hitler invaded Poland. After doing so he went to Churchill who was in his cabinet and asked Churchill, “What am I suppose to do now?!?!??!??!?” Churchill replied, fight a war damn it!!!! OR after the Iranians violated diplomatic laws by taking our embassy staff hostages, Carter’s response was not to light the Whitehouse Xmas tree. While in office, he had so depleted our military, it was not prepared to do much of anything with poor equipment maintenance due to lack of funding, that his “rescue” mission was an embarrassing failure due to equipment breakdown. It took a president with balls like Reagan to deal with it and end it. Lefties are clueless in dealing with anything but fantasies!
“NOPE…….Big cities will be cut off from Water, Electricity, Communications and Sewer. Collapse will occur within weeks.
Rural areas will be fighting to keep crats cooped up in cities.”
‘Fraid that’s the old school theory of civil war I cautioned against.
Govt now has the capability to isolate people from society, determining what is permissible to buy, visit, build, sustain. Admittedly, that capability is in infant stage, but things change faster than imagined. Any armed resistance to being isolated can be met with sufficient kinetic power needed to render the resisters non-functional.
No bank account
No cash currency or coinage
No permission to use a credit card to purchase things
No electricity, gas, or solar energy permitted to those identified as un-people.
No commercial travel; no private travel.
No renewal of licenses necessary to avail whatever service requested.
No job or investments/savings permitted.
No healthcare/ access to medical treatments.
Suspension of mortgages (called due), or non-renewal of rental agreements.
Dangerous people (patriots) taxed at exorbitant rates.
Zoning changes resulting in making abodes and even sections of neighborhoods uninhabitable (with no alternatives).
Govt has more tentacle into private lives than one can sever, and remain a “free” person.
All this power to disrupt and marginalize means no bayonets along the barricades. And this coupled with the fact that “the people” are woefully less organized against tyranny than the founding generation.
No, old style warfare won’t be happening; maybe a few recalcitrants spotted here and there, but mass invasions of neighbor hoods for purpose of confiscating firearms will not be necessary.
We have to figure out how to wage war in the 21st century.
All of those non kinetic things you list still have to be done through threat of force. It still will be kinetic in some form. It won’t be a siege alone but it needs to be quick.
“All of those non kinetic things you list still have to be done through threat of force.”
Yes, as with any formal law. However…..
Being denied access to services will be done largely through private businesses. When the bank enforces your isolation, and your employer, or retirement fund can bar you from employment, or access to your funds. It is highly unlikely isolated people will launch kinetic assaults in attempt to access/restore services.
Waiting for the breach of the front door is a distraction from what is actually planned for for “insurrectionists”.
Banks and private companies are doing the bidding of the government under threat of force.
Unless there was no one to actually force them to do so…
Me and mine woyld be just fine. A country boy can survive.
“Me and mine woyld be just fine. A country boy can survive.”
That would be a good thing.
Have you heard this, somewhere along the line: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8CSwGC2Q3A
Exactly!! It’s already happening now where public critics with followers deemed by the gov as dangerous are being cut off from financial services by PRIVATE banks. Didn’t Trudeau freeze the bank accounts of the leaders of the truckers protest in Canada?!?!?
‘Defending Tyranny: Addressing the Danger of Armed Insurrection,’
There I fixed it.
400 million firearms owned by 80-100 million Americans. 9-10 trillion rounds of ammunition supporting those firearms. A Civil Rights granted at birth by our Creator. Long Live the Republic.
So says the sex change university. DISGUSTING FREAKS !!!
dacian the demented,
Posting absolute male bovine excrement twice does not alter the fact that it is absolute male bovine excrement. NONE of the things you are claiming are demonstrated by actual evidence. In fact, NOT ONE of the people arrested in the Capital were in possession of a firearm – NOT ONE. The allegation about the Proud Boys’ “cache of firearms and ammunition” has not, to date, been presented in ANY COURT (including in the trials of the two people convicted).
Y U always B lyin’, dacian???
“The War Between the States was not a civil war. A civil war consists of two (or possibly more) factions fighting to control and enforce power on the other and the territory.”
A Civil War consists of two….factions (North and South) fighting to control and enforce power on the other (North). Both factions factions of the same nation. Civil War is not necessarily defined by which faction initiates its.
Note: “The South” fired on the US govt, first.
Civil War is essentially defined as a war contained within a single nation, rather than a war between nations.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
LOL And the Civil War was a war between 2 nations?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Now there’s a a masterful job of misdirection!
“LOL You can sit back, bitter about the country and resigned that the neo Marxists have won, but I’m not interested in going there!”
Not bitter about the country; history is history. Besides, I read the back of the book, and know how this all turns out; no need to be rankled about the temporary condition of the nation, and the world. Evil never rests, and is pretty much victorious everywhere, until it isn’t.
Good, then it sounds like you haven’t given up!
There is no preventing a second civil war.
It doesn’t matter who the president is or supposedly is, Trump can not prevent it, but only delay it. He can push it to a later day, but it IS coming. Nothing can stop it.
Naaaa the war is ongoing now and it’s all cultural, political, and social.
Along time ago me n Grandma was going through one of her keepsake trunks, she opened up a box full of money, I said, “Grandma we are rich.” She said ” Oh it ain’t nothing, its Confederate money.”
Wow was she wrong, my cousin got all that sht cause he was the son of the favorite son. Pisses me of cause he never done nothing for the Grandparents, I was fixing fence, feeding pigs, looking for greens with grandma, cleaning chickens, helping with the farm, picking corn and tators, hunting, fishing, setting traps, ,,,,,? Yah know, cousin can have that money, “It ain’t worth nothing”
It could have been worse — she could have left you American money. Now that’s worthless.
LOL Good One!
What a surprise, a study sponsored and funded by gun control groups, and conducted in the Bloomberg School funded by the biggest gun-control billionaire propagandist in America, came to the foreordained conclusion that their billionaire sponsors wanted!
@Chukk Voodoo
“Banks and private companies are doing the bidding of the government under threat of force.”
“Woke-ness” could explain cooperation with the feds. Or, maybe just trying to curry favor in hopes the feds will go easy on them regards regulations and taxes.
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