If you actually knew Joe Biden before he took the nation’s highest office, you would know he was the most antigun American ever to serve as President of the United States.
I first met Biden while I was working as an investigative reporter for a Delaware newspaper, several years before he became our Commander-in-Chief. I wasn’t impressed. Even during our brief meetings, I recognized he had some serious issues. Biden had problems simply making conversation.
Back then, my newspaper didn’t cover Biden much, other than by running press releases from his office, which were written by his loyal staffers. Any in-depth coverage was nonexistent. None of my investigations focused on Biden or his family.
Thankfully, things changed years later. I started writing for the Second Amendment Foundation about three months after Biden became president. Our founder and executive vice president, Alan M. Gottlieb, welcomed any story that explained Biden’s antigun antics, as long as it was accurate and fair.
Recognizing Biden’s Mental Health Decline
One of the first stories was titled “It’s time to talk about the President’s mental health.”
The story outed Biden’s crippling mental health issues. It was published in June 2021, years before the mainstream media—which is only now starting to discuss the president’s mental health challenges and multiple foibles—had a clue.
“The President had trouble simply reading from the teleprompter. He slurred his words, which is extremely alarming. Every single time he tried to speak extemporaneously without the prompter, he couldn’t complete a single sentence—not a one,” we wrote in 2021.
The column contained issues that needed to be made public.
“My concern is for the country, not any particular president. If I am wrong about all of this, if Joe undergoes cognitive testing as he has promised and aces the tests, no one will be happier than me. However, if I am right, the country is headed into uncharted waters with a shell of a man at the helm.”
Around the same time, we introduced readers to Biden’s unique way of dealing with the country’s then-60,000 Federal Firearm Licensees, or FFLs—better known as gun dealers. He ordered ATF to put them out of business—as many as possible for the most minor reasons.
“If you’re scratching your head in confusion wondering why the Biden/Harris administration would target FFLs—arguably one of the most heavily regulated federal license holders—you’re certainly not alone. Everyone in the firearms industry knows full well there are—maybe—a dozen or so “rogue gun dealers” out of approximately 60,000 FFLs in the entire country,” we wrote.
Months later, we showed the damage this produced, when we pointed out how Biden ignored the real cause of violent crime.
“What Biden left out of his speech is also telling. He never once mentioned gangs or gangsters—the root cause of violent crime in every major city whose mayor Biden now wants to prop up. In Chicago alone there are more than 100,000 gang members. I’m sure each owns more than a few stolen firearms, so guns aren’t the problem. Gangsters are—as evidenced by the fact there were 54 people shot in the city last weekend.”
Promoting Fake Data
In July 2021, we told readers about the Gun Violence Archive, a loose association of anti-gunners whose fake mass-shooting data was frequently cited by Biden and other White House staff. For example, the Gun Violence Archive claimed there were 382 mass shootings in 2016, but the FBI said there 20.
One story, “Special Report: The Gun Violence Archive and its scaring of America,” showed how the Biden-Harris Administration cited this made-up data, which they continued to do for years.
In August 2021, we introduced Susan Rice to readers, as Biden’s secret puppet-master in his war on guns.
“The President of the United States has become a puppet, who has to be led—sometimes by the hand—to waiting news cameras, where he stumbles through speeches that someone else has obviously written. So, who is pulling Biden’s strings?” we asked in the story. “In my humble opinion, in the Biden-Harris Administration’s war against our guns, former Obama national security advisor and UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, who now serves as Biden’s domestic policy advisor, is clearly calling the shots. Rice has a staunch anti-gun pedigree, coupled with direct access to Biden—and Obama—and the means, ability and desire to orchestrate the war against our God-given, constitutional rights.”

Rice’s anti-gun history is well documented. She once signed a letter calling “gun violence” a national security threat. The letter called on officials to “ban assault weapons, mandate background checks and waiting periods, and raise the minimum age to purchase guns.”
In September 2021, we fact-checked USA Today’s factchecker, Daniel Funks, for going soft on Biden, who actually checked his wristwatch as casualties were deplaned at the Dover, Delaware, Air Force Base.
“Biden did appear to check his watch during his visit to Dover Air Force Base. But he did so after the dignified transfer ceremony was over. Footage leading up to the moment shows Biden with his hand over his heart for about 30 seconds as vans carry the service members’ remains off the tarmac. After the vans had left, Biden closes his eyes briefly before dropping his arms and glancing down at his watch,” Funke wrote.
“The families of the 13 slain service members, conservative writers and thousands of folks who watched the video with their own eyes exploded in anger over Funke’s bogus, politically motivated claims,” we wrote.
The Attack on America’s Lawful Gun Dealers
In March 2022, we showed how Biden had quickly and quietly “unleashed hell on American gun dealers.”
“As the NRA first noted, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has started revoking licenses of gun dealers for the most minor of paperwork errors—errors that never led to license revocations until Biden took office,” we wrote. “The move was intended to bolster Biden’s politically motivated stratagem, which he first announced June 23, 2021, that ‘rogue’ gun dealers are responsible for skyrocketing crime rates in large cities that historically have been controlled by Democrats. The ‘epidemic of gun violence’ wasn’t caused by weak prosecutors who refuse to hold criminals accountable, or gangs or underfunded police departments or by any combination thereof, Biden claimed. It was all the fault of ‘rogue gun dealers.’”
Just two months later, ATF’s revocations of FFLs had increased by 500 percent.
In April 2022, we documented how Biden created the largest and most heavily armed terrorist army the world has ever seen.
“Among the $80 billion worth of high-tech weaponry Joe Biden gifted to the Taliban after his inept and deadly Afghanistan withdraw were 176 artillery pieces, 64,363 belt-fed machine guns, 126,295 handguns and of course 358,530 select-fire assault weapons — real assault weapons. Most of the assault rifles were equipped with high-end optics. Many had IR lasers, which aren’t much good without night-vision gear. However, Biden left behind 16,035 sets of NVGs. The small arms were accompanied by 23,132 armored vehicles, both tracked and wheeled, 8,000 cargo trucks, 42,000 pickups and SUVs, 109 helos and 65 fixed-wing aircraft, including four C-130s,” we wrote.
In October 2022, we documented part of the ATF’s war against a gun dealer, Ira Levin who has owned and operated Legend Firearms in Monroe, New Jersey since 2009. His crimes? A few customers wrote “USA” on the 4473 because they mistakenly thought the form asked for their country rather than their county. Levin’s staff did not catch the errors.
“Levin believed ATF would issue a warning or impose a small fine for the paperwork errors, until he received a letter stating that the ATF intended to revoke his license. The revocation letter was signed by John Curtis, an industry operations director at ATF’s New York City Field Office,” we wrote.
Unlike hundreds of other gun dealers, Levin would win the case months later.
In April 2023, we continued covering Biden’s loss of proper brain functioning, such as his use of cheat sheets complete with photos.
“At a joint press conference with the President of South Korea, A New York Post photographer with a long lens captured a photo of a cheat sheet in Biden’s hands. It wasn’t a typical Biden cheat sheet, which normally tell him what to say when he walks into a room, whom to mention, where to sit and which reporters to call on. This cheat sheet had the name and picture of Los Angeles Times reporter Courtney Subramanian. It also had the question she planned to ask, which raises even more questions about Biden’s fitness for office. He called on Subramanian first but didn’t even try to pronounce her last name,” we wrote.
One month later, in May 2023, we caught Biden using fake mass-shooting date from the Gun Violence Archive, in a column he had allegedly written himself.
“Most of Joe’s opus we’ve heard many times before. AR-15s are bad, so is anyone who owns one. Red flag laws and universal background checks will save the world. Congress needs to do more by banning ‘assault weapons’ and standard-capacity magazines, and of course his ubiquitous: ‘For God’s sake, do something.’ But then there’s this: ‘We need to do more. In the year after the Buffalo tragedy, our country has experienced more than 650 mass shootings and well over 40,000 deaths due to gun violence, according to one analysis.’”
The hyperlink, of course, took readers to the Gun Violence Archive’s main page.
Blatant LIes
In June 2023, we counted the number of lies Biden had made about guns or the Second Amendment since he was elected: “Analysis: Joe Biden has lied about guns 304 times.”
“Biden has lied about guns 304 times at more than 65 public events since taking office, according to an analysis of official White House transcripts by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. In fact, Biden lies nearly every single time he mentions firearms, gun rights or the Second Amendment.”
In July 2023, we showed how for Biden’s ATF, homebased gun dealers became low-hanging fruit.
“Before Joe Biden declared war on gun dealers, ATF inspectors used a five-percent rule. If less than five percent of a gun dealer’s paperwork contained errors, the ATF would take minor corrective action, usually a warning letter or a warning conference. If more than five percent of the transactions contained errors, sanctions could be more severe. But after Biden weaponized the agency, anything goes. Even a minor clerical error is now viewed as a ‘willful’ violation of ATF rules, and the dealer’s Federal Firearm License is in jeopardy,” we wrote.
In February 2024, we published one of our most important stories: “How Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention is directing the war on guns.”
“When the office was unveiled in September 2023, President Joe Biden said it would, ‘centralize, accelerate, and intensify our work to save more lives more quickly. That’s what it was designed to do. It will drive and coordinate a government and nationwide effort to reduce gun violence.’ The office wields tremendous power but operates in secrecy, without oversight. It has no website. Its budget has never been made public. Its staffing levels are not known. Only three actual members have ever been identified — the director and two deputy directors. All three are radical anti-gun zealots. One has a long association with former President Barack Obama.”
Neither Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris, who actually oversees the office—at least officially—has ever clearly said what the office is supposed to do, other than “reduce gun violence” and “build on historic actions taken by President Biden to end gun violence.”
A Legacy of Attacks on American Gun Owners
Biden’s historic actions included calls for red flag laws; universal background checks, which would open the door to firearm registration; banning popular semi-automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines; revoking licenses of gun dealers for minor clerical errors; and pushing Congress to pass laws that would force gun owners to comply with firearm storage regulations, which would likely be followed by mandatory home inspections to insure compliance.
Our coverage has included multiple stories about the criminal charges President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, once faced, which Joe recently whisked away through a massive pardon.
This issue should serve as the heart of any Biden story. No matter what they do, no matter how serious the offense, no Biden will ever see the inside of a jail.
That, unfortunately, is Joe Biden’s real legacy.
This story is courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support the project.
Worst President in American history. Possibly worst leader of all time, if not, at least in the top 10.
I half expected him to end his speech by announcing his resignation, effective immediately, so Kamalamadingdong would have four days to scribble out his and Jill’s retroactive-to-birth blanket pardon. Maybe he reconsidered doing that in light of their snubbing of the Vee Pee and Second Man-Lady at Jimmy’s funeral.
To celebrate the end of Jim Crow Gun Control joe biden I made Tuesday .308 Day and what a good day it was. Nothing like target shooting an AR-308 on a perfect day in the woods surrounded by peace and tranqulity. No adjustable gas block crap just a tuned rifle that guarantees the next round is in the tube. And thanks to certain blowbags on this forum I won’t be sharing my receipe for buildiing such a rifle.
What we know about joe biden is bad enough so it is a safe to say what we don’t know is much worse. Make no mistake about it joe biden and his democRat ilk were turds in the punch bowl and America can be thankful all of it doesn’t look like Los Angeles.
The Bidens wouldn’t want to give Kamala the satisfaction of being the first female president. There seems to be some real animosity there. Jill chose to wear red on election day for a reason. Then Jill later publicly dissed Kamala.
I doubt 4 days, 4 weeks, 4 months, or even 4 YEARS would be enough for Kamala Harris to write anything intelligent.
So that would be the reason Biden would resign. Remember, he effs up everything he touches. I’m sorry that America (or parts thereof) kept electing that lousy b@stard to office for the last 51 years. We should be ashamed.
well, trunk is literally “hiltah! (sic) so… but otherwise, u.s., yeah. world leader? c’mon. trudeau was worse, and he’s doris day compared to a bonerfied abbatoir diktater.
He may have been the worst president in history but I enjoyed watching 4 years of The Biden Harris Comedy Show.
The guy was better then Benny Hill.
His skit of the black kids rubbing his blond hairy legs was a good one.
Cackling Kamala in the background.
Good stuff.
God save the Queen, man
Biden was president in name only.
He’s a worldwide joke. The fools that supported a senile puppet are even more of a joke.
Biden Exits Office Promoting The Big Tech Censorship That Got Him Elected.
“Joe Biden is ending his disastrous presidency the way he started it: by promoting the mass censorship of Americans’ free speech.
h ttps://thefederalist.com/2025/01/15/biden-exits-office-promoting-the-big-tech-censorship-that-got-him-elected/
In Farewell Address, As In His Presidency, Everyone Just Wants Joe Biden To Stop Talking.
h ttps://thefederalist.com/2025/01/15/in-farewell-address-as-in-his-presidency-everyone-just-wants-joe-biden-to-stop-talking/
Right to the End, Biden Makes False Claims About Crime.
“…[Biden]… declared that his policies were responsible for ‘bringing violent crime to a 50-year low.’ That is a bizarre claim that shouldn’t go unchallenged. But no matter how you measure crime, crime has not been at the lowest rate in the last 50 years.
During the Biden administration, the NCVS shows total violent crime (rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) has soared by 55%, with a 42% increase in rapes, a 63% increase in robbery, and a 55% increase in aggravated assaults. These are historically large percentage increases in violent crime. The increases shown by the NCVS during the Biden-Harris administration are by far the largest percentage increases over any three years, slightly more than doubling the previous record.
The FBI’s data on reported crime showed a 6.6 percentage point drop during Biden’s first year, but there was a slight total net increase over the next two years (rising by 4.5 percentage points in 2022 and falling by 3.5 percentage points in 2023). Biden wants to claim the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is responsible for the drop in violent crime, though he didn’t sign the bill into law until 2022, and it is hard to see what he could have done to drop crime in 2021.
In any case, even using the FBI’s measure of reported violent crime, the violent crime rate was not only higher than 2021, but there were other previous recent years where it was lower, such as 2014.
h ttps://townhall.com/columnists/johnrlottjr/2025/01/16/right-to-the-end-biden-makes-false-claims-about-crime-n2650633
Diversity Dysfunction: John Gentry Exposes The DEIA Foundations Of Government Weaponization.
h ttps://townhall.com/columnists/johnnantz/2025/01/16/diversity-dysfunction-john-gentry-exposes-the-deia-foundations-of-government-weaponization-n2650625
Expect More Disasters From Democrats Who Replace Competence With DEI Credentials.
h ttps://thefederalist.com/2025/01/16/expect-more-disasters-from-democrats-who-replace-competence-with-dei-credentials/
Democrats Love Censorship Because They Know They’d Lose Without It.
h ttps://thefederalist.com/2025/01/16/democrats-love-censorship-because-they-know-theyd-lose-without-it/
WINNING: FBI Shuts Down DEI Office Before Trump’s Inauguration.
h ttps://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2025/01/16/fbi-shuts-down-dei-office-before-trump-takes-office-n4936065
Biden’s Bizarro World of Foreign Policy ‘Achievements’.
h ttps://pjmedia.com/victor-davis-hanson/2025/01/17/bidens-bizarro-world-of-foreign-policy-achievements-n4936071
Biden’s $42 Billion Broadband DEI Boondoggle.
h ttps://pjmedia.com/rick-moran/2025/01/16/bidens-42-billion-broadband-boondoggle-n4936044
Here We Go Again: Deep State Shadow Coup II.
h ttps://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2025/01/15/here-we-go-again-deep-state-shadow-coup-ii-n4935998
“BREAKING VIDEO: Top Pentagon Advisor Reveals On Hidden Camera Conversation ‘with a Couple of Retired Generals to Explore What We Can Do’ to ‘Protect People from Trump’” > h ttps://x.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1879322136944239093?mx=2
“The Biden White House has also worked hard at reorganizing the federal bureaucracy in key departments to continue imposing the same policies voters just rejected. The Daily Mail report claimed that Biden ‘has updated the order of succession at several federal agencies, rearranging the reporting order to ensure officials friendly to his policies are in charge while Trump gets his Cabinet nominees confirmed.’ ”
“One of the many agencies where Biden reordered things is the Department of Justice,” including ‘an executive order putting the U.S. Attorney for the District of New York in charge once Attorney General Merrick Garland and his lieutenants resign on Inauguration Day.’ “
Now More Than Ever, Congressional Democrats Are Criminally Unserious People.
When they weren’t alternately leg-humping and beating the J6 dead horse, they were blathering on about what Trump might do with the Dept. of Justice, and whether Bondi would help him. They are terrified that a Trump/Bondi DOJ might behave precisely like the Biden/Garland goon squad has. There were repeated assertions that the DOJ has been free from political partisanship for the past four years. These people don’t need staffers and interns, they need fulltime supervision by mental healthcare professionals.
h ttps://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2025/01/15/now-more-than-ever-congressional-democrats-are-criminally-unserious-people-n4936009
Democrats Vote Against Deportation of Illegals Convicted for Violent Crimes Against Women, Children.
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/jeff-charles/2025/01/16/democrats-vote-against-preventing-violence-against-women-by-illegal-aliens-act-n2650663
Let’s all hope he doesn’t fill in that swamp with a landfill. He has already snubbed Herrera and is considering Larry Keane on his short list. Remember, the gun industry’s interests and ours don’t necessarily align.
By “he”, I’m talking about Trump
Freedom, the choice to vote for the lesser of two evils.
I expect no miracles from Saint Trump.
You’re acting as if Trump is only a slightly better choice than Kamala. Is the doom and gloom a habit at this point?
No, the doom and gloom is in his DNA.
uh whatever you say
I had presumed gloom and doom was more a product of environment then genetics, derp derp, dumb ole me huh.
Hey man, turn that frown upside down. You’ll feel better. The miracle already happened. Trump survived everything they threw at him. Then over half of the country rejected Democrats. If Trump is like them, then why did they lose their minds over the thought of him coming back?
good job pointing out the overreach and foibles of twelve of the last 16yrs. but attributing any of this to the stair falling stumbling marionette is silly. it is his legacy, but he had little to do with it (cough jarret, gibbs cough).
Obama hired Jeh Johnson to make Susan Rice look smart.
But those socio-political unenlightened “other folks” didn’t see the Shining Path of The Great Leader’s grand vision. Next time they’ll not only double-down, they’ll triple and quadruple-down in their efforts.
(due to Austin, Texas gun retailer Michael Cargill lawsuit against the ATF) ATF Reverses ‘Zero Tolerance’ Enforcement Policy That Shut Down Hundreds of FFLs Nationwide.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) under President Biden has reversed a policy that required inspectors to revoke the federal firearms license (“FFL”) of American gun stores over simple paperwork errors and other non-willful violations of the Gun Control Act.
The new enforcement guidance reinstates the decades-long understanding that an honest mistake – like writing ‘USA’ in the field for ‘county’ on a background check form – is not a willful violation of federal law. ‘For purposes of the regulatory provisions of the GCA, the terms ‘willful’ and ‘willfulness’ mean a purposeful disregard of, a plain indifference to, or a reckless disregard of a known legal obligation. Willfulness requires fact specific application of law,” says the new guidance.
Crucially, it also adds that ‘Not every repeat violation is per se willful. A single, or even a few, inadvertent errors in failing to complete forms may not amount to ‘willful’ failures even where the legal requirement to complete the forms was known.
h ttps://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/atf/atf-reverses-zero-tolerance-enforcement-policy-that-shut-down-hundreds-of-ffls-nationwide/
(note: this ATF weaponization was part of the Biden plan)
This Gun Store Owner Just Forced the ATF to Reverse an Anti-Gun ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy.
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/jeff-charles/2025/01/16/atf-reverses-anti-gun-zero-tolerance-policy-after-lawsuit-n2650656
Anyone noticed the antifa members have gone dark? Are they planning on “fireworks” for inauguration day?
The Biden regime lost the rebellion. The funding ran out and like the true Patriots they are, no money no incentive.
I’m sure the high estrogen low testosterone male members of ANTIFA have planned something – but probably don’t have the guts to carry it out. They were whining about it a few weeks back trying to drum up support. And across the country in various cities some elements of ANTIFA have said they are ‘ready’ (for what I don’t know), and some other ANTIFA elements have said they are ready if certain things happen they broadly term as ‘injustices’ and ‘fascism’.
But who really knows what those escapees from toon town will or will not do.
Reportedly, there will be (a ‘force of’ collectively) ~25,000 fully armed law enforcement and military in and around the inauguration area and DC. So lets see if the ANTIFA minions show up.
Momentum isn’t on their side. The Dems can’t protest too much because that would be a “threat to democracy.” They’ve boxed themselves in. This is the first time they didn’t attempt to block the Republican presidential winner in Congress since 1988. I still expect to see some festivities in Portland, Seattle, and DC.
All I know is with all of his EO’s. prison releases, wars and everything else, Mr. President Joseph Robinette Biden is leaving Trump one hell of a mess.
Makes the January 6th protest look like a church social.
Paybacks a bitch, nobody fcks with a Biden. Rome is burning
Right Joe?
(Yep, Joe is leaving a big steaming pile of mess behind…) It’s Time to Excise the Cancer.
Biden came into office promising — and then delivering — a spending and regulatory spree that made Barack ‘Mr. Stimulus and Obamacare’ Obama look as parsimonious as John Adams. Well, according to the latest figures, Biden’s chickens are coming home just in time to roost on Donald Trump’s watch.
On Biden’s watch — at Biden’s insistence, really — Washington’s finances and the country’s economic health are both in collapse.
(in article link below but will link here too – h ttps://x.com/RealEJAntoni/status/1879338424693637350?mx=2
h ttps://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2025/01/16/lets-talk-about-those-seeds-biden-planted-n4936042
Biden and the Dems hate the average American citizen.
Like many of you, I grew up in a family where when the price of gasoline went up, it was a conversation at the breakfast table — for real!
I learned my values at the dinner table in Scranton. I used to drive a truck. I swear to God. It’s a long story. Anyway… Where do I go?
A “feel good story”.
h ttps://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2025/01/16/alleged-intruder-with-life-threatening-injuries-after-homeowner-opens-fire/
Keep firing, rounds aren’t that expensive.