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Designing a holster for a suppressed pistol presents all sorts of challenges. The biggest one, of course, is accommodating that honkin’ can sticking off the front of the gun. It’s the large diameter of the silencer, really, rather than the length of it that makes it hard for a holster to allow the silencer to pass through while also managing to hold the skinnier pistol behind it.
HUSH Holsters has come up with a great solution! Meet the HUSH Holster.
How do you accommodate basically every type of suppressor out there? Go topless!
In the style of many competition holsters, the HUSH Holster is totally open on top. The suppressor doesn’t have to pass through it and isn’t held inside of it, and therefore the HUSH is suppressor agnostic.
In fact, it’s also pistol agnostic!
The unique design of the HUSH Holster locks to the weapon light, not the weapon. HUSH Holsters, therefore, are specific to the flashlight model rather than the firearm model or suppressor model. Holster models for Streamlight, Surefire, and Holosun lights are available.
I dropped a bunch of different pistols into the HUSH and they all worked great except for weird ones with low accessory rails like my Hudson H9 and FK BRNO PSD. They locked in fine, of course, but because of the low rail the pistol was held up too high out of the holster and the trigger guard opening was partially/mostly exposed.
Guide rails inside of the holster align, secure, hold, and the lock the flashlight in place. All that’s needed to holster up is to insert the gun into the HUSH. Just slot it on down in there and it clicks in place with an audible snap.
A large thumb paddle on the left must be depressed in order to release the HUSH’s lock on the weapon light. It’s in just the right spot for a natural motion during the draw stroke.
Inside the holster there’s a latch that locks the light in place and prevents the weapon from being drawn or from lifting out of the holster due to gravity or motion or whatever else. This flange moves downward when the thumb lever is pressed.
It’s easily replaced should you wear the thing out, but keep in mind that most of the physical work that the holster is doing to hold the firearm securely inside is accomplished by the grooves and flanges that the flashlight slides down into. The latch’s only function is to keep the gun from sliding rearward out of the holster.
The muzzle end of the flashlight butts up nicely against the inside, front wall of the HUSH Holster. There’s even a hole in the holster there so you’ll know if your flashlight was accidentally left on or switched on when you holstered your pistol.
An adjustable belt slide mount is solidly affixed to the side of the HUSH. Inserts are included if you’re running a skinnier belt than what the large slots in the belt adapter are able to fit.
HUSH Holster’s models are available in both right- and left-handed flavors.
Worked great with an FN Rush 9Ti.
Worked great with a PWS BDE 9mm.
Worked great with an AB Suppressor F4.
If you’re a SilencerCo Osprey kinda guy, HUSH even has a slightly modified version to work even better with that offset silencer design.
I’ve worn the HUSH around my house and shop with a few different pistols. This is most definitely an open carry sort of scenario. If you’re using the HUSH Holster you’re presumably carrying a duty-sized or full-sized gun, with weapon mounted light, with suppressor, with retention holster. You ain’t concealing that.
In the right scenario, though, it’s freakin’ great to be able to carry a big ol’ setup like this. Whether you’re on your ranch or in your house or at you place of work, the HUSH Holster lets you carry a dang capable, hearing-safe rig.
Downsides to the HUSH Holster really only come with it being a small, young company. This means that the price point is a bit higher than you’d find in a mass-produced part from a big brand, and instead of being injection molded, the HUSH is 3D printed. It’s available in carbon fiber infused nylon 6 material as well as in MJF.
Today’s production-quality MJF printing is indistinguishable to most folks from an injection molded part, and it’s just as strong. The carbon fiber infused nylon 6, which is what my holster seen here is made from, is more obviously a 3D printed component upon inspection (you can visually distinguish the layered construction).
In either case (but especially in MJF’s case) it’s plenty strong. I think eventually the latch in the nylon 6 version will wear down, but it’s easily swapped out. My only real gripe with the nylon 6 one that I tested is that it has the general look and feel of a 3D printed part, which isn’t my favorite thing. Much better than something you’d be able to do at home — the HUSH is made on an industrial machine — but to me it still just has more the look of a late stage prototype rather than something I’ve purchased retail.
In my opinion, if the HUSH Holster appeals to you then I’d spring for the $149 MJF version instead of the $99 nylon 6 version. Cry once, buy once and all that jazz. If you can put this sort of carry rig to use then I believe the nicer material will be worth it.
Ratings (out of five stars):
Functionality * * * *
It works great! I love the simple retention system and the thumb paddle release. The design for securing the weapon mounted light into the channel/flanges is sweet, and it’s really cool that I can carry a bunch of different pistols and suppressors in the same holster just by using the same flashlight.
Quality * *
I’m just not a fan of this style of 3D printed parts. While it’s perfectly fine functionally, I don’t like that it looks and feels like a good prototype rather than a legit, production unit. Based on my experience with MJF and my knowledge of the machine that makes HUSH Holster’s MJF versions, however, if my HUSH Holster were that version, it would be in the 3- to 4-star realm in this category.
Overall * * * 1/2
The HUSH Holster is hurt here by the fact that they’re a small company making a rather niche product, so their price point is a little high given that their volume is low. That’s understandable. But still. Also, the materials and finish quality — to be clear, this is mostly just the aesthetics — aren’t what you’d expect from a big company with the resources to injection mold. On the flip side, HUSH Holster is also helped here by the fact that this is a relatively niche product without a lot of competition. It’s very cool, it works well, and it provides a carry option that’s difficult to achieve otherwise! For that reason, if you see me in my shop there’s a good chance you’ll see me carrying a suppressed pistol in my HUSH Holster.
Where To Buy

Thumb paddle release looks too exposed, looks too easy to activate if something hits it or someone tries a grab from the rear or front. So this would be mostly a ‘range only’ thing for me as I would not use it in general public open carry. Although a kinda neat idea and at least someone is thinking about holsters instead of following what seems to be a ‘cookie cutter template’ the holster industry seems to be stuck in. it would not be something I’d be interested in.
(and no, don’t I don’t want to hear that ‘no one ever tries to grab a gun’ or the ‘its so rare that someone would try to grab your gun’ BS as I’ve had an attempted grab for my gun while open carrying and its happened to others and it only takes one successful time and you lose a gun or you get shot with it by the guy that grabbed it.)
Colion Noir has a couple videos on open carry with video of attempted gun snatches.
This brings to mind the P320 article and all the comments about how flashlight holsters let clothing or other foreign objects inside the trigger guard.
I would be more comfortable with a pistol-specific holster.
Now if they would just make a quality in in a shoulder holster model…..
Would make a better carry than a hip model when trying to sit down in a chair.
Nice tho
This looks like a better solution than the discontinued Surefire Masterfire Rapid Deploy, which required an even more expensive version of their lights or lasers. The Masterfire could also turn the light on for you, for $500-1000 for the system. There were also complaints thst it didn’t hold securely enough.
They both let you run an optic. Maybe they’ll support more than 2 lights in the future or a locking block, like the Omnivore.
I bought a Gladius holster for 1911 framed pistols with extended barrels (I have an SR1911 & a .22 conversion w/ a full length slide rail) and it has a top-out function.
Very well sorted for a kydex production, but they are host specific, and there aren’t a huge selection of host pistol variation produced.
The holsters mount using Safari quick-mounts to the pistol belt.
All & all , Nice stuff though. Priced accordingly.
I have a Safariland 578 GLS holster, which is an open-ended model for long slide Glocks. My Glock 26 with a Dead Air Odessa attached fits great and the 1.1″ Odessa passes through the end easily. Since that setup requires a very long vertical drawstroke to clear the holster, I attached a Safariland CUBL Low Ride to drop the holster several inches below my belt line. It’s my bump in the night, don’t go deaf if I have to shoot inside rig.
Interesting concept but MAN that’s a helluva high riding holster. By the time your light clears it your draw hand will be almost to your armpit!
Nope. I’ve watched some gangster movies and they always take the suppressors out of their pockets, screw it on, and shoot the victim in the head.
I learn all my gunmfighting skills and secrets from TV.
One skill I’ve learned is to warry about one countrys wor until another country has a wor that we need to warry about more.
Haven’t heard much about the plight of the Cranes lately. I suppose the bears wandered home after they ate all the nuts and berries?
Chjew that ham ass.
hush is hurt by not responding to customers and taking money and not producing orders. no research here by the author. I’m still waiting from june for a response. a cursory look would reveal people doing charge backs because no response. I have not done that, and will wait because no other good options for a particular firearm I own. so i hope the guy gets his act together soon. very curious promotion indeed, considering hush has been silent for months
No response to comments or email! Please be careful! After waiting 4 months, I’m now demanding my money back!
Unfortunately I have also been ghosted by HUSH, and have requested a chargeback from my CC company. The site is still up and orders can be made and acknowledged (presumably automated) but ZERO responses to multiple emails. I placed the order in August and zero contact into November. I was really excited too….
I am yet another customer who has paid, emailed, left voicemails, messaged the seller through PayPal, and finally filed a claim through PayPal after several months of waiting and still no response. I’m still waiting on my refund. This dude is either a complete fraud or the worst businessman ever. I highly caution anyone against doing business with this company.
I also went online and bought a holster . It’s been close to a year and I still haven’t received it nor have I been able to make co tact . I see the website is still working and can process your payment. You would do well to not purchase anything on the hush website. The website has no contact info on it so that’s your first sign right there .
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